Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Lives Of Prison Guards By Ted Conover - 1519 Words
Introduction Journalist, Ted Conover expresses an interest in writing a book about the lives of prison guards by proposing to the New York Department of Correctional Services to interview corrections officers, but his access is denied. He then decides to immerse himself into the culture and apply for a correctional officer position. After a brief training, Conover is randomly assigned to Sing Sing as a â€Å"newjack†or a rookie, to one of the most infamous maximum security male prisons in the United States. He meets other officers with goals of becoming involved in law enforcement; ex-military looking for a demanding, disciplined and tactical position; and those who just need a steady job with dependable benefits for their families. Some of these individuals are frantic enough to commute hours on end to make a living wage. The regular routine of the prison from an officer’s point of view consists of locking and unlocking cells, moving prisoners from cells to shower s to mess halls, and physically inspecting units to ensure the health, welfare and safety of the prison as a whole. However, solidarity throughout the prison is non-existent – especially vital when officers are heavily outnumbered by criminals. Commands from officers are denied by prisoners, as well as other officers – communication is limited and teamwork by guards is nonexistent. Conover argues that his training is inadequate and could not have prepared him for the reality within prison walls. â€Å"You feel itShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Concrete Carnival, By Danner Darcleight And Ted Conover1459 Words  | 6 Pagesof prison. For many of us, the idea itself conjures images of coiled barbed wire fences, chains dragging across the ground, somber faces behind rusting bars and those bright orange jumpsuits. These visions come from a variety of sources-- movies we’ve seen, the stories that we’ve been told and our own imagination that is constantly at work. However, the reality of prison life in America can only come from those who have stepped foot inside. Through memoirs written by Danner Darcleight and Ted ConoverRead MoreAnalysis of Ted Conovers Memoir- Newjack Essay923 Words  | 4 PagesNewjack – Ted Conover Newjack is Ted Conover’s personal memoir as a correctional officer in one of New York’s famous maximum security prisons: Sing Sing. The job of a correctional officer consists of long days locking and unlocking cells, moving prisoners to and from various locations while the prisoners beg, aggravate and abuse them. After a short time at the academy and a brief period of on-the-job training, Conover found himself working, often alone and always unarmed, in galleries housingRead MoreImages Of Prison Life And Correctional Officers1932 Words  | 8 PagesWithin society there are an array of misinterpret images of prison life and correctional officers. This portrayal of them has change through time from popular media. A clear majority of popular media such as writing and film can be attributed to the one-dimensional image. These media outlets are then taken as primary sources and therefore society’s view of prison life and correctional officers. These popular media o utlets are guilty when it comes to portraying a lifestyle that seem so real, but farRead MoreAnalysis Of Ted Conover s Coyotes 1995 Words  | 8 PagesAnalysis: Ted Conover Coyotes ‘Coyotes’ (Conover. T. 1987) was written by Ted Conover and published by Random House Inc in 1987 (iDreamBooks.com), Ted Conover is an American author well known for going undercover and actively participating in his chosen field of research (newnewjournalism.com), generally staying in the role for a long period of time such as in â€Å"Newjack: Guarding Sing Sing†(Conover. T. 2000) when he went undercover as a correction officer, or ‘prison guard,’ (Conover. T. 2000) for
Monday, December 16, 2019
Lacklustre Castle Free Essays
When I entered the lacklustre castle , I came upon tangible hundreds of human skin plastered to the wall . The atmosphere was dozed of iniquity as the clock struck midnight and we planned to hunt the treasure located deep inside this isolated castle . †Hey Sam , my instincts had been telling me that this place isn’t good for us †George yelled . We will write a custom essay sample on Lacklustre Castle or any similar topic only for you Order Now †Don’t be headstrong George ! We will never endeavour such extraordinary places ,†Sam said in his chill voice . †All right , let’s begin the journey †Sam ‘s voice was tremblingWe strolled deeper into the castle and through the window . I could see that the sky was full of tumultuous and ominous black clouds that released a sudden shower . The waves rised as great mountains , anger in the form of water , unforgiving and turbulent . My senses believed that these were the first omens of the impending danger . We then walked further in and I was oblivious about the smell of the rotting meat from a corpse hidden under the cushion . We came to a halt in front of a narrow corridor and I was dumbfounded to discover photos of lovely family . Curiosity grew upon us to investigate this . Jane kindled up the candle and surprisingly found some sentences on the wall . According to her , it had said †The treasure has been my people’s desire and only a truly determined person will obtain it . However , please do not take this very lightly as you have to face the unbearable challenges . Good luck .†I think the instructions are just fooling us as according to the book , we just need to solve this knotty puzzle †Jane said confidently †Yes , I believe it is a trap †Sam saidSam , behind you !The wall just suddenly came apart and it started falling over Sam and it had smashed him completely and the blood splattered everywhere . I was shouting over the top of my lungs calling for Sam and the wall had completely blocked him and he vanished like the ships passing through the Bermuda Triangle . I knew that the chances were going slimmer . All the buildings started collapsing and Jane and I both fell to the ground and the boulders had blighted the shelter and we could feel the rough waves on us . Jane was trying to stand on the unbalanced surface but †Jane , watch it !†Sam screamed Two enormous rocks had trapped and the chances to rescue her were decreasing . I was conscious about the scorching heat from the fire that had spread like scuttling mice over the carpet . I used my endless effort to push the rocks over her but was ineffective . †Jane , just leave me and tell mum and dad that I love them so much †she muttered softlyHer words splintered inside me causing more pain than a cancer .She inhaled her last precious breathe and stopped breathing . I sank to my knees and my gasping wails had echoed the ruined castle . Raw tears started falling across my cheeks as I placed a kiss on her delicate forehead . After all these fruitful reminiscence , my beloved sister was gone from this world . I believed it is destiny that separates between us . Two fled, one survived . How to cite Lacklustre Castle, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Dj Shadow Song Analysis free essay sample
The two songs I am analyzing are by the same artist. The artist Is DC Shadow and the songs are entitled Building Steam with a Grain of Salt and Midnight In a Perfect World. These songs are from his first album Introducing.. . , which was written in 1996. Shadows music has been classified into a few different types of genres; trip- hop being the most prominent. What makes his first album so different is that it is composed entirely of samples. Shadow spent years and years digging and listening o thousands of old records to piece together his first album.He listened to each record with and open-mind; walling for something to spark creativity. In 2001 Introducing. .. Was published In the Guinness Book of World Records for being the First Completely Sampled Album. The only pieces of equipment that were used to produce this album included a 12-bit sampling drum machine and a pair of turntables. We will write a custom essay sample on Dj Shadow Song Analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I have seen Shadow perform live a handful of times. His shows take place anywhere from small night clubs, to stadium style concerts. The first song I am analyzing, Building Steam With a Grain of Salt, Is the second track on Introducing. .. . The Introduction of the song starts with a mans voice saying producing The song then jumps to a few twinkling of simple, high-octave piano notes played continuously with the plucking of a few lower octave notes to accompany it and set the rhythm of the song. There is a strong, hypnotize drum beat that enters the song. The beat is at a slower tempo. It is very similar to a hip-hop style beat. Then what sounds like a choir singing starts, which sets the mood for the est. of the song. The whole song has a smooth, calming melody.The darkened, whimsical melody of the Plano along with scratching of records, funky guitar riffs, xylophones, and scattered drum beats make up the rich texture of the song. The song, being mainly instrumental, has the constant melody of the piano, steady rhythm of the drums, and layer upon layer of sampled instruments and sound clips. All of these elements make the dynamics of the song very deep and diverse. Towards the end of the song the drum beat stops. The piano continues to play, and a sound clip of a mans voice comes In.He says And I would Like to be able to continue to let what Is Inside of me which Is, which comes from all the music that I hear. I would Like for that to come out; and its not really me thats coming, the musics coming through me. The musics coming through me. The ending of this song is really moving to me. I believe is sums up everything that Shadow is attempting to do with the rest of the album. The second song I am analyzing Is Midnight In a Perfect World. The song starts tit a man saying In-sight, fore-sight, more-sight.The clock on the wall reads a quarter past midnight. An ambient synthesizer then chimes in with a few soft chords accompanied with a female voice singing ah ooh.. . This song, which is similar to the first song I analyzed, is kept in motion by a deep hip-hop drum beat. The tempo is slow and relaxing. The songs dynamics are soft and seductive. The texture is thick with the piano, synthesizer, Jazzy guitar riffs, and a ghost-like voice. The song builds up slowly, but never reaches a crescendo.Instead, Shadow ends the This song is so moving to me. In hind-sight, I started to realize the significance of some of the lyrics. The last verse being Now approaching midnight Means that midnight in a perfect world can never been fully reached. Youre always going to be digging. The entire album seems to have a common theme: mortality. Many of the samples used in Introducing Were from dead or lost artists. Shadow brings them back to life by arranging them in to this innovative, modern-day masterpiece.The samples for the album are taken from forgotten horror-film scores, long-dead jazz records, and ancient funk; all set in motion with a deep hip-hop beat. I think Shadow is different from other Ads because his music showcases these tracks and puts new light on an otherwise forgotten piece of music. I identify with his music because of my love for all music, art, and talent. This album was built entirely out of the love for music. It was made to preserve those artists who otherwise would not get the acknowledgement that they deserve.I think this album shows that there is talent in sampling music. Many people view sampling as theft. Shadows work buries that argument. Music is art, and art is an expression. Shadows technique to express his love and respect for all artists may not have been done in the conventional way, with instruments and written lyrics; but instead with years of digging through forgotten music to find and share with others these musical treasures. These treasures being the artists that paved the way for the music we know and love today.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Othello Essays (465 words) - Othello, English-language Films
