Saturday, August 31, 2019
Apush Notes: Great Depression
A. The Great Depression was caused by an economic system out of balance. There was too much supply with little demand. This situation was created by monopoly pricing, unsound banking practices, overproduction, high tariffs, and tightening of money supply by Federal Reserve Board. B. A slump in economic activity with over speculation in stock and buying stocks on margin caused the stock market to crash in October 1929. The stock market crash marked the beginning of Great Depression. C.The Depression was characterized by high unemployment, foreclosures on homes, farms and businesses, closing of banks, and the drying up of credit, low purchasing power, and hunger. Many people grew concern that capitalism had failed and democracy couldn’t provide solutions to problems. D. President Hoover, a strong advocate of â€Å"rugged individualism†believed in minimal government interference to deal with Depression. He based his policy upon supplying optimism, expanding works, and loa ning money and struggling banks.E. In 1932 summer, 20000 impoverished veterans from the First World War marched on Washington demanding early payment of a financial bonus that was due in 1945. After the bonus failed in Congress, President Hoover ordered the US army to evacuate the marching veterans from DC. The army, led by Douglas MacArthur, drove the veterans out. The armies’ handling the Bonus March ended Hoover’s chance for reelection and fostered a growing fear of revolution in America. F.President Hoover and his Republicans were blamed for Depression in election of 1932. Franklin Roosevelt was elected president, promising to save capitalism, help common man, and to provide work. Roosevelt was vague on his plans, except he would try anything. G. FDR’s plan to get nation out of Depression was called the New Deal. New Deal had policies of relief for the poor, recovery from Depression, and reform of the economic system. The first New Deal as passed during the first 100 days of his presidency.The left wing of politics liked the idea and passed the idea through Congress. Economy fell back into recession. Black Tuesday The day the stock market crashed. No buyers. Rugged individualism Social outlook promoting one’s goals and desires of independence. Hooverville This name was based on Hoover’s blame for depression. Families lost their homes because they couldn’t pay mortgages. Hawley-Smoot Tariff, 1930 Tax increase by Republican congress.Purpose was to satisfy US business leaders who a higher tariff would protect their markets from foreign competition. In retaliation, European countries made higher tariffs against US goods which reduced trade. Reconstruction Finance Corporation To prop up faltering railroads, banks, life insurance companies, and other financial institutions. Emergency loans would stabilize these businesses. The benefits would go down to smaller businesses and bring recovery. Democrats scoffed at this meas ure, saying it would only help the rich.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Franklin Delano Roosevelt: The Savior of America
It seems that everyone knows what these three simple letters mean. FDR, which stands for Franklin Delano Roosevelt, was the 32nd President of the United States, the savior of America during mid-20th century, also the hero of mine. As we all know, FDR, known as Franklin D. Roosevelt, is the only president of the United States who was elected to more than 2 terms and up to 4 terms. It’s not so hard to find out that the reason for being the one elected to 4 terms is leading the whole nation overcome the worldwide economic crisis and the World War II. In this essay, I am going to discuss how FDR leaded America pull through the economic crisis which happened in 1927 and what FDR did for fighting against the Fascists with the Allies. First of all, I would like to talk about the worldwide economic crisis. It is known to us all that the Great Depression caused by the economic crisis in 1927 destroyed the whole economy of the world, not only the United States, but also the whole Europe and some parts of Asia including Britain, France, Germany, Japan, etc. It was like a domino effect, all the countries sank into the abyss from which no one can escape. At the beginning of the Great Depression, President Herbert Hoover who was the one before Roosevelt started plenty of programs for reversing the down, but unfortunately all of those failed. Even the worse, the economy and the society turned into a worse condition, and that time became even harder either. At that time, the rate of unemployment and the rate of crime went up, whereas the standard of living went down, and so a huge number of citizens in the United States could no longer live their normal life as before. During that hard time, a lot of people became homeless and died from starvation and disease while another part of people would rather suicide themselves. Finally, Roosevelt defeated Hoover in the election of 1932 and became the 32nd president of the United States. In his Inaugural speech, he encouraged the whole nation with the words that only thing we have to fear is fear itself. And then, in his â€Å"First Hundred days†in office, he started a new series of economic programs named the New Deal which contained Relief, which aimed at protecting the poor and providing jobs to those people who was unemployed, Recovery, whose goal was recovery of the economy to normal levels, and Reform which means rebuilding the economic system to avoid a repeat depression. To support his New Deal, he also passed the Emergency Banking Relief Act, the National Industrial Recovery Act, the agricultural adjustment act, the Social Security Act, and so on which opened a new era. Because of all of those, the economy of America began to recover. That’s the evidence which can prove that it was Roosevelt who helped the United States get out of stuck. Second of all, Roosevelt also made a declaration of war with Japan which meant the United States officially participate in World War II and became a member of the Allies fighting against Germany and Japan. In fact, the United States Congress passed The Neutrality Acts in the 1930s which limited the help from the United States to aid Britain against Nazi Germany. Because of that, Roosevelt opposed the acts and tried to find various ways to assist the Allies. Before the participation of the United States, Roosevelt signed the Atlantic Charter with Winston Churchill, who was the British Prime Minister at that time, and then gave a strong financial support to both China and Britain to fight against the Fascists. On the following day when Japanese attacked on Pearl Harbor, he made a speech calling December 7, when Hawaii Operation took place, â€Å"a date which will live in infamy†. That meant it’s the end of the Neutrality Acts and the beginning of the participation of the United States. After America’s participating, the aspect of World War II has been totally changed, especially after Normandy landings. In the Pacific, The Battle of Midway became the most significant turning point in World War II which caused the cooperation between Japan and America change a lot. At last, as everybody knows, the Axis collapsed, while the Allies got victory. It’s so easy to tell that how Roosevelt contributed to the victory of Allies. While there are still some people hold a point of view that Roosevelt needs to be blamed because he had known some details about the plan that Japanese attacked on Pearl Harbor before that happened but he kept that as a secret and then he allow that tragedy happened in order to rouse the nation for participation to the war. However, the opinion is wrong because World War II was a disaster for all the human beings, while the participation of the United States let the Allies get the final victory and end the war. We should not abuse Roosevelt but thank him because he let us have a peace world. Whereas there are still some people holding another idea as Charles Dorn did that FDR did effectively eliminate one global threat – but left us with decades of cold war. I have to say what he thought is right but that is also the thing no one can avoid. Moss Roberts points out that â€Å"The empire, long divided, must unite; long united, must divide. †After defeating the same enemy – the fascist, the United States of America and the Soviet Union turned into enemies because of the different profits of two nations. Actually, the cold war is the best way to solve the problem caused by different profits, compared with wars or battles. In conclusion, Roosevelt is not only the savior of the United States but also the savior of the whole world. He saved America’s economy from the abysm and then saved the world from being destroyed by the Fascists. As the article Visit Little White House to step back into FDR's time said, â€Å"His ‘Fireside Chats’ heard over the radio were as popular as the ‘Grand Old Opry’ or Joe Louis' prize fights. His â€Å"So help us God†speech at the beginning of World War II pulled the nation together. Then later, when word came that he had died, grown men cried unashamedly in public beside their wives. †We can easily figure out that FDR himself and the things he did are all unforgettable to every single American who overcame that hard time. Thanks to Roosevelt, we can have a developed America; thanks to Roosevelt, we can have a peaceful world even though there are still a lot of skirmishes in the world.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Monopoly & monopolistic Essay