Othello By William Shakespeare In all of Shakespeare's great novels there are many experiences, tragic or otherwise that one can learn from. Shakespeare's novel Othello is not an exception this rule. Throughout Othello there are many examples of mistakes made by the characters that a reader can learn from. Learning from the flaws of others is one way that one can learn form Shakespeare's Othello. In the novel Othello there are many of these flaws throughout the story. There are many ways one can learn from the novel Othello. The major theme throughout Othello is that a man named Othello has made the mistake of letting his emotions get in the way of his reasoning. In the novel the main character Othello is a intelligent, well educated, worldly man that should not have let his emotions get the best of him. This is one example of a learning experience that is brought up in Othello that illustrates how one should not let emotions overpower reasoning. The theme throughout Othello seems to be that the wise Othello has let his emotions get the best of him. A character named Iago has stirred up Othello's emotions. Iago was shown throughout the novel telling Othello lies about his wife and friends. Othello started to see this as the truth. Othello was seemingly brain washed by Iago, into believing that his wife was unfaithful and his friends had betrayed him. This is another example of a learning experience that was brought forth in the novel Othello. The tragic flaw that Othello possessed was the combination of these two flaws. This is what Shakespeare seems to express as the most important moral experience that occurred in Othello. The combination of emotions such as jealousy and distrust made Othello make harsh decisions based purely on emotion. These emotions were brought on by the character Iago forcing his lies on to Othello. Shakespeare shows through these experience not just Othello's flaws but one of mans own tragic flaws. Another less major flaw that was Shakespeare brought forward in his novel Othello was the issue of rushing into things. Othello and Desdemona rushing into marriage illustrate this. This again is an example of emotion. The act of eloping seems to be done when the two are in the heat of passion. Again Othello has let his emotions get the best of him. In Shakespeare's Othello, there are many examples of mistakes made because of raw emotions. Othello has many faults that are shown throughout the course of the novel. Although Othello seems to have many of these faults his major fault is that he lets his emotions get the best of him. Shakespeare explores the way that emotions get the best of people in his play. The major learning experienced throughout the play is that one must control ones emotions. Shakespeare shows that even a seemingly great man such as Othello can let emotions dictate what he is going to do. This is what one can learn from Othello.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Catcher In The Rye Holdens Breakdown essays
Catcher In The Rye Holdens Breakdown essays Holdens Breakdown Its not the last straw which broke the camels back. In J.D. Salangers, Catcher in the Rye, the protagonist, Holden Caulfield, has many mental breakdowns. Though it may not have been one solitary event that pushed him off the edge, the one thing that started the whole ordeal was his brother Allies death. Hes dead now. He got leukemia and died when we were up in Maine, on July 18, 1946 (p. 38) Holden refers to his brother multiple times in the novel, showing how much impact Allie had on his life. Holden still will not believe that his brother is truly gone, an unhealthy feeling for such an adolescent. He still continues to talk to his brother, especially when he is depressed and longs for the good old days when his brother was still alive and his problems were not so severe. Holden does not believe that it is he who is going insane, but it is the rest of the world who has lost their mind for failing to see the hopelessness of their own lives. Leukemia did not only kill Allie in a way it also killed Holden. Leukemia is a disease that does not kill you directly; it shuts down your immune system causing smaller things, which do not harm most people, to eventually kill you because your body can not fend for itself. This is a metaphor of Holdens breakdown. Because Holden was so close to Allie when he died, he does not know what to feel about people anymore. He begins to grow a fear of commitment, and has trouble relating to his peers and working hard to attain goals. He worked hard to form such a close relationship with his brother, and what does he get from that? Pain when it does not work out the way he had hoped. Holden not only has a fear of what he is experiencing right now, but also is confused and scared about what is to come. Holden is afraid of what is to happen to him, not only deat ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
5 Life Lessons You Can Learn from Martin Luther King, Jr.
5 Life Lessons You Can Learn from Martin Luther King, Jr. There is so much we can all learn from Martin Luther King, Jr, and not just on the day off we get once a year to commemorate his life! But it might not have occurred to you to adapt some of his deep wisdom to your own life and career. Here are 5 powerful lessons from Dr. King that could help you live better, do better, and go further.1. Ask why.And more importantly, ask â€Å"why not?†If someone tells you something is impossible, ask this very important question to figure out why they are so convinced, and whether you might be able to offer a solution no one else had seen. When looking for answers to some of the biggest questions of a generation, Dr. King turned to other sources for inspiration. This teaches us the answers to our problems will often come from unexpected corners, and how important it is to learn from other people and other cultures as much as we can.2. You can’t change change.Change is constant. Dr. King was initially hesitant to join in the 1963 Mar ch on Washington, but he adapted to the evolving movement and ended up leading one of the most moving and effective platforms for social change. Be adaptable. Realize that change is inevitable. All you can control is what you do in the face of it.3. Find where you can give, not just receive.Dr. King once said, â€Å"Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’†In stressful times, it becomes very difficult to focus on anyone but ourselves. But this is a moral requirement, and increasingly more so in our interconnected, fast-paced world. When you’re in a rut, focus on helping people- you’ll be surprised at what a difference that can make.4. Tune out the critics.As long as you’ve chosen a path that’s good and a cause that you are passionate about, and as long as you’re pursuing both with integrity, honesty, and concern for others, then you’ll need to tune out the haters now and then . People will always be critical. Rejection will always happen, particularly in the course of a career. But if you know you’re doing the right thing, you should keep doing it.5. Leave a legacy.Think about what sort of mark you want to leave on the world. Is the work you’re doing going to make a difference to the next generation? Even if you can’t make an impact on the same scale as Dr. King, you can figure out ways to leave your workplace, industry, etc., a little better off for your having been there.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Designing a Formative Classroom Assessment Essay
Designing a Formative Classroom Assessment - Essay Example This paper provides a comprehensive formative classroom assessment for English language learners in grade 3. The English language learners targeted with this classroom assessment are students in grade 3. On most occasions, English language learners in this class have difficulty in comprehending lessons taught in English. It is because of this that the task chosen for the purposes of this assessment will be presented in very simple and easily understood English. In this assessment, the students will be required to read a short essay and make sense out of the text. However, before the students are given a text to read, they will be asked to guess the storyline of the story book after having seen the cover page of the book (Gottlieb, 2006). The assessment will also make use of VoiceThread that is a web-based assessment tool found in VoiceThread.com. There are countless reasons why this web-based assessment tool may be the most useful for English language learners. One of the reasons is that it allows it users to create conversations, documents, snapshots, videos and diagrams and share them with others; especially students. It is suitable for English language learners because the conversation voices and videos can be captured with utter clarity thereby helping these students note pronunciations in English and learn the difference of similar words when used in different contexts (Gottlieb, 2006). Another important aspect of this assessment tool is the inclusion of pictures and diagrams which can be helpful in illustrating written documents for English language learners. For this reason, the tool will be invaluable in making the students further understand the short essay chosen for the purposes of this
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
A Perky Way to Productivity Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
A Perky Way to Productivity - Case Study Example Having such an organized work setup gives rise to a culture in the organization that has a great impact on the psychology of the organizational personnel. The importance of employee benefits as a strategic component of fulfilling the goals of human resource management in either of the two companies cannot be overemphasized since employee benefits play a fundamental role in increasing employees’ satisfaction and keeping them motivated to use their optimal potential in the work. Achievement of the workers’ satisfaction is a pre-requisite for the obtainment of the strategic goals of Genentech and Zappos. By providing their employees with benefits, both companies generate this message to their workers that they do not just care for their workers, but they actually possess them. Especially when the benefits extend to include the families of the employees, it creates a dual-action on the employees to keep working in the same company in which, the company’s management a nd the family are the two motivating entities for the employees. Employee retention enables the companies to achieve their strategic goals since every employee that has worked with a company for some while understands the company’s culture and objectives, and the skills of the employee have been customized to the individualistic needs of the company, which is what makes the employee special for the company and a means of attaining its strategic goals. 2. Genentech and Zappos use employee benefits as a motivating tool in a variety of ways. They provide their respective employees with a wide array of benefits that include but are not limited to rewards for longevity, increments, bonuses, provision of free meals both to the workers and their families, free child care, and frequent leaves and vacations. Both companies have a strong organizational culture that places huge emphasis on equality among workers and easy flow of communication across all channels.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Hiroshima and Nagasaki Essay Example for Free