There are plenty of companies in America today that are controlled by a monopolistic market. Although there may be a few that are controlled as a monopoly market, while there are a few that are out there such as the Gas and Electric Company, SDG&E and the USPS. It can be difficult when you are going from a monopolistic firm to a monopoly only because the market is completely different from one another. When it comes to Wonks, there are plenty of beneficiaries when we analyze the differences of going from one to another. It is uncommon that a firm will go to a monopoly after being a monopolistic company. But as we dig deeper there can be some advantages as with anything there are disadvantages to the government, companies and society. As stated in our text the definition of the monopolistic is as follows, â€Å"A common form of industry (market) structure in the United States, characterized by a large number of firms, no barriers to entry, and product differentiation†(Case, pg. 304). When we look at a monopolistic company indicates that there are multiple types of the same type or similar companies that create the same product(s). This tends to be a common theme here in America. Wonks changed to a monopoly firm which resulted in â€Å"â€Å"An industry with a single firm that produces a product for which there are no close substitutes and in which significant barriers to entry prevent other firms from entering the industry to compete for profits†(Case, pg. 262). In a monopoly firm there is one main firm that manufactures the product and nobody else can replicate the product. Looking on the brighter side, there are plenty of advantages to having a monopoly company that could be beneficial for the government, other companies as well as customers. The government usually looks at a firm that is considered a monopoly and they are the ones who allow the sense of control over the company. They are able to come in the market as a monopoly with in fact this will allow for them to regulate the competition. For a company there are benefits as well to being a monopoly company. It requires for the company to have a huge amount of products on hand to make sure that they are meeting the customer’s needs. For a company to do that they would need to provide a bigger amount of capital in the production. This is because production cost takes a plunge simple fact that you are now producing in larger amounts. This may be a huge asset for a firm because it will now be lower in cost for the product to be produced. When we analyze price, the firm may have an option to increase or decrease the price depending on the situation. Since Wonk is the only company like itself, the customers have to pay the price that the company puts forth, or they have the choice of not purchasing their products. Lastly, for the customer’s standpoint, they have some advantages as well. A firm that tends to be as the monopoly firm can lower prices to get people in the door. Not always will the prices be low either. Now this is an advantage for one because now the consumer is getting the product at cheaper prices. When it comes to Wonks being a monopoly the government, companies as well as the customers can all benefit from it in one way or another. When looking at the two, a monopolistic and a monopoly firm the pricing and the producing for both are different. In this case the monopoly firms prices tend to be higher because they are the only company that manufactures the item or product. At any given time the company can increase and or decrease the prices when they want and the customers either can purchase the product or not at all. In a monopolistic company, their prices can differ from time to time given that there are many more companies with similar products. One thing to pay attention to is that not just one firm can change the prices because the customers can just simply go to another place to get a similar product at a cheaper price. For a monopoly company when it comes to producing product, it can be different to how prices are determined. For example, if the prices are lower, then more production is needed in order to keep up with consumer demands. We could also consider that the production may not change a whole lot in a monopoly because they are usually the only firm with that particular product. In this case if a customer wanted the item or product then they will pay whatever the manufacturer priced it out as. For a monopolistic company, production can change depending on the prices. If the companies prices happens to be high, consumers will not want to purchase items from this company. Customers do have a choice to shop around and go to another company. Some companies have particular market and target a certain group of individuals. This can be more beneficial to these types more than others. In my opinion, Wonks can benefit more from a monopoly. Considering my research, it appears that there are more opportunities for Wonks as a monopoly as oppose to a monopolistic firm. When a firm is part of a monopoly, they are able to control more of the sales to provide the necessary items for their consumers. A change with Wonks going from a monopolistic firm to a monopoly has many benefits. The government can benefit from Wonks by this firm being a monopoly simply because they are controlling the market. The company benefits and also they are able to reduce the amount of productivity cost because things are being produced in mass quantities. As for as the customers, they are able to get the product they need at a reasonably cheap price. A monopoly company can have some advantages when it comes to the economy if they have the put the consumers needs to make them happy customers. Reference: 1) Case, K. , Fair, R. , Oster, S. , (2009). Principles of Microeconomics, 9th Edition. Person Learning Solutions. Upper Saddle River, NJ.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Critical Thinking Style-Persuasive Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Critical Thinking Style-Persuasive - Essay Example So much of what is accomplished in the workplace is a result of a person's attitude. A bad attitude attracts bad results. Excessive pessimism tends to put coworkers on edge. It all breeds contempt and an overly critical attitude. What people want in the work place is a positive attitude. They wants someone who greets them with a smile and can positively enforce the work that they do. Pessimism embraces the opposite goals. It leads people to be overly critical and even hurtful at times; it also assumes the worst about people and their motives. Someone who comes to work everyday with a frown on their face and an unkind word for the secretary lowers morale. It can overwhelm everyone (Hutston, 48). This is not the sort of attitude anyone wants in the workplace. Pessimism hinders and hurts a workplace. It is an attitude that is the opposite of optimistic and places serious limits on what can be achieved, often because it assumes those limits are very real. The truth is that businesses tha t approach their workplace environments in a more positive manner will be more successful. Work consulted Hutson, Harry, and Barbara Perry. Putting hope to work. Greenwood Publishing Group, 2006.,+Harry,+and+Barbara+Perry.+Putting+hope+to+work.&hl=en&src=bmrr&ei=AnlaTZ7GK8a1tgfghoCDDA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCYQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Nursing Occupational Stress Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7500 words
Nursing Occupational Stress - Research Paper Example In recent years, humans are experiencing increased pressure not only in their everyday life but also at their work place due to the multifarious nature of their roles in the current society. The complexity and multiplicity of people's role and the ensuing stress that they are subjected to, have evoked the interest of researchers, and a considerable body of studies have accumulated on 'stress'. In the process of trying to explain the exact meaning of the word stress, scientists have offered a variety of differing definitions. Willner (1993) finds that "giving one definition to stress is rather problematic." If people are asked to define the word stress, they will all tend to give varying definitions of the same. This is because each individual experiences stress in a different way. Consequently, researchers who conducted studies on the subject offered different explanations of stress. According to Abouderie (1996), stress is "a complex experience, which has been explained and investig ated in various different ways and in general terms, and it originates from over-demanding situations." On the other hand, Hans Seleys (1936) defines stress as "an unspecified reaction of the body to the everyday pressure and needs which results in pleasant or painful outcomes." According to Richard (Please indicate the year of publication), the term stress is defined as "the state of anxiety constructed from an event or responsibility that someone cannot deal with." A more exhaustive explanation of the term can be found in the definition that "stress is commonly accepted as a mental, emotional, psychological or physiological disruptive condition resulting from excessive pressure being placed on an individual." (Deane, Chummun and Prashad 2001 and Occupational Hazards 2004). Stress can be the outcome of an anxious day at work or a terrible flight to New York. Hans Selye (1936) concludes that stress is "a way of life" and he goes beyond by saying that: "Everyone knows what stress is, but nobody really knows." What is work stress One of the most important types of stress common to the modern world is work stress. A study by Lehtinen, Haditaja and Hinkkanen (2003) concludes that "occupational stress was found to be the second most frequent occupational health problem which is affecting 28% of employees in the European Union." Consequently, occupational psychologists researched the field of occupational stress in order to prevent the negative impacts that stress causes at the workplace environment as well as to the individuals. In addition, researchers who examined the field of occupational stress identified the factors that cause it. Psychologists, after exhaustive research, find that "occupational stress was the psychological and emotional reactions that arise when employees experience an imbalance between their occupation demands and their capability and/or resources to congregate these demands." (Deane et al, 2001 and Bekker, Jong , Zijlstra and Van Landeghem 2000). In more simplistic terms, occupational st ress can be discerned as the pressure which an individual experiences in the workplace environment. PMI- measure of occupational stress There are also many synonyms used to replace the word
Lifelong Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words
Lifelong Learning - Essay Example Super's theory included propositions relating to trait-and-factor theory, developmental psychology, and personal construct theory, from which Super derived his ideas about self-concepts and sociological theory. Super proved that the changes in the self-concept develop throughout the person's life as a result of experience. People modify their self-concepts depending on the career choice and new work conditions. The important part of Super's theory is dedicated to the construct of career concerns as divided by the six stages of person's development depending on the age span. Development stages were described by the theorist in the beginning of his career (1954) and are as the following: As we see these stages relate to the life-span dimension of the person: childhood, adolescence, adulthood, middlessence and senescence respectively coincide with career stages of growth, exploration, establishment, maintenance and disengagement. The career stages of adulthood that includes specification stage, implementation stage and stabilization stage describe adults who are looking for stability and advancement in their jobs. Stability referrers to as keeping the same job for a long time period, struggling to meet job requirements but still being concerned about one's competencies. On arrival in the job market, young adults reflect on how to achieve their vocational goals. They then move on to seeking a promising path by questioning their goals and abilities in an attempt to accelerate vocational development. The adult then "grapple with the occupational race", striving to reach a plateau of occupational status (Super, 1969)Once adults reach their late twenties, different aspects of their career choice is combined with the feeling of safety and certainty in their competence and dependability. Advancing in career implies promotions, or moving to a position with more responsibility, and may involve a higher income (Super, 1980). After career has been established, adults become concerned holding on, keeping up and innovating in their careers during the consolidation stage. In the final career stage at the age of around 55 people are sure about tomorrow's day and have no need to keep on working, so they declare retirement. In conclusion, perceived as a well-respected theory, Super's theory of career choice and development it is regarded as one of the most comprehensive approaches describing the crucial factors of person's career. Mezirow and transformative learning Mezirow in his theory of transformative learning focused on the idea of perspective transformation, which he understood as the learning process by which adults come to recognise and reframe their culturally induced dependency roles and relationships. Later he drew on the work of Habermas to propose a theory of transfo
Monday, August 26, 2019
Building organisational capacity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Building organisational capacity - Essay Example This paper analyses the change management program that was implemented at DHADC. Change is inevitable in every organization and it has become one of the necessities for organizations to thrive amidst increasing challenges and varying market conditions. So, DADHC, being no exception, felt the increasing need to adopt a change strategy which would enable it to eliminate the pitfalls that it encounters in delivering superior services to customers and its varied clients (Tebbutt, 2004). Analyzing the overall long-term objectives underlined by the company, it has been found that the company focused on improving and bringing about significant changes in the area of organizational capacity building. Improving this aspect enabled the company to meet its long term objectives of providing better service to its clients, customers and others stake holders. This change strategy was adopted, as it would strengthen the formation of teams and thus help the organization to strive towards its goals in a concerted approach (Tebbutt, 2004). Therefore, the company decided to implement this change strategy in order to improve its present level of effectiveness with regards to the role played by organizational capacity building in enabling the company to achieve its long term objectives. This change strategy was adopted as it would enable the organization to achieve a performance-oriented culture with highly motivated work force and help the organization to render better client satisfaction. This also would lead to the formation of strong team and imbibe the sense of team spirit within the employees. This change strategy would help in building a culture that would increase the levels of services rendered to the customers and add to the good will of the organization (Tebbutt, 2004). As the organization is a service oriented one, therefore it was perceived that this change
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Aeroflots global marketing approach in Russia & U.K Case Study
Aeroflots global marketing approach in Russia & U.K - Case Study Example No other industry is regulated such a degree on an international level. The aviation industry to still dominated by flag carriers, which have historically been molded by the political concerns of national governments but now are under threat from the low cost carriers. At a time of high competition, particularly on most profitable routes, the difficulties faced by airlines are compounded by the high exposure this industry from outside control. Volatility in fuel prices, war, international tourism, industrial action and the impact of illness such as SARS and Avian flu are some of the risks.The end of Soviet Union brought sweeping changes to the ownership and management of the industry with privatization and entry of new private businesses in the airline and airport sector. Presently only four commercial airlines -Aeroflot, Sibir, Pulkovo and UT Air - carry more than one million passengers a year. Aeroflot dominates the international market whilst in the domestic market it faces compet ition from the others (Sibir is the leading Russian domestic passenger carrier). Aeroflot provides 37.7% of the total seats supplied in the overall Russian-EU market with Lufthansa the next nearest carrier with 12.6%. As part of the privatization process, many of Aeroflot regional divisions became independent airlines and now compete with their former parent. Aeroflot is an open, joint stock company; with state owns 51% shares. Aeroflot flies to 126 destinations in 70 countries of the world. Russia has currently 215 registered airlines (267 in 2000), including 55 state-owned carriers, a number which is expected to decrease in the years to come with increased competition, more stringent governmental licensing procedures and the enforcement of higher safety requirements. Based on 2005 data, Aeroflot's share of the Russian airline market in terms of passengers carried would increase from 17% to about 35% on domestic routes and from 31% to 48% on international routes (i.e. from and to R ussia). In terms of total passengers carried on both domestic and international routes, Aeroflot will control a 41% market share vs. 23% on a stand-alone basis, with a huge gap between it and its nearest competitors - Sibir (12%), UTAir (5%) located in the oil-rich Khantimansiisk region, and VIM Avia (5%), a recently established charter carrier operating a fleet solely composed of foreign-made aircraft. Domestic expansion, in addition to bringing returns to scale, should have the effect of establishing domestic feeder routes that would ultimately provide a basis for renewed growth in Aeroflot's international business. 3. Standardization Vs. Adaptation: As a principal objective of the Russian government is to develop domestic air transport through major restructuring in order to increase efficiency and quality of services. The state would pay for the new shares with its stakes in the largest state-owned airlines: 100% state-owned Pulkovo, GTK Rossiya and Dalavia, Krasair (51%), Vladivostokavia (51%) and Sibir (25%). Aeroflot would hence end up with stakes in all of its major competitors, while the state would increase its ownership in Aeroflot. Aeroflot management and the state since late 2004 and was initially suggested as a way to increase the company's market capitalization. The larger free-float probably resulting in a higher market capitalization, the Russian flag carrier would also expand the scale of its operations on both international and domestic routes, which is important given
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Essentials of Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words
Essentials of Management - Essay Example The primary problems with the delegation process are the loss of power, the chances of insubordination, loss of accountability and the chances the work may get delayed. These are the various problems of the delegation. Once the job has been delegated, the Manager may fear that the individual may not perform perfectly either due to the lack of resources, money or senses of responsibility. This may ultimately affect the KRA’s of the manager; the other issue may be the insecurity that is present among the managers. The individual who has been entrusted with the job may go on to outperform the Manager. Thereby, these are the problems faced in the delegation process. There are various steps that can be taken to overcome these problems. The main steps are the infusion of responsibility in the individuals to deliver the work on time, and not to have any amount of insubordination. This can be accomplished by the creation of a proper work culture wherein there is an intrinsic sense of responsibility among the individuals. Also, the individuals should be accountable to the work that is performed by them. Building trust in the virtual teams The process of building trust in virtual teams is a multifarious process with multiple layers involved. The steps that I would take to maintain trust are a lot of online meeting between the members so that they can come to know each other. This would mean that a lot of online transactions should be maintained in order to have the optimum level of trust to be maintained among these members. Another important aspect is the acceptance of the cultural differences between the members. Thee should be a lot telephone calls, online chats , video conferencing and common brain storming sessions over the internet. The other important factor is that the members have to complement each others abilities to build up the trust. Business Research Methods Research question- Should the performance bar of a company be constantly raised at the cost of rising levels of stress and attrition? Analysis-In order to survive the current market, the organization should always keep on evolving and changing that would basically mean that the structures are being organizes in such a manner that there is continuous growth in the organization. It should also ensure that the performance levels are always on the top. Given the current levels of the employee attrition and the stress levels, should such a strategy be actively followed within the company Methodology - Data sampling is of primary importance here, the main strategy that has to be adhered to is the population sampling strategy. The sampling frame has also to be fixed since we are dealing with extremely large sensitive amounts of data, the proper identification of each and every individual involved in the data set is extremely important. The type of sampling that has to be followed here is probability sampling. This is extremely important in the light of the data that is being inve stigated. The chances of the selection of each entity in the sample should be more than one. The subdivision of the sampling frame applies is the stratified sampling. The stratified sampling is used to divide the population into the necessary subsets for the analysis. The dependent variables are the frequency of the distribution randomness of the population set, the methodology segregation taken and the variability of the stratified data. The independent variables are the designation, the work level and responsibilities Understanding- The method of the data collection is