Hiroshima and Nagasaki Essay It was the morning of Aug 6 1945. It was a very beautiful rosy sky. You heard the birds chirping and yet it was so peaceful and calm. All of a sudden there was a thud. Then suddenly everything went quite and nothing was left of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Then three days later the same incident was repeated again where 70,000 and 40,000 people instantly lost their lives. This was the United States first step towards technology when the first atomic bomb was dropped on the city of Hiroshima, Japan. The impact of this bomb had killed about 70,000 innocent civilians instantly. Even though the US knew the devastating effects of their weapons, they chose to drop it anyway. Three days later another bomb was dropped on the city of Nagasaki. This had demolished about two square miles of the city and had taken about forty-thousand innocent lives. This was the end of the World War II. This all had started when President Harry Truman wanted to test out the Manhattan project. The Manhattan Project was a codename for a project that that was being done in the World War II to create the first atomic bomb. The â€Å"little boy†the bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima was made with uranium-235. The bomb that was dropped on Nagasaki was made with plutonium-239 and called the â€Å"fat man†. The choice of target was recommended by the Target Committee at Los Amos and was led by J. Robert Oppenheimer. He has recommended the Kyoto, Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Kokura as the targets. There were several requirements in choosing the location to drop the fat man and little boy. The blast had to create an effective damage. The target was larger than three miles and was close to the urban area. And it was untouched from any attacks. â€Å"Hiroshima was described as an important army depot and port of embarkation in the middle of an urban industrial area. It is a good radar target and it is such a size that a large part of the city could be extensively damaged. There are adjacent hills which are likely to produce a focusing effect which would considerably increase the blast damage. Due to rivers it is not a good incendiary target (Wikipedia). Hiroshima also had a major army base that had headquarters to the 5th and the 2nd army headquarters. Also, Hiroshima had mountains that surrounded it so the damage could be more effective. When the planes that carried the bombs to Hiroshima they were picked up by the Japanese air raid and had send out an alarm. But when the Japanese saw that it was only three planes they had lifted the alarm thinking that they might be just the regular visitors the US was sending over. When the bomb was thrown the â€Å"Tibbets recalled: A bright light filled the plane. The first shockwave hit us. We were eleven and a half miles slant range from the atomic explosion but the whole airplane cracked and crinkled from the blast. We turned back to look at Hiroshima. The city was hidden by that awful cloud mushrooming, terrible and incredibly tall†(WWII database). Many of those who had survived had it far worse than the ones that died instantly. They had been badly and severely burned that they looked like living charcoal pieces. Many of the ones that survived all of this died of radiation poisoning and some even had started to vomit their insides out and had died. Majority of the areas hospitals were in a part of Hiroshima that was destroyed and over 90 percent of the doctors were killed. People that escaped unbruised or hurt would suffered balding and nosebleeds, because days after the explosion the radiation levels were dangerously high. And by the end of 1945 the Hiroshima victims had increased from 90,000 to 150,000. Majority of the people that were killed were Koreans. Because the communication process was delayed due to the devastation president Truman said If they do not now accept our terms, they may expect a rain of ruin from the air the likes of which has never been seen on this earth, he said, He later gave the go-ahead to drop the second atomic weapon on Japan†(WWII database). The Second bomb was intended for the city of Kokura. But due to the bad weather that was moving in the schedule had moved up two days. The city of Nagasaki was a very important sea port in Southern Japan. The results of the Fat man was much greater than the one produced by little boy. Around 75,000 people were immediately killed. The day after the attack Japan’s emperor had over ruled the military leaders of Japan and had forced them to give into the surrender unconditionally (doe. gov). This had ended the World War II. Soon after the city was starting to be built again but the devastation area was preserved. Today both Hiroshima and Nagasaki are doing really well. They have a large automobile industry that includes brands like mazda, and Mitsubishi. There still are people who suffer the effects of the radition but very few of them are left. The population went from null to almost 1 million people in each city. In Nagasaki there are hotels on the mountainside with houses, and shops around the neighborhood. Some people had thought that because of the high radiation levels nothing would grow here for decades. But people were shocked when the plants started to grow from under the debris. People had built themselves temporary huts to avoid bad weather. But three months later aide had come from the American-Directed occupation government and the construction had began. Today the city of Nagasaki has a population of about 440,000 people. And Hiroshima today has a population of about 1. 12 million people. In todays world there major industry there is machinery, automotive which produced the Mazda car, and food processing. They have malls, and major department stores. Even though there were two big bombs dropped on the Japans two of the industrial cities, Japan had gone into a total economic and traditional decline. The Japan’s economy was devastated. America had to step in and to help the Japanese economy to get back up, so therefore most of the American values and traditions were incorporated into the Japanese culture. I think it was morally wrong for the Americans to use the atomic bombs and take so many of the innocent lives. After all as always America is the only one that wants to be in power and that was the result of that.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Grapes of Wrath - biblica comparison Essay -- essays research papers
Many novels written contain parallels to the Bible. This couldn’t be truer in the case John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath. Steinbeck alludes to Biblical characters and events with the use of Rose of Sharon, Jim Casy, and also the Joad’s journey to California. There are other events in the book that parallel the Bible, although the portrayal of Rose of Sharon and Jim Casy are the most obvious.           The novel is broken into 3 different parts, the time spent in Oklahoma, the journey on the road, and the time spent in California. Each section is closely related to the three stages of the Biblical Exodus: the Israelites' time in bondage when God sent plagues to free them (chapters 1-11), the forty years of wandering in the desert (chapters 12-18), and the arrival in Canaan, the Promised Land (chapters 19-30). The plagues sent by God are paralleled by the drought in Oklahoma, the Egyptian oppressors by the bank officials, and the hostile Canaanites by the Californians (Monkeynotes , The Grapes...).           Rose of Sharon is a character that is most directly related to the Bible. Her name in found in the Song of Solomon, â€Å"I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys†(Ganticles, 7:7). Most of Rose of Sharon’s parallels to the Bible take place in the last chapter of the novel. After the birth of her stillborn baby she nourishes a starving man with her milk. This is symbol...
Monday, November 11, 2019
The Vampire Diaries: The Struggle Chapter Fifteen
â€Å"Elena, you're being rude!†Aunt Judith seldom got angry but she was angry now. â€Å"You're too old for this kind of behavior.†â€Å"It's not rudeness! You don't understand – †â€Å"I understand perfectly. You're acting just the way you did when Damon came to dinner. Don't you think a guest deserves a little more consideration?†Frustration flooded over Elena. â€Å"You don't even know what you're talking about,†she said. This was too much. To hear Damon's words coming from Aunt Judith's lips†¦ it was unbearable. â€Å"Elena!†A mottled flush was creeping up Aunt Judith's cheeks. â€Å"I'mshocked at you! And Ihave to say that this childish behavior only started since you've been going out with that boy.†â€Å"Oh, ‘that boy'.†Elena glared at Damon. â€Å"Oh, really?†Elena felt as if she were talking to Damon and Aunt Judith at once, and she looked back and forth between the two of them. All the emotions she'd been suppressing for the last days – for the last weeks, for the months since Stefan had come into her life – were surging forward. It was like a great tidal wave inside her, over which she had no control. She realized she was shaking. â€Å"Well, that's too bad because you're going to have to tolerate it. I am never going to give Stefan up, not for anyone. Certainly not foryou!†This last was meant for Damon, but Aunt Judith gasped. â€Å"That's enough!†Robert snapped. He'd appeared with Margaret, and his face was dark. â€Å"Young lady, if this is how that boy encourages you to speak to your aunt – â€Å" â€Å"He's not ‘that boy'!†Elena took another step back, so she could face all of them. She was making a spectacle of herself, everyone in the courtyard was looking. But she didn't care. She had been keeping a lid on her feelings for so long, shoving down all the anxiety and the fear and the anger where it wouldn't be seen. All the worry about Stefan, all the terror over Damon, all the shame and humiliation she'd suffered at school, she'd buried it deep. But now it was coming back. All of it, all at once, in a maelstrom of impossible violence. Her heart was pounding crazily; her ears rang. She felt that nothing mattered except to hurt the people who stood in front of her, to show them all. â€Å"He's not ‘that boy',†she said again, her voice deadly cold. â€Å"He's Stefan and he's all I care about. And I happen to be engaged to him.†â€Å"Oh, don't be ridiculous!†Robert thundered. It was the last straw. â€Å"Is this ridiculous?†She held up her hand, the ring toward them. â€Å"We're going to get married!†â€Å"You arenot going to get married,†Robert began. Everyone was furious. Damon grabbed her hand and stared at the ring, then turned abruptly and strode away, every step full of barely leashed savagery. Robert was spluttering on in exasperation. Aunt Judith was fuming. â€Å"Elena, I absolutely forbid you – â€Å" â€Å"You'renot my mother !†Elena cried. Tears were trying to force themselves out of her eyes. She needed to get away, to be alone, to be with someone who loved her. â€Å"If Stefan asks, tell him I'll be at the boarding house!†she added, and broke away through the crowd. She half expected Bonnie or Meredith to follow her, but she was glad they didn't. The parking lot was full of cars but almost empty of people. Most of the families were staying for the afternoon activities. But a battered Ford sedan was parked nearby, and a familiar figure was unlocking the door. â€Å"Matt! Are you leaving?†She made her decision instantly. It was too cold to walk all the way to the boarding house. â€Å"Huh? No, I've got to help Coach Lyman take the tables down. I was just putting this away.†He tossed the Outstanding Athlete placard into the front seat. â€Å"Hey, are you okay?†His eyes widened at the sight of â€Å"Yes – no. I will be if I can get out of here. Look, can I take your car? Just for a little while?†â€Å"Well†¦ sure, but†¦ I know, why don't you let me drive you? I'll go tell Coach Lyman.†â€Å"No! I just want to be alone†¦ Oh, please don't ask any questions.†She almost snatched the keys out of his hand. â€Å"I'll bring it back soon, I promise. Or Stefan will. If you see Stefan, tell him I'm at the boarding house. And thanks.