Friday, August 23, 2019
Thomson air Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Thomson air - Essay Example In addition, two core competitors of Thomson recorded a 17 percent figure of passengers that travelled within Europe. Currently, Thomson administers charges for all the bags that their security team checks. This charge applies for bags that weigh not more than 23 kilograms. Besides, Thomson services possess convenient services such as onboard drink and food menu. It services entail online shopping and eatery. These are coupled with complimentary blankets and pillows for extra comfort in the seats. Additionally, Thomson services entail provision of chocolate and champagne programs. In terms of planes, the airline employs wide body fleet planes. Their flights involve the use of long-haul schedules to limited destinations. The flights extend up to west of Faro and east of Athens. The company possesses plans to move away from this low market share. To begin with, it possesses a plan to eliminate the charge of the first bag as long as it weighs less than twenty three kilograms. This will accord the airline an edge over its competitors since the rivals, Easyjet and Ryanair, charge a fee above the current rate of Thomson. In addition, the company seeks to attract a larger customer base by using e-ticket advertising and airport printed tickets. This will require the use of software engineers in integrating the system with other operations of Thomson. Furthermore, the company has a strategy of expanding its customer base by opening up more destinations. This strategy will be directed towards popular destinations in France, Netherlands, Germany and Switzerland. The product concept rides on the idea that consumers would profess a preference towards quality products. In this perspective, it would be vital to examine how Thomson Company will try to manipulate the quality of its products. The company has made strategies to cut down on its value addition services such as
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Induction in health and social care Essay Example for Free
Induction in health and social care Essay Explain why induction is important for practitioners, individual and settings. Induction process is very valuable and of great importance for any early year practitioner, individual or organization. In my opinion this is an ongoing process starting from the advertisement. a) For practitioners: The process of Induction is important for the Early birds in the nest so as to help them integrate into their roles in the organization quickly and effectively. They should be familiarized with the campus first. Like cafeteria, restrooms, classrooms, emergency exits etc. After that introduction with her new colleagues, rules and regulations, benefits and facilities that she will enjoy working here will follow next. Necessary trainings in safety and all her questions/ needs should be addressed. Induction is also very important for the new employees to let them know the organizational structure of the work place. The mission vision of the workplace is introduced and they are informed as to what quality drive is expected from them. They are given an opportunity to know where they stand in the crowd. The timetable of the CPDs and school extracurricular activities are handed out to them. They are given documents related to class they are going to start teaching. b) For individuals: Induction should not be limited to the new comer only rather it should be executed for the old employees as well. I would like to organize induction process at least twice a year. One before the new session starts in September, because they might need a lot of motivation and enthusiasm after spending 6-8 weeks holidays away from school. This can also be extended to 4-5 days. In this process we can review policies and procedure to refresh their minds and remind them of the goals they have to achieve throughout the year, in case of some policies being altered it’s a good time to share with them and get their opinion. Some new incentives can also be shared to boost up their energy and loyalty with the organization. This is a good time to introduce a new staff if there is any or if any staff member is promoted then he/she can be given induction about the new responsibilities attached with the new position. c) For organizations: If the employees are properly inducted then they will work more efficiently and happily for the workplace. The progress of each child will be consistent and improved, as a result parents are happy and a reputation is built and demand of that work place will increase more in market. 1.3 Explain the link between induction process, qualifications and progression routes in the sector. Every workplace wants to ensure that they recruit new teachers that are most suitably skilled and qualified for their jobi This they do by a rigorous recruitment process. Then through a structured induction process the workplace prepares them for a new role and motivates them so that they give their best. This also helps the newbie to develop upon the knowledge and skills they already have. An effective induction helps the new staff to meet the core standards of the work place and provide a foundation for CPDs towards becoming a more effective teacher. The leader is responsible for selecting mentors for the induction process from the staff depending upon the requirements of the induction process. The mentors should have the skills, expertise and knowledge to coordinate the induction effectively. The observations and notes taken from the induction process states where the new staff is standing and now what skills and abilities should be focused for further development. Thus the progression should continue to give the new staff a chance to enhance their qualifications and skill where they lack. 1.4 Analyze the role of the induction process in supporting others to understand the values, principles and agreed ways of working within a work setting The induction is a planned process which involves various members. The process of induction depends upon how clear and effective your induction policy is. The policy clearly states the role of each member involved in the induction process; and there is a checklist present for each phase. In this way let a newbie join at the beginning of the session or in the mid of the session every newbie is going to enjoy the induction process so that she understands all her duties and responsibilities adhered to the job. This newbie will learn all the tricks of the trade going on in the organization pretty well including the mission vision and what quality work is expected from her to derive learning and motivation from the students. It is not a one day process it depends the new recruit. If he/she is already an experience teacher then induction for a few weeks are enough but if it’s newly qualified teacher then induction can go as long as 1 term or may be more than that. However if the new teacher is not being monitored as it should be by the mentor or instead of mentoring the mentor has started dictating than induction process loses its effectiveness. It merely becomes a chit chat session If the induction is done effectively with the old staff members as well. One of the advantages of the process is that you get to know where your staff stands. The members of your staff are hard working but lacking in some skills or the other, there you can hold different workshops and training sessions by calling the expertise. Also during the session the mission vision, policies new or updated can be explained/refreshed so your team members avoid mistakes and know what you expect from them during their tenure. In this way you can ensure quality education for your students by providing competent staff members. However this can turn the table over if the policy does not fully cover all areas of induction and that there is no checklist to keep track of the induction progress. 1.5 Analyze the role of induction in safeguarding individuals and others with a work setting One of the aims of the induction process is safeguarding individuals from any harm coming to them. If I were to head the process of induction in my setting then first and foremost I would make sure that I have all the policies updated and required for safeguarding, e.g. fire safety, health and safety, child protection policies etc. I would make sure that each member of my staff undergoes basic child protection and first aid training, to raise awareness that equips them to recognize and respond to child welfare concerns. This training would start soon after a staff is appointed. They would also be induced on how to deal with emergency situations such as fire. I would hold a fake fire alarm schedule so that the staff and the children know how to react in emergency situations. However, this might not be effective if a large number of staff is present as time can become an issue. But yes if the process is scheduled in batches then this can be overcome. Once it happened in a classroom a child who was usually active was feeling low and wanted to lie down from time to time. Had not my colleague taken child safety training she would have let him sleep but she quickly responded and dashed to the clinic by the time the child had collapsed in her arms. The Dr. called the parents and the child was taken in an emergency to a nearby hospital. The Doctors praised the teacher for timely help otherwise the child’s condition could have worsened. The parents later on admitted that the child had fever and that they gave him medicine which had a sedative effect. In the end I would like to conclude that to make induction effective w.r.t. time, money and resources there should be an effective carefully planned induction policy and checklist. This policy should be revised from time to time and should also involve feedback from the staff in order to update and make the policy more effective. The team chosen should be carefully chosen according to their abilities. However If there is no check list or policies and procedures up to date or not in place or the mentor is not qualified and knowledgeable enough then the induction process will lose its spirit and it can go totally wrong leaving behind a mere chit chat session.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Childcare Center Director Essay Example for Free
Childcare Center Director Essay Do you enjoy working with children? Is a question that I like to think of when it comes to working in the field dealing with the responsibilities of taking care of children. Today, there are more needs for children to be taking care of and learning about why it is so important to have a good education. I can remember when I was about ten or eleven years old, I use to babysit children during the summer, I would teach them their ABC’s, how to count, and recognize numbers, shapes, sizes, and their colors. Being a Childcare Center Director is my dream career, because I wanted to ensure that my children will be taught and learn why it is so important in having a good education. I will not only have a Childcare Center to sit and watch children just to earn an income, I want to ensure the parents that my Center will benefit their child or children that this is an educational center as well. Today, Childcare Directors are among one of the highest paying job in the United States, according to the (visited December 19, 2012). Childcare Directors are expected to grow by eight percent between the years of 2008-2018. A Preschool and Childcare Center Directors is an institution of early childhood education for children between the ages of three-to-five year old. Directing a Preschool/Childcare Center is exhausting and can also be complicated at times when you have a problem that involves the matter with a parent and one of your employees. It is your responsibility to make that your staff understands the responsibility in handle and dealing with problems that have occurred. It is a dedicated job, but you must have the desire love and work with children’s. What do they do as a Director? Is one of many question people tends to ask and wonder about. Being a Childcare Director is not just a job sitting behind a desk, they have many responsibilities to tend to such as, providing a clean, safe and educational environment. For example, they have to hire and training staffs, communicate with the parents, employee and children’s on a day-to-day base. But the most important of their job is to ensure that the staff is well trained and that they are well qualified to meet and follow the center’s rules and guidelines. They have to make sure that they comply with the state and federal laws. To be a Childcare Director they also must meet certain requirements that are set among the state laws, depending on the location and state that you desire to work in. According to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services ( , that anyone serving as an administrator of a Childcare Center in Texas must hold a Childcare Administration License. Depending on the location or state, you have different requirements and standards to meet. The Directors are required to have at least a Bachelor’s Degree, some even required to have Master’s Degree. Being a Childcare Director you have the opportunity to earn a certification but you are not required to have one. According to the Bureau of Labor ( the highest paying states in Childcare Center Director are District of Columbia, Massachusetts, New York, California, and Alaska. Comparing to others daycare positions a Daycare Directors have the highest wages, they have almost 20,000 more per year than just been a Daycare Center employee. You can at least expect to gross out between $39,000 to almost 43,000 a year, in which that means you making between $20.00 to $22.00 an hour. Since Childcare Directors have the responsibility of the financial management of the centers, with their salaries this means that they will be able to develop a budget, manage the accounting and over sees accounts, payable and receivable. Being a Childcare Directors plays a major role in the world today. As you can see working as a Childcare Director is not just a sit down or working behind a desk job, you have to be active, ensuring parents that your center is not only a Childcare center, but a center to where their child will be taught and learn the basic of what it will take for them to have a better education. You are the sole owner and responsible for whatever goes on in your facility under your care, rather it is setting up meetings, dealing with the parents or seeing about the children. You are responsible from the time your doors are open until closing. So as you can see that why I love to work with children, because I want to make sure that once they leave my daycare, they can have something to look forward the next and to their future. References Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2012-13 Edition, Human Resources Managers, on the Internet at (visited December 19, 2012). Preschool and Childcare Center Directors [pic]. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2012-13 Edition. Preshcool directer: Job description and requirements. (2003-2012). Retrieved from Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2012-13 Edition, the Internet at (visited December 19, 2012). © copyright 2003- 2012 All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. [pic]
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Positive and Negative Effects of Social Media
Positive and Negative Effects of Social Media Abstract Social networking has changed the way people interact with each other forever. Social networking first existed as an invention created in 1975 known as email, which is still used today (Email). However social networking has advanced in to using a profile to give information about a user and his or her interests, and has integrated the use of email. Now social networking involves sharing stories, photos, and involves the use of apps as well as messaging to communicate with others. This type of social networking did not become popular until the year 2003 when MySpace and Friendster were launched. Shortly after Facebook was launched but was not open to the general public until 2006, which has become the number one social networking site today. These networks have many positive effects such as remaining in contact with friends, meeting new people, providing educational benefits, as well as the convenience of mobilly accessing it. Also there are some negative effects which include identit y theft, cyber bullying, decreased social interaction in real life, and social isolation. Increase in mobile social networking could possible cause future health problems. The first type of social networking created was Email, which was invented in 1975 (Email). Since then social networking has advanced into a profile with numerous features that can be used and has integrated the use of email. Now social networking is changing the way the world interacts with people, and has provided many useful tools for the world to use. Still these social networks are continuing to advance to provide better features for users, and these popular sites will continue to grow in size. Even though social networks can have negative effects such as wasting time, it also affects people positively by allowing people to communicate and remain in contact with friends in a much easier way. In the article Are social networking sites good for our society? (2009) social networking (or social media) is defined as an online community that allow people to develop profiles of their backgrounds and interests, communicate with friends and strangers, and share thoughts, photos, Internet links, music, and more (p.1). Once a social network is joined users are prompted to identify others in the system with which they have a relationship known generally as friends. Social networking sites vary greatly with the features they have to offer, and is what makes each site different from the other. Six Degrees was the first major social network, similar to social networking today, to be launched and was launched in 1997 (Bhutkar, 2009). Social networking as it is today did not become popular until 2003 when Friendster MySpace and LinkedIn were launched. Then in 2004 Facebook was launched but was only open to college students with a valid university email. Facebook remained a college only n etwork for two years before it opened to the general public in 2006. Since then Facebook has become the number one social networking site (Bhutkar, 2009). Positive Effects of Social Media Social networking sites allow people to communicate and remain in contact with friends as well as meet new people. These sites allow people to find others with similar interests that they can create a relationship with and get to know one another. Groups can be joined or formed to meet people with similar interests, and views. Social networking allows for creative expression by using tools such as blogging and messaging to post ideas and stories (Are social networking sites good for our society, 2009). Users also share poems, interest in music, TV shows, hobbies, photos, and many other things (Jasson). Event invitations can be made and sent to friends rather than having to mail invitations and friends can also rsvp for an event on the site. Not only is it used to talk to friends, but it is