†She slammed the door on his protests and revved the engine, pulling out with a clash of gears because she wasn't used to a stick shift. She left him standing there staring after her. She drove without really seeing or hearing anything outside, crying, locked in her own spinning tornado of emotions. She and Stefan would run away†¦ They would elope†¦ They would show everyone. She would never set foot in Fell's Church again. And then Aunt Judith would be sorry. Then Robert would see how wrong he'd been. But Elena would never forgive them. Never. As for Elena herself, she didn't need anybody. She certainly didn't need stupid old Robert E. Lee, where you could go from being mega-popular to being a social pariah in one day just for loving the wrong person. She didn't need any family, or any friends, either†¦ Slowing down to cruise up the winding driveway of the boarding house, Elena felt her thoughts slow down, too. Well†¦ she wasn't mad at all her friends. Bonnie and Meredith hadn't done anything. Or Matt. Matt was all right. In fact, she might not need him but his car had come in pretty handy. In spite of herself Elena felt a strangled giggle well up in her throat. Poor Matt. People always borrowing his clunking dinosaur of a car. He must think she and Stefan were nuts. The giggle let loose a few more tears and she sat and wiped them off, shaking her head. Oh, God, how did things turn out this way? What a day. She should be having a victory celebration because they'd beaten Caroline, and instead she was crying alone in Matt's car. Carolinehad looked pretty damn funny, though. Elena's body shook gently with slightly hysterical chuckles. Oh, the look on her face. Somebody better have a video of that. At last the sobs and giggles both abated and Elena felt a wash of tiredness. She leaned against the steering wheel trying not to think of anything for a while, and then she got out of the car. She'd go and wait for Stefan, and then they'd both go back and deal with the mess she'd made. It would take a lot of cleaning up, she thought wearily. Poor Aunt Judith. Elena had yelled at her in front of half the town. Why had she let herself get so upset? But her emotions were still close to the surface, as she found when the boarding house door was locked and no one answered the bell. Oh, wonderful she thought, her eyes stinging again. Mrs. Flowers had gone off to the Founders' Day celebration, too. And now Elena had the choice of sitting in the car or standing out here in this windstorm†¦ It moaned through the branches of the oak trees, tearing off the remaining leaves and sending them down in showers. The sound was rising steadily now, not just a moan but a howl. And there was something else. Something that came not just from the wind, but from the air itself, or the space around the air. A feeling of pressure, of menace, of some unimaginable force. It was gathering power, drawing nearer, closing in. Elena spun to face the oak trees. There was a stand of them behind the house, and more beyond, blending into the forest. And beyond that were the river and the graveyard. Something†¦ was out there. Something†¦ very bad†¦ â€Å"No,†whispered Elena. She couldn't see it, but she could feel it, like some great shape rearing up to stand over her, blotting out the sky. Shefelt the evil, the hatred, the animal fury. Bloodlust. Stefan had used the word, but she hadn't understood it. Now she felt this bloodlust†¦ focused on her. â€Å"No!†Higher and higher, it was towering over her. She could still see nothing, but it was as if great wings unfolded, stretching to touch the horizon on either side. Something with a Power beyond comprehension†¦ and it wanted tokill †¦ â€Å"No!†She ran for the car just as it stooped and dived for her. Her hands scrabbled at the door handle, and she fumbled frantically with the keys. The wind was screaming, shrieking, tearing at her hair. Gritty ice sprayed into her eyes, blinding her, but then the key turned and she jerked the door open. Safe! She slammed the door shut again and brought her fist down on the lock. Then she flung herself across the seat to check the locks on the other side. The wind roared with a thousand voices outside. The car began rocking. â€Å"Stop it! Damon, stop it!†Her thin cry was lost in the cacophony. She put her hands out on the dashboard as if to balance the car and it rocked harder, ice pelting against it. Then she saw something. The rear window was clouding up, but she could discern the shape through it. It looked like some great bird made of mist or snow, but the outlines were hazy. All she was sure of was that it had huge sweeping wings†¦ and that it was coming for her. Get the key in the ignition. Get it in! Now go! Her mind was rapping orders at her. The ancient Ford wheezed and the tires screamed louder than the wind as she took off. And the shape behind her followed, getting larger and larger in the rearview mirror. If she hadn't been skidding and braking already, the tree would have crashed down on her. As it was, the violent impact shook the car like an earthquake missing the front right fender by inches. The tree was a mass of heaving, pitching branches, its trunk blocking the way back to town completely. She was trapped. Her only route home cut off. She was alone, there was no escape from this terrible Power†¦ Power. That was it; that was the key. â€Å"The stronger your Powers are, the more the rules of the dark bind you.†Running water! Throwing the car into reverse, she brought it around and then slammed into forward. The white shape banked and swooped, missing her as narrowly as the tree had, and then she was speeding down Old Creek Road into the worst of the storm. It was still after her. Only one thought pounded in Elena's brain now. She had to cross running water, to leave this thing behind. There were more cracks of lightning, and she glimpsed other trees falling, but she swerved around them. It couldn't be far now. She could see the river flickering past on her left side through the driving ice storm. Then she saw the bridge. It was there; she'd made it! A gust threw sleet across the windshield, but with the wipers' next stroke she saw it fleetingly again. This was it, the turn should be abouthere. The car lurched and skidded onto the wooden structure. Elena felt the wheels grip at slick planks and then felt them lock. Desperately, she tried to turn with the skid, but she couldn't see and there was no room†¦ And then she was crashing through the guardrail, the rotted wood of the footbridge giving way under weight it could no longer support. There was a sickening feeling of spinning, dropping, and the car hit the water. Elena heard screams, but they didn't seem to be connected with her. The river welled up around her and everything was noise and confusion and pain. A window shattered as it was struck by debris, and then another. Dark water gushed across her, along with glass like ice. She was engulfed. She couldn't see; she couldn't get out. And she couldn't breathe. She was lost in this hellish tumult, and there was no air.She had to breathe. She had to get out of here†¦ â€Å"Stefan, help me!†she screamed. But her scream made no sound. Instead, the icy water rushed into her lungs, invading her. She thrashed against it, but it was too strong for her. Her struggles became wilder, more uncoordinated, and then they stopped. Bonnie and Meredith were hunting around the perimeter of the school impatiently. They'd seen Stefan go this way, more or less coerced by Tyler and his new friends. They'd started to follow him, but then that business with Elena had started. And then Matt had informed them that she'd taken off. So they'd set out after Stefan again, but nobody was out here. There weren't even any buildings except one lonely Quonset hut. â€Å"And now there's a storm coming!†Meredith said. â€Å"Listen to that wind! I think it's going to rain.†â€Å"Or snow!†Bonnie shuddered. â€Å"Where did theygo?†â€Å"I don't care; I just want to get under a roof. Here it comes!†Meredith gasped as the first sheet of icy rain hit her, and she and Bonnie ran for the nearest shelter – the Quonset hut. And it was there that they found Stefan. The door was ajar, and when Bonnie looked in she recoiled. â€Å"Tyler's goon squad!†she hissed. â€Å"Look out!†Stefan had a semicircle of guys between him and the door. Caroline was in the corner. â€Å"He must have it! He took it somehow; I know he did!†she was saying. â€Å"Took what?†said Meredith, loudly. Everyone turned their way. Caroline's face contorted as she saw them in the doorway and Tyler snarled. â€Å"Get out.†he said. â€Å"You don't want to be involved in this.†Meredith ignored him. â€Å"Stefan, can I talk to you?†â€Å"In a minute. Are you going to answer her question? Took what?†Stefan was concentrating on Tyler, totally focused. â€Å"Sure, I'll answer her question. Right after I answer yours.†Tyler's beefy hand thumped into his fist and he stepped forward. â€Å"You're going to be dog meat, Salvatore.†Several of the tough guys snickered. Bonnie opened her mouth to say, â€Å"Let's getout of here.†But what she actually said was, â€Å"The bridge.†It was weird enough to make everyone look at her. â€Å"What?†said Stefan. â€Å"The bridge,†said Bonnie again, without meaning to say it. Her eyes bulged, alarmed. She could hear the voice coming from her throat, but she had no control over it. And then she felt her eyes go wider and her mouth drop open and she had her own voice back. â€Å"The bridge, oh, my God, the bridge! That's where Elena is! Stefan, we've got to save her†¦ Oh, hurry!†â€Å"Yes, oh, God†¦ that's where she's gone. She's drowning!Hurry !†Waves of thick blackness broke over Bonnie. But she couldn't faint now; they had to get to Elena. Stefan and Meredith hesitated one minute, and then Stefan was through the goon squad, brushing them aside like tissue paper. They sprinted through the field toward the parking lot, dragging Bonnie behind. Tyler started after them, but stopped when the full force of the wind hit him. â€Å"Why would she go out in this storm?†Stefan shouted as they sprang into Meredith's car. â€Å"She was upset; Matt said she took off in his car,†Meredith gasped back in the comparative quiet of the interior. She pulled out fast and turned into the wind, speeding dangerously. â€Å"She said she was going to the boarding house.†â€Å"No, she's at the bridge! Meredith, drive faster! Oh, God, we're going to be too late!†Tears were running down Bonnie's face. Meredith floored it. The car swayed, buffeted by wind and sleet. All through that nightmare ride Bonnie sobbed, her fingers clutching the seat in front of her. Stefan's sharp warning kept Meredith from running into the tree. They piled out and were immediately lashed and punished by the wind. â€Å"It's too big to move! We'll have to walk,†Stefan shouted. Of course it was too big to move, Bonnie thought, already scrambling through the branches. It was a full-grown oak tree. But once on the other side, the icy gale whipped all thought out of her head. Within minutes she was numb, and the road seemed to go on for hours. They tried to run but the wind beat them back. They could scarcely see; if it hadn't been for Stefan, they would have gone over the riverbank. Bonnie began to weave drunkenly. She was ready to fall to the ground when she heard Stefan shouting up ahead. Meredith's arm around her tightened, and they broke again into a stumbling run. But as they neared the bridge what they saw brought them to a halt. â€Å"Oh, my God†¦ Elena!†screamed Bonnie. Wickery Bridge was a mass of splintered rubble. The guardrail on one side was gone and the planking had given way as if a giant fist had smashed it. Beneath, the dark water churned over a sickening pile of debris. Part of the debris, entirely underwater except the headlights, was Matt's car. Meredith was screaming, too, but she was screaming at Stefan. â€Å"No! You can't go down there!†He never even glanced back. He dived from the bank, and the water closed over his head. Later, Bonnie's memory of the next hour would be mercifully dim. She remembered waiting for Stefan while the storm raged endlessly on. She remembered that she was almost beyond caring by the time a hunched figure lurched out of the water. She remembered feeling no disappointment, only a vast and yawning grief, as she saw the limp thing Stefan laid out on the road. She remembered how he looked as they tried to do something for Elena. Only that wasn't really Elena lying there, that was a wax doll with Elena's features. It was nothing that had ever been alive and it certainly wasn't alive now. Bonnie thought it seemed silly to go on poking and prodding at it like this, trying to get water out of its lungs and so on. Wax dolls didn't breathe. She remembered Stefan's face when he finally gave up. When Meredith wrestled with him and yelled at him, saying something about over an hour without air, and brain damage. The words filtered in to Bonnie, but their meaning didn't. She just thought it odd that while Meredith and Stefan were screaming at each other they were both crying. Stefan stopped crying after that. He just sat there holding the Elena-doll. Meredith yelled some more, but he didn't listen to her. He just sat. And Bonnie would never forget his expression. And then something seared through Bonnie, bringing her to life, waking her to terror. She clutched at Meredith and stared around for the source. Something bad†¦ something terrible was coming. Was almost here. Stefan seemed to feel it, too. He was alert, stiff, like a wolf picking up a scent. â€Å"What is it?†shouted Meredith. â€Å"What's wrong with you?†â€Å"You've got to go!†Stefan rose, still holding the limp form in his arms. â€Å"Get out of here!†â€Å"What do you mean? We can't leave you – â€Å"Yes, you can! Get out of here! Bonnie, get her out!†No one had ever told Bonnie to take care of someone else before. People were always taking care of her. But now she seized Meredith's arm and began pulling. Stefan was right. There was nothing they could do for Elena, and if they stayed whatever had gotten her would get them. â€Å"Stefan!†Meredith shouted as she was unaccountably dragged away. â€Å"I'll put her under the trees. The willows, not the oaks,†he called after them. Why would he tell us that now? Bonnie wondered in some deep part of her mind that was not taken up with fear and the storm. The answer was simple, and her mind promptly gave it back to her. Because he wasn't going to be around to tell them later.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Spoof Ad
Tropicana Is an American company which specialises In the production of orange lulce_ This company, owned by PepsiCo, claims that it produces 100% fresh orange juice as it is stated on their orange juice cartons â€Å"100% pure squeezed†. On the contrary, researchers have found that Tropicana's promise of fresh Juice is not quite true. PepsCo Inc. released a series of posters almlng to convince customers that Tropicana orange Juice is more than just Juice, rather it is an essential for the body because it provides vitamins, fibers, and other nutritional benefits.The Ad, â€Å"It's More Than Orange Juice†emphasises a more positive reaction towards the brand, when truly the product does not live up to its promise. According to Heml Weingarten, a blogger on Fooducate, Tropicana orange juice is kept in refrigerator vats for more than 6 months before it is distributed to the supermarkets. Hemi also adds that in order to prevent harmful, pathogenic bacteria from forming Trop icana strips the freshly squeezed orange Juice of its flavour and colour, then adds them back through flavour packs when the orange Juice Is ready to be sold (18, 2013).Alissa Hamilton, author of the book â€Å"Squeezed: What You Don't Know About Orange Juice†noted that: â€Å"Tropicana Orange Juice does not possess the same amount of fibers, vitamin C, and other nutritional benefits that oranges provide†which Is considered as a Ile towards the juice being 100% pure and natural (2011). Rationally speaking, every orange fruit on earth has its own taste, some are sweet some are sour. On the other hand, Tropicana's orange Juice all taste the same which Is impossible unless It Is chemically engineered.Also, Tropicana's Orange Juice Is ble to last for a month without changing Its flavour which clearly does not happen with truly fresh orange juice. Mike Valente, in his article â€Å"Tropicana Orange Juice: Not So Orange! †explains how the Juice is pasteurized and d eoxidized, and once that is done the Juice is able to last for a longer period of time (2011). All of the above evidence Is consistent with the fact that Tropicana Is marketing their Orange juice product using lies through their ads trying to convince consumers that their product is â€Å"100% pure and natural†when it is really not.This act of manipulation led the Tropicana company to court. Jonathan Stempel stated that a lawsuit was filed against Tropicana for their fraud (2012). The Natural Society adds: â€Å"Tropicana Brand just settled out of court to the tune of 9$ million†for false advertising (2013). Spoof Ad By Lhkat Tropicana is an American company which specialises in the production of orange juice. This company, owned by PepsiCo, claims that it produces 100% fresh orange juice as it is stated on their orange Juice cartons â€Å"100% pure squeezed†. On the PepsCo Inc. eleased a series of posters aiming to convince customers that Tropicana orange Jui ce is more than Just Juice, rather it is an essential for the body because it product does not live up to its promise. According to Hemi Weingarten, a blogger on Fooducate, Tropicana orange Juice is kept in refrigerator vats for more than 6 months when the orange Juice is ready to be sold (18, 2013). Alissa Hamilton, author of the nutritional benefits that oranges provide†which is considered as a lie towards the s impossible unless it is chemically engineered.Also, Tropicana's Orange Juice is able to last for a month without changing its flavour which clearly does not happen with truly fresh orange Juice. Mike Valente, in his article â€Å"Tropicana Orange Juice: Not All of the above evidence is consistent with the fact that Tropicana is marketing their Orange Juice product using lies through their ads trying to convince consumers that â€Å"Tropicana Brand Just settled out of court to the tune of 9$ million†for false
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Attachment Theory and Research essays
Attachment Theory and Research essays As I was searching for articles on attachment, I ran across a very interesting research study on attachment. For 25 years, Dr. Erickson and her colleagues have been studying parent-child interactions in a longitudinal study. They wanted to know how parent-infant attachment develops, how it changes over time, and how the quality of attachment in infancy influences long-term development. Other professionals offer insightful case studies of attachment-based intervention (Research, p.1). They tell us what it is like to help individual parents move beyond their own experiences of need, loss, and trauma, and begin to provide love, nurturance, and emotionally responsive care to their babies. In 1975, they registered a group of high-risk young women who were pregnant with their first child. All of the women were from a poverty background, a majority were single, and most had a low level of education. They have collected detailed information from many sources, including a variety of observations of mother and child in natural and laboratory settings, semi-structured and structured interviews, and standardized assessments of parents and their children (Research, p.3) The goal was to identify factors that account for good parenting and healthy parent-child relationships, even in the face of high-risk circumstances. They found that love, nurturance, and emotionally responsive care from a primary caregiver are essential for normal, healthy development and attachment. Attachment is the affective bond that develops between an infant and a primary caregiver and it is also a pattern of interactions that develop over time as the infant and care giver interact, particularly in the context of the infants needs and bids for attention and comfort (Research, p.3). The caregivers response to such bids help mold the attachment relationship into a pattern of interactions that develops over the first year of life. Attachment sup...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
8 Rules About Punctuation and Quotation Marks
8 Rules About Punctuation and Quotation Marks 8 Rules About Punctuation and Quotation Marks 8 Rules About Punctuation and Quotation Marks By Mark Nichol The use of full or partial quotation marks or of paraphrases calls for attention to detail and adherence to a few punctuation rules. Notice that the examples below are deliberately incorrect. 1. â€Å"Most agree the word means something like: This stream meanders through something red.’†The words in the quotation collectively serve the grammatical function of a noun and are not set off from the attribution by a comma or a colon. 2. â€Å"The motto, ‘Might makes right’ applies here.†In this similar case, â€Å"the motto†is an appositive for â€Å"Might makes right,†just as in â€Å"the Web site DailyWritingTips.com,†â€Å"the Web site†is an appositive of the site’s name: â€Å"The motto ‘Might makes right’ applies here.†To insert a comma implies that this is the only existing motto (though there should then be one after right as well to complete the restrictive phrase). 3. â€Å"According to the book, at the first sign of an outbreak, ‘Children were whisked home from summer camps in the middle of the night.’†If an incomplete quotation is completed by a preceding paraphrase, lowercase the first word of the partial quotation unless it is a proper noun. In this case, â€Å"at the first sign of an outbreak†substitutes for the missing introductory phrase: â€Å"According to the book, at the first sign of an outbreak, ‘children were whisked home from summer camps in the middle of the night.’†In scholarly writing, the first letter of children should be bracketed to clarify that it was capitalized in the original source, but that nicety is unnecessary in general. 4. â€Å"He concluded that what America needs most is a â€Å"guiding belief†for citizens, industry, and government.†This sentence is essentially correct, but when a partial quote consists of such a brief phrase, ask yourself whether the quotation marks are justified; why not just paraphrase the entire sentence?: â€Å"He concluded that what America needs most is a guiding belief for citizens, industry, and government.†5. â€Å"Her response was that she had ‘definitely locked the door on my way out.’†A writer might deem it crucial to retain a partial quote, but if the speaker uses the first person, the quotation won’t fit the reportorial third-person framing, and a paraphrase is necessary: â€Å"Her response was that she had definitely locked the door on her way out.†(Alternatively, you could paraphrase part of the direct quote â€Å"Her response was that she had ‘definitely locked the door’ on her way out†but, again, with diminishing returns.) 6. â€Å"The question is which selection is better?†This is a conjectural question not literally stated, so it is only tangentially related to the other examples here, but it’s important to point out that such constructions should include a comma: â€Å"The question is, which turnoff did she take?†(However, when the sentence is not stated as a question, the comma should be omitted: â€Å"The question is which selection is better.†) 7. When asked to clarify his earlier statement, he said: ‘I have nothing to add.’†Writers frequently introduce a statement with a colon rather than a comma, but this construction is awkward, because a colon invites the reader to put on the brakes, rather than just slow down, a fleeting action the more flexible comma invites: â€Å"When asked to clarify his earlier statement, he said, ‘I have nothing to add.’†(See also the second example, above.) Do retain the colon, however, when the attribution is an independent clause, as here: â€Å"He made this shocking public statement: ‘I think there is a fair chance Perth will be the twenty-first century’s first ghost metropolis.’†8. â€Å"‘This [the subway bombing] is a minor thing that will develop into something major,’ she added.†When scholarly standards or journalistic integrity demands an exact quotation, but a full statement isn’t available, here’s the conventional but clunky solution: Provide the rest of what the speaker or writer meant to say or the definite noun they didn’t provide in order to fortify your class or reporting assignment within brackets. But note that the bracketed insertion should replace, not supplement, the indefinite subject: â€Å"‘[The subway bombing] is a minor thing that will develop into something major,’ she added.†Alternatively, especially in less-than-formal contexts (or even in newspaper reporting I won’t tell), feel free when you are certain of the intended specifics to employ a handy technique called silent correction. In other words, bail on the brackets: â€Å"The subway bombing is a minor thing that will develop into something major,†she added.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:10 Grammar Mistakes You Should AvoidCapitalization Rules for the Names of GamesDozen: Singular or Plural?