also used to discuss educational topics. Social networking is said to increase a persons quality of life, and can reduce health risks. Many people report that they have not had any negative experiences with social networking, and schools are starting to look at it as an educational tool (Thelwell, 2006). The use of social networking helps improve technological skills of students, and exposes them to many diverse views about things. It also has helped with communication skills, and allows the learning of cultures from users all over the world. Also students use social networking to discuss homework topics with peers online, and to get help on assignments (Reid, 2009). Sixty percent of students on social networks have said that they talk about education, and 50 percent specifically talk about school work assignments. These students seem to have an extraordinary set of traditional and 21st century skills including communication, creativi ty, collaboration, and leadership skills and technology proficiency. Parents are expecting schools to take advantage of using online social networking to educate children, but to do so in a safe way. Some public schools have created a secure social network for its student to be able to communicate with other students, and to do so in a more safe way (National School Board Association, 2007). Social Networking does not just benefit individuals, but it also benefits businesses as well. These sites allow businesses to advertise and market services to a large audience, and a profile is free to set up (Gillin). Numerous businesses have created profiles that provide detailed information about the business to advertise in a low cost way (Roberts, 2008). Businesses will gain more attention on social networks because the business profile is available to for all users of the social network to see. Also businesses like to use social networks to learn what potential employees are like, and make decisions based on the information provided on the persons profile (Ellison, Steinfield, Lampe, 2007). Social networking has already completely changed the way people interact in the world, but also it is advancing more to make it easier to access. Now social networking is becoming mobile and can be accessed through the use of a cell phone. It is thought to be a great idea and would increase the use of social networking since a lot of people carry cell phones with them at all times. People can use mobile phones to update their status, post comments, upload photos, send messages, and update profile from just about anywhere (Kharif, 2006). This allows people to be able to get things done as well as take some time to log onto social networks. Making social networks accessible through cell phones is also expected to increase the number of users by a significant amount (Gillin). So far mobile social networking is being used more than social networking from pc computers. The top sites that are being visited using mobile phones are Facebook, MySpace, and Bebo. Being able to access social net works from the cell phone unlocks the full potential of social network, and makes it more convenient for people to use. Since it is more convenient to use the number of users has increased and the mobile social networking has increased significantly (Hamblen, 2008). Negative Effects of Social Media Social networking does have negative effects as well, but are nothing compared to the advantages of using it. These sites reduce the amount of face to face socializing and replace it with online interaction which is believed to result in low quality relationships with other people (Mikami, Szwedo, Allen, Evans, Hare, 2010). Teens over share information to the public that can hurt them in the future when trying to get a job, and deleting the information is not good enough. Cyber bullying occurs as well, which is bullying people online in a public way, but occurs at a small percentage. People that frequently use online social networking are also prone to social isolation which can lead to depression and decreased social skills (Mikami, Szwedo, Allen, Evans, Hare, 2010). A false sense of security leaves social networking site users vulnerable to security attacks such as hacking, leaking sensitive information, and sending viruses. Identity theft can occur when a cybercriminal uses the network to gather personal information posted about people (University of the Pacific). It also has been said that social networking sites endanger children by allowing pedophiles to seek out children (Are social networking sites good for our society?). Also since they are becoming mobile it might encourage people to use cell phone to access these sites while driving just like text messaging was a popular thing to do while driving. Social networking becoming mobile use will increase cell phone use and the problem with that is that cell phones have been found to emit electromagnetic radiation that is absorbed by the brain and body. This absorption disrupts the brain sites for memory and learning and can cause confusion and forgetfulness (Thomas, 2004). It is also been reported that cell phones can cause cancer from the electromagnetic exposure to other parts of the body, but little emphasis has been placed on it. The cause of cancer in the brain has been the main health concern with cell phones, which social networking by mobile phone is not exposing the brain to the waves. Also, cell phones give small amounts of radiation off and would require a lot of use and over a long period of time for it to start to cause cancer. Research is needed to provide evidence to determine that actual health risk of cell phones. Social networking has its advantages and its disadvantages like everything else does. The sites are continuously advancing, and changing to fix the negative problems. One example would be accessing social networking sites using cell phones so that people can access the site on the go rather than sit at home on a computer. Most users have stated that they have had only positive experiences with social networking, and very few people experience cyber bullying. There are still problems that need to be fixed, but it seems that the positive effects outweigh the negative effects. Social networking is a very valuable tool that can be used to meet new people, and allow people to remain in contact with friends. Even though it can waste time, social networking positively affects the world by allowing people to communicate, and remain in contact with friends in an easy and convenient way. References Are social networking sites good for our society? (2009). Social Networking Retrieved April 9, 2010, from Bhutkar, G. (2009, January 29). Users on Social Networking Sites. Journal of HC Vistas, 5(February 2009). Retrieved from Ellison, N. B., Steinfield, C., Lampe, C. (2007). The benefits of Facebook friends: social capital and college students use of online social network sites. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 12(4). Retrieved from Email: The First -and Largest- Social Network Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing. (n.d.). Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang: Web Marketing, Social Media. Retrieved April 11, 2010, from Gillin, P. (2008). Business anywhere, anytime. Computerworld Communications Brief, 1-5. Retrieved from Hamblen, M. (2008, September 11). Get Ready for mobile social networks. Computerworld. Retrieved from Jansson, Y. (n.d.). Online social networking positive aspects. In article dashboard. Retrieved March 29, 2010, from articledashboard database. (477721) Kharif, O. (2006, May 31). Social Networking Goes Mobile. BusinessWeek. Retrieved from Mikami, A. Y., Szwedo, D. E., Allen, J. P., Evans, M. A., Hare, A. L. (2010). Adolescent Peer Relationships and Behavior Problems Predict young adults communication on social networking websites. Developmental Psychology, 46(1), 46-56. National School Boards Association. (2007). Creating Connecting: Research and Guidelines on Online Social and educational networking [Data file]. Retrieved from Reid, K. (2009, November). The rise of social networking sites. Education Journal, 119, 22. Retrieved from Thelwall, M. (2008, January 25). Myspace, Facebook, Bebo: Social Networking Students. ALT Newsletter, January 2008(11). Retrieved from,0,w Thomas, W. (2004). Cell phone health effects: busy signals think twice before you place that call.Alive. Retrieved from Investigations/Articles/cellphones.htm University of the Pacific Online Social Networking Dangers and Benefits. (n.d.). University of the Pacific Stockton, San Francisco, Sacramento. Retrieved April 11, 2010, from
Hate Crime Laws Essay examples -- Hate Crime Essays
Imagine you are a family member of a man who was chained up to the back of a pickup truck and drug along a gravel road for two miles until he was dead. Then imagine how you would feel after you found out that this happened just because he was a black man. Things like this sicken me. I believe that the people that are responsible for these horrific crimes should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. That is why I strongly support hate crime laws. Now, before I dive into this very controversial subject, I should probably define what hate crime laws are so you will have a better understanding of what I am talking about. As I have understood it, hate crime laws are laws that protect certain minorities or groups from bias motivated violence and harassment, and also more harshly punish people that commit these crimes against them. As I started to do my research on hate crime laws I began to notice that there are many experts that are on my side of this issue, and very few experts that oppose hate crime legislation. According to Issues and Controversies on File some experts that do not support hate crime laws believe that these laws â€Å"perpetuate inequality among U.S. citizens†. They say that hate crime laws â€Å"single out†or pick the minorities that get the special privileges while other groups don’t get any protection. The way they see it is, â€Å"why should it be any more of a crime to attack a gay person, they ask, than a heterosexual person?†(506). Other experts that oppose hate crime laws such as Don Feder, believe that these laws deny another basic concept of democracy (equality before law) by creating different classes of victims†(3). Feder says that â€Å"anti-bias laws punish ideas.†He believes that the... ...ated Violence.†Corrections Today August, 1999; 68 3.†Hate Crime Laws.†Issues and Controversies on File. Dec. 25, 1998. 4.†Hate Speech†. Issues and Controversies on File. June 4, 1999. 5.Hays, Kristen. â€Å"Suspect Charged With Hate Crime.†Vancouver Columbian Mar. 3, 2000:A2. 6.Jacobs, James B. â€Å"Hate Crime Legislation: Challenging Intolerance.†Current Sep. 1992: 7.Jost, Kenneth. â€Å"Hate Crimes.†The CQ Researcher Jan.8, 1993 8.McCafferty, Dennis â€Å"WWW.HATE.COMES TO YOUR HOME: Is it Free Speech? Or Does it Incite Violence?†USA Weekend March 26-28: 6-7 9.McCarthy, Sarah J. â€Å"Fertile Ground For Terrorist?†Humanist Jan./Feb. 1999: 15-16. 10.Sheppard, Nathaniel, Jr. â€Å"Hate in Cyberspace.†Emerge July- Aug. 1996 34-40. 11.Title 9A. Washington Criminal Code: Chapter 9A.36, Assault-Physical Harm. â€Å"West Revised Code of Washington Annotated. 1999.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Scandal in Bohemia Essay examples --