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Roman Masculinities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Roman Masculinities - Essay Example the present days, during times of peace, war and truce negotiations which depict the manpower, management, money value, machinery strength (the intellectual property of the states powerfulness and ability to create creatively) as well as the manufacturing process of the elite-stature of the belonging-to state "nor must we forget the examples nor separate from these examples the memory of M. Marcellus. Such vigor of courage was in him that by the Po he with a few horsemen attacked the king of the Gaul, who was surrounded by an enormous host, and straightway slew him, stripped him of his arms, and dedicated them to Jupiter Feretrius." [1] a roman soldier – as with all the armies in world- is the honorary representative of the strength and decisiveness of the state in the war affairs among nations. He is the determiner of the strength of power as well as the education that has been bestowed upon him by the civility of the state he belongs to, as opposed to the Phoenicians, Hellen ics, Spartans and the Greek, in the race to define the meaning of "heritage" versus the declining of nations in their due times to be writ down in the pages of history honorably as well as worthily under the nations name; "Roma" in this case. The Roman Empire has been depicted in movies to be the "sole conqueror of the ancient world, defying the fate of degenerating states and the superior hand over the weaker states destinies. In battle, the strength of the roman soldier was the smallest moving wheel that instituted the armor of the armys artillery force. Strength of body as well as that of personality, pierced through the minds of nations when introducing oneself to another during war, the natural defense line for fearlessness against that of opposition in a battlefield for land conquest. Empires built their reputations in accordance to physical strength as well as educational / scholarly refinement, so as to fix the mind of the nation itself upon that of the enemys as not a brutal,
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Analysis and Application Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Analysis and Application - Essay Example In addition, violent gangs take part in theft and robbery of properties of their neighbors (Klein, 2005). Primary questions to the research were inquiring whether youth gang violence is as a result of illegal drugs and small arms, the contribution of the media in the problem, political and social problems to the problem, and the possible measures taken to alleviate the problem. Violent youth gangs have been blamed by the media for the increasing incidences of violence and crime in Central America cities. They have been blamed for all sorts of crime tat take place in the society. In addition, both the media and the government officials have linked the violent groups to terrorist groups such as al Qaeda (Pope, Lovell and Bradl, 2001). Some of the concepts discussed include the definition of â€Å"youth gang†youth gang is defined according to the composition of the gang, members, leaders and the structure of the gang. All these factors must be outlined I order to look at the problem effectively. This research is valid because it discusses the political and social contexts in which these violent youth gangs emerged. Some of the measures proposed in dealing with the issue include arresting the violent youths, removing them out of the streets as well as reducing their number in the overcrowded Central American prisons. Prison overcrowding by the violent youth gangs can lead to challenging situations such as prison riots and a number of deaths (Dvorak, 1995). The voices fro the field’s study also understands the situation of young people. It is discussed that politicization of the gang matter has exaggerated a clear understanding of the crisis as well as the attempts in coming up with suitable solutions. The study recommends that so as to successfully tackle the issue of youth gangs, proper therapy programs must be put in place. There has to be sufficient investments in the avoidance and remedy
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Entrepreneurship - Portfolio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Entrepreneurship - Portfolio - Essay Example â€Å"The entrepreneur is the innovator who implements change within markets through the carrying out of new combinations. The carrying out of new combinations can take several forms; 1) the introduction of a new good or quality thereof, 2) the introduction of a new method of production, 3) the opening of a new market, 4) the conquest of a new source of supply of new materials or parts, 5) the carrying out of the new organization of any industry†(Kukoc and Regan, 2008, www.treasury.gov.au). The modern resurgence in the interest of investigating entrepreneurial culture and its attendant socio-economic dimensions has shed new light on its many ill-explored facets. This portfolio will briefly focus on some of these aspects and make insightful comments on its varied, complex and seminal conceptual dynamism. However, its primary objective is to profile its foremost elements in a manner for easier understanding. The modern business organization requires entrepreneurs who are not only farsighted but also shrewd strategists. Thus the challenge faced by modern entrepreneurs is not based merely on ‘risk’ but also on a more complex, fluid and hostile environment Strategic challenges include such factors as risk involved in making decisions about the nature and dimension of threats posed by competitors and the probable response to such threats. Schumpeter’s concept of creative destruction plays here a significant role by enabling the daring entrepreneur to innovate. Thus continuous innovation is a preemptive strategy that forestalls rivals’ anticipated moves (Eggert, 1998, p.209). Next there are functional challenges such as problems associated with production, marketing, finance, quality management, technology, public relations and communications. Each functional area needs the entrepreneur’s attention. Strategic approach enables the entrepreneur to integrate
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Brazilian Immigration To United States History Essay
Brazilian Immigration To United States History Essay It is estimated that eleven to fifteen million fresh immigrants arrived in the U.S. between the year 1990 and 2000 and were integrated into to the U.S. workforce. This when compared with any time in history, is a high level of immigration, more than the previous Great Wave. In the previous ten years, people born outside the US comprised 41.4% of the growth in U.S. inhabitants. More than 50 percent of the growth in the countrys civilian workforce can be pointed to new overseas immigrants. New overseas immigrants are younger, less learned, more probable working in the private sector as wage and salary workers, and over-represented in many industrial sectors, than the indigenous labor force.10. According to Brazilian government numbers, there are more than 1.5 million Brazilians living out of the country. America is the main point of entry: about, 700,000 Brazilians lived in the U.S in 1997. The highest concentration was New York followed by Massachusetts and Florida respectively (Heloi sa 10). In the past there were many immigrants in Brazil, they came from all over the world. For instance, in the 1960s, there was a surge of immigrants to Brazil. However things have now changed and it is the Brazilians immigrating to Europe, the US and Asia. Statistics show that at least a million Brazilians have immigrated to other countries in the past decade; this is due to the economic problems Brazil is facing and people are in pursuit of a good life. Another reason for Brazilians immigration is the 1964 coup dà ©tat of, thousands of people opposed to the military regime at the time were forced into exile for fear of persecution. In 1979 the Brazilian government offered amnesty to the political exiles. Majority of these exiles came back to Brazil after the amnesty, but the figures of economic emigrants increased in the 1980s; especially true after the oil crisis and the military governments financial mismanagement in 1979.  By 1987 about 250,000 Brazilians were outside the country . Ever since, emigration has gone up at a rate of 20% annually. In early 1969 the Banco do Brasil opened a branch in New York City.  Later that year the Brazilian-American chamber of Commerce was started to support investment and trade between the US and Brazil (Davis p. 10). There have been no official statistics about Brazilian emigrants since 1991. What is known is that  there were 436,177 passports issued by the Federal Police in 1993(the figures have since then gone higher). There are no statistics to show how many Brazilians have emigrated but a majority of Brazilians in the US were born in Brazil. Evidence from Brazilian Geography and Statistics Institute (IBGE) shows that over a million Brazilians between the ages of 20 to 44 from the 1991 census were missing The statistical absence of this age bracket was explained logically by Brazilian emigration (Alejandro p. 14). Brazilians in the East Coast: The Unseen Minority that Everybody Sees Possibly, nearly half of the Brazilians living outside Brazil reside in the United States. The biggest Brazilian community is found on the East Coast. New York is estimated to have almost 70,000 to 160,000 Brazilian emigrants. A further 140,000 are thought to live in Boston, 70,000 in Florida), 30,000 in California, 40,000 in Houston, Texas, and another 15,000 in Washington, DC. According to the Center for Immigration Studies in New York, more than half of the Brazilians who moved to the US already have friends or a member of family in the U.S. with whom they live with after they land in U.S. Nearly a quarter of the immigrants do not plan on going back to Brazil. An American anthropologist by the name Maxine Margolis, took three years analyzing the Brazilian neighborhood in New York examining more than 30 Brazilian immigrants better known by the tag Brazucas. She circulated her work as the book Little Brazil (1994).  She established that majority of the Brazilians she examined were feeling shame to be immigrants with almost 80% answering that they were not immigrants, but only passing through.  Margolis found out that most of the Brazilians in the US are from middle-class households and that the Immigrants shield themselves from dissatisfaction by believing that theyre doing these jobs only for a year or two, that its a short-term situation. In spite of what people think, most Brazilian migrants arrive in US with money and links to live for a short while before getting employed, Gino Agostinelli, of the Center for Immigration Studies, has informed the Sao Paulo newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo. They dont seem to be desperate individuals, but persons with substantial amounts of money who want to explore a different way of living. Almost 60% of Brazilian citizens, who move to the US ordinarily find employment within three weeks on landing on US soil. Initially, majority of them search for employment in the same line of work in which they were employed in Brazil mainly because this is one of the straightforward ways of obtaining a green card, the lasting resident visa for foreigners living in the US. On the other hand, nearly 75% of Brazilians residing in the US are illegitimate immigrants.  (With such a number of illegal immigrants in the US, I can presume that the state unofficially needs the immigrants, legal or illegal. I have a few of my friends who are illegal Brazilian Immigrants, in the course of my research I talked with a few of them to get more insight on the issue of Brazil Immigrants in the US. I asked one of them if he would like to have any knowledge or information on the immigration service and he said it was of no importance to him, because they (the illegal immigrants) dont really have t o be troubled about the immigration service.  He further told me that there is always a way to escape the immigration rules.  Another one of the illegal immigrants that I interviewed told me that he was once caught and thrown out of US and he had just come back but this time he had changed his name and come through Mexico which borders the US or and even others even use some other way to get back which he did not disclose to me. A very high percent of illegal immigrants do some odd menial jobs and earn the minimum wage of between $1000 and $2000 a month. This means that a majority of the Brazilians in the US fall in that bracket. In fact only about 4% of Brazilians living in New York earn more than that; about $3000 a month. Most of the Brazilians do the same menial jobs they did while they were in Brazil. It is in fact very sad to note that even the immigrants that have had a descent college education still work as housekeepers, maids, nannies and cooks. This is especially very common for Brazilian women immigrants. As for men only about 4% even have an elementary education and therefore most of them work as laborers or as construction workers among other menial jobs (Research Division for the Office of New Bostonians). The Brazilian community in New York has a great number of men working as shoe shiners and women working as go-go dancers. Brazilians are in fact stereotyped in this two professions and therefore out of the immigrants consider such jobs shameful. Another thing that bothers the Brazilians immigrants is that they cannot make a mark in their adopted countries as most of them work for long hours. As a result most of them are grouped as Hispanics by the Americans. An interesting trend of Brazilian immigrants in Massachusetts is that a survey by Martes of 300 Brazilians in 1996 showed that there was an increase of families immigrated as opposed to single males in the past. About 48% of the immigrants were married and 52% came along with all their children to Massachusetts. Of all the participants of the survey twelve percent had college education, thirty one percent had a high school diploma, 12% had some college, and 16% had no college education. The reasons for migration were same as those of other immigrants tht is, continuous economic crisis as well as with violence in town areas in the early and mid-nineties to also propel the upper-middle class families to leave Brazil and open businesses. I had previously talked to an immigrant who told me that he moved to the US because of disappointment at work in Brazil. He said that he had a high skilled job but the business collapsed and his wages decreased to very low levels. Others said that they came to the US to make more money, save it and buy property in Brazil. Different Brazilians had different reasons but I thought that Kaka summarized it all I came here thinking that life was easy and I would make more money and hoping to go back to Brazil and never want to be employed. In other word they all came to chase the American dream and get back to their country and only to realize that that was just an illusion. There was a sharp contrast of the population of the Brazilians in the US from two census conducted. The most logical explanation was that neither the 2000 nor 1990 census mentioned Brazil as a country of choice and therefore most of them chose to identify themselves as Hispanics or white for fear of deportation after filling the Census forms. Another school of thought was that most of them lived in overcrowded houses and therefore lied about the sizes of their families in order to avoid prosecution. Lastly, Brazilians do not like to be classified as Hispanics unless they understand the classification process of race and ethnicity (Davis p.12). While the reasons for this census disparity may be arguable, the mystery is still there. What is the number of Brazilians living in America? Brazilians continue to flock US and most of them are undocumented. The fear of deportation is widespread among immigrant communities and therefore stops them from participating in survey research by the government or any other entity. There are many Brazilians in Massachusetts and the reason for them to go there is varied. Interviews conducted in Lowell show that most of them get there as a result of family ties, friends. These contacts with others in Brazil make them choose Massachusetts as a city to settle. Some interviewees offered an explanation that they get a place to stay before they move on to other places but end up settling there. Also, some Brazilians live in Massachusetts because they believe that the state provides ample public services, such as health insurance and public schools to immigrants. Racial and Ethnic Identity of Brazilian Immigrants Salgado (2) observed that Significant as it is to comprehend how U.S racial and ethnic pecking order, family members, and principles have an effect on migrants, rearrangement of racial and ethnic uniqueness in the United States must be connected with the racial and cultural occurrences immigrants came across in their countries of birth. Based on my study and discussions with a good number of Brazilian immigrants in Massachusetts, their perception tends to change depending on the life they are exposed to. The replacement of nationality over race is constantly present in Brazilian immigrants narratives of self description. This preference to define oneself nationally rather than ethnically is entrenched in major beliefs. First, the majority of immigrants, mainly those who dont have a full racial or ethnic awareness, are more likely to confuse these three terms. Second, race interactions in Brazil have habitually been ignored specifically because racial matter were presumably determined by a genial joining during colonization and afterwards highlighted by the following belief of racial democracy. Concluding thoughts A future evaluation of the Brazilian Immigrant Community Forecasting what will occur to the Brazilian Immigrant Community in the days to come is a complex and extremely doubtful process. Nevertheless, there are basically two critical issues that will form this immigrant population progress for generations to come. Firstly, Brazilian immigrants, like majority of other immigrant units, come to US with willpower to be successful. With that appear fresh new thoughts that can lead to an industrial drive. Specifically, many Brazilians migrate when they are young, with the clear mission of working, regularly with a fairly high level of education. Occasionally the migrant can converse in English. In addition, Furthermore, currently, Brazilians often feel relatively calm and relaxed in the region, observing that they frequently are seen in better terms by Americans compared to other immigrant groups (Maxine p. 5). Secondly, the Brazilian immigrant community may underrate the obstacles that they may encounter in the years to come. Immigration rank, usually thought to be the primary obstacle that Brazilian immigrants encounter, is only one of many stumbling blocks that Brazilians will have to meet. In fact, even US Census data shows that Brazilians in Boston MA, have not only a depleted percentage of the inhabitants with a middleclass standard of living when put side to side with the native and foreign born residents, but they also have a slightly higher percentage of the inhabitants lacking a high school diploma.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Country vs. Culture Essay example -- Culture
America is a land based on freedom. This freedom is for every individual no matter their race or culture. Our society has surpassed many judgments and concerns that these demographic differences had created in the past. These differences had previously led to a great amount of cultural diversity through the act of discrimination among our nation. America, as a country, has now opened opportunities for individuals to work and interact in environments which were previously unsuited. USA Today surveyed a minority group in 2005 and found that over one third of corporate culture embraces diversity (El Nasser). They have opened doors to expand numbers that are now reaching around 41% of minorities working at all levels of companies and 37% of minorities at senior management (El Nasser). America has allowed cultural views of religion and other lifestyle beliefs and values to be an individual’s choice. They have also given a vast amount of freedom to different ethnic and religious groups throughout the past decades. A number of individuals along with various groups have taken advantage of these freedoms in unacceptable and illegal ways and given a lesser punishments for their actions. There have been cultural cases surrounding the acts of rapes and murders, for example, where a defendant was given 5 years of probation for murder and another individual was given 120 days in prison for murder (Phillips). These sentences can be compared to the 10 or more years charged for a ‘normal’ murder case or the average 11.8 years in prison for an individual convicted of rape ("Title 18 Crimes and Criminal Procedure"). The freedom this country is based on should not be shaken by the cultures coming in, but this country should stand beside ... ...the English Courts." Modern Law Review. 66.4 (2003): 510-531. Web. 28 Mar. 2012. . Reddy, Sita. "Temporarily Insane: Pathologising Cultural Difference in American Criminal Courts." Sociology of Health and Illness. 24.5 (2002): 667-687. Web. 1 Apr. 2012. . United States. Justia US Law. Title 18 Crimes and Criminal Procedure. Justia, 2010. Web. . Valladares, Rene. Culture Clash: Cultural Issues in Criminal Defense. District of Nevada: Juris Publishing Inc., 2007. 424-466. eBook. www.fd.org/pdf_lib/culture_clash.pdf. Willing, Richard. "Courts Asked To Consider Culture." USA Today 25 May 2004, n. pag. Web. 2 Apr. 2012. http://www.usatoday.com/educate/college/casestudies/Multicultural.pdf.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Compair and Contrast: Zombies vs. Teenagers
Danger: Zombies and Teenagers are Ahead Mindless and blood lusting bodies fill our streets. Dragging themselves around without purpose or progressive thoughts. One would think that they should close the doors and lock the windows. However its not just decaying zombies that I speak of, its our teens. The biggest difference is the plain fact that teenagers are alive and zombies are undead. While both teenagers and zombies are completely different looking on the outside, on the inside they are very similar. Both are dangerous when they roam in groups. They have no choice of who they are, but I would like to show you how to understand both of them by comparing them to each other. Even how to destroy them. Danger is something teenagers are always getting themselves into, and when zombies are around everything else is in danger as well. Danger can be described as being put in harms way or threatening harm to others. A teenager is dangerous to themselves and other teenagers. They are reckless and don't think before they act. Being reckless is a serious issue for teenagers because they think they are invincible. Believing nothing bad will happen to them. However because of this thought process, teenagers are the ones who get harmed, or in trouble more often then any other age group. The reason for this is because the people who watch out for them aren't around at the times when teens are making the important decisions, that hold weather they get good or bad consequences. As a child an adult is all ways there to hold their hand and watch their back. As an older adult after the college years, ones life has calmed down and the realization of mortality sinks in therefore they are more careful about what they do with there bodies and minds. Young adults and teens are new to a world full of wonders, they do much experimenting, to learn the cause and effect of the actions and decisions they make. For example a teenager is about to drive a car with many other teens in the vehicle. One teen turns the radio up and everyone is dancing in there seats, screaming and laughing. The driver is being put in a dangerous situation. With all the distractions, he could do serious damage to the car and everyone in it. Its true that sometimes the driver is fine and nothing bad happens but the situation is still dangerous because of the possibility of a harmful ending. Putting other people in danger is something that zombies do as well. Obviously zombies are dangerous to other people. They attack with no warning. They spread diseases, and don’t even have the thought process to care about who they are hurting. However what is not as obvious is that they are a danger to themselves. A zombie will walk right into danger without realizing they might die. The reason they don't realize this is because their is only one thing on their mind and that is BRAINS! A zombie will walk straight toward a crazy redneck with a shot gun and wont even flinch at a warning shot. A zombie with continue trying to eat a dog even after someone has chopped an arm or leg off of it. When a zombie wants something they will do anything to get it, and this puts themselves in a whole lot of danger. Similar to a zombie a teenager is dangerous to themselves and others, luckily this behavior of recklessness will change and they will mature as they get older. A zombie on the other hand will never be cured and most likely they will not live very long if they keep their recklessness up. Ever wonder why teens and zombies are never by themselves? Its because they want to protect themselves. Teens like to move in packs and the bigger the pack the better. They go to the movies in a group of three and they meet another group in line for popcorn and they have grown in size. Teens show up at the mall because they know that someone they know will be their. If a teen is somewhere public alone they could be mistaken as a loser, and that would be traumatic for their reputation. Therefore they always have at least four to five buddies with them. Just like teens zombies need to be with other zombies, however its not for the company. Zombies like to go in packs everywhere because if they outnumber people, then they are more likely to be successful at their initiative attack. They are considered much more dangerous when in groups larger then three. If one were to spot a zombie alone they would feel superior and have no problem taking them down. Therefore zombies travel in groups no less then one hundred-sixty-six other brain eating peers. Weather someone is a teenager or a zombie they really don’t have a choice on becoming what they are. Teenagers become teenagers through the lifecycle. Everyone wishes they could skip the hormonal, emotional, and awkward stage in their life, but they cant. Its part of being human. The reason teens are different then other age groups is the crazy thing that happen to their bodies. Which I wont go into because this is not a, â€Å"What is Happening To My Body†pamphlet. Everyone goes through being a teenager, but not everyone will be a zombie. However once someone is bitten they have no choice to becoming a zombie. Its a disease that travels through a violent contact. The only thing one can do to stop it is to not be bit, by fighting back. If you want to know how to destroy a zombie or even a teenager it is all very similar. Go for the brain. A teenagers mind is what keeps them going in life if you make them feel terrible, then they will be miserable. If one were to embarrass them or destroy their reputation then they will never be able to live it down and until their dying day they will have never forgotten about the day their life was destroyed. Harsh? However so is bashing a zombies scull. It is their mind that would need to take damage to be destroyed. This is also the same way zombies are killed. Destroy the brain. Even though zombies don't use their brains, their body is still dependent on it to be undead. the brain must be smashed or shot or in some way mutilated to make sure the zombie doesn't come back. Disconnecting the body from the head is not enough. The body will still wander around and the head will still try to bite. The mechanics of this biological phenomenon are not completely understood by scientist yet. However the important thing is that if you kill the brain then you kill the zombie. The mind is a powerful organ for zombies and teens, and if you can take it out then you will succeed in destroying teenagers and zombies. While teenagers and zombies are on different levels of status, they are surprisingly similar to each other in many ways. Being dangerous and stupid are things that are not very positive to their attributes. However they can outnumber any other group. What they must go through is difficult on both of them as well. A teenager goes through body changes and is very sensitive and can be taken down easily through hurtful words. A zombie goes through a disease where they body decays and every one is trying to kill them. It seems like they are on the same boat. I wouldn't want to meet either one in a dark alley.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The Hunger Games vs. Gladiatorial Games
The Huger Games The Hunger Games is a game, that occurs annually and it is set up by the ruling Capitol to show the other 12 districts of Panem that the Capitol owns them and that they are in-charge and it also serves as a merciless reminder to the price of rebellion against the Capitol. The hunger games consist of twenty-four teenagers, a male and a female from each twelve districts and they range in ages of twelve to eighteen. They are put in an arena, that differs every year and they have to battle each other in a gruesome combat until there is one sole survivor that will be declared as victors.The film surrounds the sixteen year old protagonist, Katniss Everdeen. The story goes on as she volunteered to be a tribute on behalf of her little sister. Once in the game her and Peeta Mellark played a role of star crossed lovers to woe and get sponsors for the games. And at the end they were held victors of the 74th Hunger games. The Roman Gladiators The Roman Gladiator games is held mul tiple times throughout a year at festivals, funerals etc†¦ in 80 AD, Titus the emperor at that time opened the Coliseum with a hundred days of games and one of those days 3000 gladiators fought and on the other 9000 animals were killed.The games in fact served a number of purposes in roman society, including the education of roman values and virtues and even as a means of social control. Since Rome was a highly militaristic society, its citizens valued the art of killing in a way we would simply would find hard to understand. These public executions were a gruesome reminder to non-combatants, fellow citizens or subjects, that vengeance would be exacted if they betrayed their country, rebelled or were convicted of serious crimes.So in some sense the games helped preserve order within the city. Influence of Roman gladiators to the film/novel the Hunger games The chief manner in which ancient Roman leaders won the favour of the public was by doling out â€Å"bread and circusesâ⠂¬ (Latin â€Å"panem et circenses†) a phrase coined by the satirist Juvenal, to describe a practice that began in the late years of the Roman republic and that eventually symbolized the decline of Roman civic virtue. Even the country of Panem's name has its roots from the thematically significant Latin phrase.The â€Å"bread and circuses†consisted of huge handouts of grain to the public and the staging of massive, costly games that could last for weeks and slaughter thousands of animals (human gladiators were more rarely killed than is popularly imagined). In other words, give the people nourishment and entertainment and they'll overlook a little harmless oppression. As with the tributes in The Hunger Games, the Roman gladiators who fought in the arena generally had no choice as to whether or not they fought, since they were often slaves or prisoners of war (though there were volunteers who would fight for fame and fortune).Also, just as the gamemakers in The Hunge r Games introduce animals into the â€Å"arena†through teleportation technology, so in ancient Rome animals were brought into the arena through trap doors or raised up on platforms from the basement below the arena floor. Similarly, Katniss and Peeta's efforts to win over the crowd in order to stay alive are a reminder of the crowd's power in ancient Rome to signal life or death for a gladiator. Spartacus and the Hunger games Spartacus was born a Thracian, who trained in the roman army.During a war, he ran away and later captured by the Romans, as a punishment he was forced to be a slave and He was sold, in 73 B. C. , into the service of Lentulus Batiates, a man who taught at a ludus for gladiators in Capua, 20 miles from Mt. Vesuvius, in Campania. Then Spartacus sparked a rebellion by escaping from the school where he was being trained in Capua. Spartacus and the 70ish men who escaped with him began raiding the lavish country estates of the Roman elite and the slaves belong ing to these estates joined in, creating an army of thousands of slaves.In Hunger games, Katniss and Peeta sparked a rebellion when they defied the Capitol of its rules, buy threatining to eat the poisonous berries that would result with no victors for the games. The story of Spartacus rebellion relates a lot to Katniss’s rebellion, this is because when Katniss and Peeta defied the Capitol they made one district after another join the rebellion and through-out the rebellion they managed to defeat the oppressing Capitol. Tributes are Modern Day Gladiators Gladiators were prisoners of war.The reason that The Hunger Games was created and is still taking place is to remind the people of Panem of the rebellion and just how much control, the capitol has over all the districts. The Hunger Games is basically a war. If the children are reaped they have to go into the arena. They are prisoners of war because once they are reaped or volunteered they cannot go back. They are trapped in t he clutches of the capitol. Or slaves bought for the purpose of gladiatorial combat. The tributes aren’t exactly bought for The Hunger Games, but they are reaped just so they can fight in the games.They’re slaves because they are in control of the Capitol and have to do whatever they are told once in the control of the Capitol. Professional gladiators were free men who volunteered to participate in the games. Katniss volunteered to go into the games when her sister got reaped. If they’re not reaped the children from districts 1 and 2 usually volunteer to become tributes. Whilst they’re not free from the Capitol they are free in their choice. The entertainment took the form of combat, and people called gladiators fought each other to the death.In the Capitol the main entertainment is The Hunger Games. The tributes fight each other to the death until there is one left. The tributes are the gladiators who fought to the death In the Ancient Gladiatorial Games people would fight each other to the death for the entertainment of the public or for money. Before they fought to the death, they would parade themselves around, as if they were celebrities. After that the fighting began. Many of the people came from criminal backgrounds and were forced to fight under order from the emperor.The comparison between Katniss and the olden day Gladiators first comes in play when people volunteer’s themselves. People in the Districts of Panem can put their names more then once into the reaping bowel and in return get some rations. Gladiators who had financial trouble could receive money for just signing up. Katniss, like some of the gladiators volunteered themselves up. Katniss was forced to fight against other citizens of the nations in the attempt to become famous, exactly like the gladiators would. But Katniss isn’t the only gladiator in the Games. Career Tributes (from districts 1 and ) are also a prime example. Like some Romans they h ad been trained in an Academy for most of their lives in hope that they would win and get the fame they believe they believe they rightly deserve. The gladiators had to entertain the audience to get them to like them so they could get a higher respect value to get more supporters (like a rugby team getting for fans). This also happened in the hunger games as Katniss has to get the people of the capitol to like her so she can get sponsors to give her things to help her survive in the fight to death in the arena.In conclusion, the similarities and differences between Panem and the Ancient Roman Gladiatorial Games are quite plentiful. The connections that Suzanne Collins wrote in her book show interesting results when they are compared to the Gladiator Games. Throughout The Hunger Games, there are countless similarities and differences when you compare Panem and the games, such as Roman names, the purpose of the games and the outcome from these games.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Native American Mythology Essays
Native American Mythology Essays Native American Mythology Essay Native American Mythology Essay In order to preserve their history, traditions, and culture, Native Americans passed their myths by word of mouth (the oral tradition). Native Americans who were particularly good storytellers emphasized that the myths being orated should be shared with future generations. Some common themes in Native American myths would have explanations on how the world was made, where people came from, and the physical and social development of those people. The social evolution of the Navajo people is an important subject in the Navajo creation story, Dine bahane. The first beings, according to the Dine bahane, were essentially illustrated as insects; these beings were called the Air Spirit people. The Air Spirit people have not yet fully established themselves as an organized and central civilization due to the fact that they are always committing adultery with one another and usually fighting afterwards. Because they were incapable of adhering to the rules society mandates, the Air Spirit people were exiled from each society they traveled to. Only in the last, final society they encountered did they learn to cooperate with one another by ultimately following the statutes that forbid adultery. This lesson represents the social evolution of the Air Spirit people because they realized that by following the rules society mandates, peaceful social order could be maintained. Also, in Dine bahane, the argument between First Man and First Woman about who gets credit for the meal concerns gender roles. As a result, First Woman states that women could get along without men, and so they separate. The separation of men and women, which is divided by the river, clearly illustrates one infamous saying that ALL women can attest to: â€Å"Men. You can’t live with them, and you can’t live without them. †The same saying can apply to men as well; whether you like it or not, one gender just cannot live without the other. The women in Dine bahane did not fare well and were on the verge of starvation without the men to hunt the food for them. On the other hand, the men were unable to have children unless the women were present. The absence of one gender could lead to another gender’s downfall, as shown as a result of the argument between First Man and First Woman. However, they reconciled their differences by establishing the gender roles within their society: men hunt, women cook. Both responsibilities were significant in order for both genders to get along and survive; thus, the Navajo people are assured of their societal growth as long as social order is maintained. To sum up everything, n order for the Air Spirit people to peacefully co-exist, they needed to abide by the rules that their society mandated and not go off on their own tangents. The argument between First man and First Woman clearly illustrates that both genders need to accept their traditional roles in order to further enhance their societal growth. In conclusion, the recurring theme of social evolution in Dine bahane is important because although a myth, it elaborates on how the Navajo people maintained and improved their social de velopment.
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