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Scandal in Bohemia The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes was written by Sir Arthur ConanDoyle. The novel was first published in 1892. A Scandal in Bohemia was a short story about a woman who has pictures of herself and a high Englishnobleman. She used them to blackmail him. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was a novelist, a detective-story writer, and aphysician. He was born on May 22, 1859 and died on July 7, 1930. He beganwriting The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes in 1890 and finished writing it in1892. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was so successful in his writing that he gave uphis career as a physician only five years after the creation of Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson were created by Sir Arthur Conan Doylein a bar in England when Doyle was having legal problems. The story took place in March of 1888. Sherlock Holmes resided at 221BBaker Street in London, England. Inside his room were all the materials heneeded to use to solve his cases: One night, it was on the twentieth of March 1888, I was retur ning from a journey to a patient, when my way led me through Baker Street. His rooms were brilliantly lit, and, even as I looked up I saw his tall, spare figure pass twice in a dark silhouette against the blind. The second half of the story took place at Briony Lodge. This is where IreneAdler resided. Her house had a small garden and was two stories high. The story began when Doctor Watson visited Sherlock Holmes. Holmestold Watson that he needed his help on a case. The case involved pictures ofthe King of Bohemia and a woman named Irene Alder. The King of Bohemiawas going to marry a woman he loved, but Irene Alder blackmailed him withthe pictures. Irene Alder was in love with the King and did not want him tomarry another woman. Sherlock Holmes came up with a plan to get the pictures back from IreneAlder. Holmes had a group of his friends cause a commotion with Irene in frontof her house. Then, Holmes dashed into the crowd to pretend that he wasprotecting the woman and was punched b y one of the men. He had concealed asmall amount of red paint in his hand. When the fight was broken up, Holmeswas on the ground with the paint on his face. He pretended that he wasseriously injured and was brought into Irene's house. While Holmes was being cared for by Irene and a small crowd of people,Doctor Watson sent a smoke rocket into h... ... human is perfect.Many people believed that Sherlock Holmes was the perfect detective and thathe would never lose a case. This short story proved these people wrong.Sherlock Holmes was able to find out where the pictures were and was able toexecute his plan. However, Irene Alder outsmarted Holmes by leaving thehouse before being caught. Fortunately for both the King of Bohemia andSherlock Holmes, she found a man that she loved and did not blackmail theKing anymore. If she did not love this man, it is probable that she would still beblackmailing the King and tSherlock Holmes would have to begin the caseagain. A Scandal in Bohemia is a short story that received more attention thanany other one written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. It received this attentionbecause Sherlock Holmes, for the first time, is outwitted. Sir Arthur ConanDoyle uses deductive reasoning, which is when reasoning is used to form themost likely conclusion. He also used irony, which is a contrast between the waythi ngs seem to be and the way they turn out. Irene Alder thought that SherlockHolmes was injured and had blood running down his face, but he really was justpretending to be hurt and red paint was on his face.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Goals in the Movies Center Stage and Miracle Essay -- Films Movies
Goals in the Movies Center Stage and Miracle Dreams and goals are one thing that everyone has in common. Everyone has a dream or goal that they strive for; whether it takes a couple days to accomplish, or a lifetime, everyone has at least one. The movies Center Stage and Miracle tell two different stories of triumph, using determination and the inner belief of oneself, to overcome the obstacles standing in the way of their dreams. In both of the movies they show that it takes a great deal of effort and time to reach ones goals, but everyone can accomplish them as long as their minds are set on them. In the movie Center Stage there are many characters that are trying to live their dreams. It is about a group of young kids that tried out and made it into the best ballet academy. It shows the pain, heartbreak, and tears that it took them to discover themselves and follow their dreams. Jody Sawyer is the main character in the movie. She makes it into the academy but nobody understands how she got in. They all say that she has â€Å"bad feet†(Center Stage) and does not have the â€Å"perfect body type†(Center Stage). Jody makes herself practice hard and watches what she eats to get the appreciation that she deserves from her fellow ballet dancers and the instructors of the academy. She succeeds in doing this; her determination and discipline paid off. At the Company’s final dance recital she gets a standing ovation from the whole crowd; everyone was left in awe. Jody accomplished her dream in becoming an amazing ballet dancer. The movie Miracle deals with the dreams and ambitions of the United States Olympic ice hockey team. It is a true story about courage, and ambition that lead them... ...llet dancer. In this wonderful world, dreams and goals can be achieved one way or another. There is so much opportunity in this country for everyone to succeed. The main thing that people need to remember is that it takes time and effort. Anybody can be anything they want to be; no matter what class they are in, how much money they have, or what their grandparents or parents do. It is up to the individual to set their minds to it. People just need to take advantage of all the great opportunities there are in this country. Not everyone has this many opportunities to succeed, so they need not let it pass by. With all the great universities and jobs out there, there is no reason that people should be just standing on the streets with no money to buy food or shelter. A goal just needs to be set and then the determination and discipline comes next.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
How does R. L. Stevenson create horror and suspense in the novel ‘Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde?’ Essay
‘Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’ is a classic horror novel written by R. L. Stevenson. He was born in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1850. He grew up in Edinburgh which had two very different faces: the prosperous, middle-class new town and the ‘old black city’ with its poverty, disease and over crowding. This can be compared to the novel because of the duality of nature between Jekyll and Hyde. The novel would have had a different impact upon its original readers because at this time London was a divided city; there were two major extremes, the rich and the poor, and as Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde portray both these extremes the novel is shown from the two ends of the divided London. Jekyll lives in a respectable area which has ‘an air of invitation’ and Hyde lives in ‘a sinister block of buildings.’ Also, in 1886, the readers of ‘Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’ would have interpreted the torments of Henry Jekyll as the traditional struggle between good and evil. The novel is about a respectable doctor, Dr Jekyll, who transforms himself into a savage murderer, Mr Hyde. A girl is ruthlessly trampled over by this vicious Mr Hyde and he writes a cheque for à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½100 compensation; however the cheque was signed by Dr Jekyll. Mr Utterson and Mr Enfield come across a door which reminds them of the savage murderer and Mr Utterson’s suspicions are aroused when he finds Hyde’s dead body inside the laboratory where Jekyll had locked himself in, inside here is a letter written by Dr Jekyll. Dr Lanyon dies and gives Utterson a letter which said that Jekyll was having trouble with the effects of the drugs. In the final chapter Utterson reads Jekyll’s confessions. The story of the novel is told through many different narrators, Enfield, Utterson, Lanyon and Jekyll all play a part in telling the story. Stevenson has used this technique of multiple perspectives to heighten the mystery and suspense of the story as this allows the reader to see more clearly into their characters and relationships. ‘Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’ is such a well known text that it is known by more people than those that have actually read it, this is because there were no less than four film versions appeared during 1920 and 1953. In chapter one Stevenson uses many devices to create horror and suspense. The title of this chapter ‘The Story of the Door’ adds secrecy and mystery as it is part of a mysterious house, the street is pleasant except from this shabby house. This strange and always locked door becomes a significant symbol of mystery as we do not know where it leads. The neglected door on the smart street is also concerned with the duality of nature theme. This door creates secrecy and suspense because it is always locked and you can only enter with a key, also the windows are always shut. At the start of this chapter we are immediately introduced to one of the main characters, Mr Utterson; he appears complex as there are contradictions in his character ‘lean, long, dusty, dreary and yet somehow loveable,’ this is the major theme of the chapter: duality of nature and it is a reoccurring theme throughout the novel and the narrator hints that he knows people of ill repute. The setting of most of the novel is at night or early hours in the morning; this creates an eerie atmosphere, and also suspense and mystery because it is rather odd why people are walking out at ‘three o’clock of a black winter morning.’ Whilst Enfield tells ‘a very odd story’ tension is created as he repeats ‘street after street’ and this highlights his isolation and produces tension as the reader can empathise with him if they have ever been in a dark, isolated situation before. In this chapter secrecy is an important theme; everyone has something to hide and so they are reluctant to ask questions suggesting they do not want to hear an answer. Stevenson creates horror in this chapter as the introduction of Mr Hyde, who ‘trampled calmly over the child’s body and left her screaming on the floor,’ is a horrific image. This is peculiar behaviour and the reader has maximum sympathy for the young girl. In addition, Hyde is not at all disturbed by the incident of ‘calmly’ hurting her. When he witnesses the incident, Mr Enfield, an unemotional man has a strong reaction about it, ‘sawbones turned sick and white with the desire to kill him.’ In the second chapter entitled ‘Search for Mr Hyde,’ the title builds up a sense of anticipation in the reader because it is like a mystery investigation – searching for something or someone that could be lost or on the run. The will in this chapter is exceptionally odd; it creates a sense of extreme mystery in the reader. This is because Dr Jekyll’s will states that all his possessions shall be passed on to Edward Hyde, this shows the reader that there is some association and connection between Jekyll and Hyde. However, what is even stranger is that he says if he has disappeared or had an unexplained absence for any period exceeding three calendar months, this shows the reader that he is suspecting something might happen to him and builds up a sense of anticipation and keeps the reader interested and want to read on. Stevenson is giving clues about what is going on and Utterson thinks that Hyde is blackmailing Jekyll. Hyde also has contradictions in his character, he is described and ‘timid and bold,’ this oxymoron suggests of the duality of his character. ‘He may grow impatient to inherit,’ this suggests that Utterson is worried about his friend Jekyll and thinks he could be in danger as he left all of his belongings to Hyde, and with Hyde’s monstrous reputation he may not want to wait for his inheritance. The chapter ends with the lawyer in very low spirits, he feels forced to confront the fact that he too has been responsible for certain wrongs which he has taken care to hide, and this all creates suspense and mystery. He suspects blackmail or murder. In chapter three, Jekyll shows respect and admiration for Utterson and he convinces Utterson of the need for absolute secrecy, Stevenson does this to heighten the suspense and keep the reader engrossed. Jekyll thinks that Lanyon is dismissed as ‘hide-bound pedant’ in his thoughts as they had an argument about scientific thinking. Jekyll believes that Lanyon is narrow-minded and conventional in thinking. Chapter four is set almost a year later and it is the most horrific chapter in the book. R.L. Stevenson makes it gruesome with disturbing details and it would be extremely shocking for Victorian readers. This is because in Victorian society there was such a large emphasis on manners and behaviour. This chapter is appalling and inhumane to the reader. The passage which describes Carew’s murder is macabre and distressing, ‘bones were audibly shattered,’ this clause is effective because it appeals to the senses and makes it sound more horrendous and abominable. It is odd that Carew gets brutally murdered like this since he appeared to be such a nice man. This passage also presents horrific details that Mr Hyde beat him with his power and strength. R.L. Stevenson creates more suspense and mystery and gives subtle hints that the murder could have something to do with the mystery of Jekyll and Hyde because it could have had something to do with the will. The description of the setting as being, ‘a district of some city in a nightmare,’ is a sinister description creating atmosphere and horror. The ever-present fog contributes to the atmosphere as it is gloomy and it also portrays secrecy as it can be used to ‘cover up’ things. A threatening atmosphere is created with the flickering of street lamps and the personification of the fog, for example ‘the fog still slept.’ In chapter five horror and suspense is created by the description of Jekyll as it contrasts with that of before, ‘Dr At Ease,’ however now he looks ‘deadly sick’ and is terrified. This shows the reader that his connection with Hyde is making him ill Jekyll has received a letter and this creates suspense and secrecy, he is unsure about whether to show it to the police and this creates mystery. The description of the city as being ‘drowned’ reinforces the air of impending doom and adds slight horror and suspense. Towards the end of the chapter Utterson is in utter disbelief that Dr Jekyll forged for a murderer, Stevenson uses the description, ‘And his blood ran cold in his veins,’ this creates horror and suspense because it must be something very bad that has happened for someone’s blood to appear to turn cold, and also it makes the reader wait in anticipation. At the end of the chapter a cloak of secrecy descends upon matters and a guest is sworn to secrecy. In chapter six Dr Jekyll begins to improve with the disappearance of Mr Hyde and he is being associated with good things, ‘charity, and religion.’ Dr Lanyon has had a shock, ‘as a look in the eye and quality of manner that seemed to testify some deep-seated terror of the mind,’ he is scared however it is not that he is scared about dieing but something else. This creates suspense and leaves a sense of anxiety in the reader. However when Lanyon’s face changes and he holds up a trembling hand the reader is led to believe that Lanyon’s decline has something to do with Jekyll. In chapter seven the incident which the two gentlemen witness informs the reader that Jekyll is suffering from something which he cannot control, this creates suspense because the reader will wonder what it is that he cannot control. The gentlemen’s ‘expression of such abject terror and despair, as froze the very blood of the two gentlemen below,’ shows the reader that this is a link between Jekyll and Hyde as the reaction of the gentlemen from Jekyll reminds us of the reaction of the gentlemen from Hyde. Chapter eight opens dramatically with the entrance of an unexpected Poole, who is Utterson’s butler and his appearance is altered by a shock. The title of this chapter ‘The Last Night’ makes the reader think that this could be the last night or someone or something, for example, Jekyll dieing or a secret being revealed. Suspense is added when it says, ‘crushing anticipation of calamity’ as they are just waiting for something bad to happen. In this chapter the reader is meant to think that Mr Hyde is in the room and that he has killed Jekyll for the will and so Mr Utterson’s predictions were correct, this adds suspense because the reader does not know for definite if it is him in the room and they want to find out. In the novel Hyde has always been described as animal, for example in chapter four, ‘with ape-like fury’ and also in chapter two, ‘hissing’ this is comparing him to a snake and snakes can be seen as evil. In Victorian London, when it was a divided city, the poor received no schooling and could not vote, the wealthy people were afraid of them and saw them as being like animals, Hyde is also described as an animal. In chapter eight, R.L. Stevenson portrays many clues to lead the reader to think that it is Hyde, ‘crying out like a rat,’ and also it says, ‘and this was more of a dwarf,’ as the reader we know that Jekyll is tall and Hyde is shorter. There was a ‘mask upon his face’ so this creates suspense as the reader wants to know who it is. R.L. Stevenson is building up a sense of foreboding and expectation as the reader will think the thing he is describing is Hyde, ‘London hummed solemnly all around; but nearer at hand, the stillness was only broken by the sound of a footfall moving to and fro along the cabinet floor,’ this creates suspense as the reader knows that something bad is going to happen. Stevenson uses descriptions which appeals to the reader’s senses and so you can imagine you were there. He uses the technique of authentication and the reader is made to feel as though they are involved on an intimate revelation of feelings and events as the plot of the book is revealed through diaries and letters. This makes the reader feel included and keeps them interested. In chapter nine, ‘Dr Lanyon’s narrative,’ the reader is about to discover the truth about what Dr Jekyll has been up to. Stevenson chose to set this chapter at midnight as it is the witching hour; this adds mystery and horror because of the time of night that it is set in. The novel is structured so that the mystery and suspense is built up right until the penultimate chapter, this chapter reveals Jekyll’s terrible secret. Up until this point the reader can only see Hyde through the eyes of the other characters and as the reader becomes drawn into the mystery of the novel it tells the reader important information about the characters. Stevenson chose midnight for the arrival of the strange messenger because it is known as the witching hour and Hyde is thought of as inhuman. Finally, in the last chapter, ‘Henry Jekyll’s Full Statement of the Case,’ the reader sees the end of the story from Jekyll’s point of view. Stevenson decided to end it in this way to create tension so that the reader would only read Jekyll’s side last and keep them in suspense. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde represent the two sides of good and evil, as Jekyll does ‘pious work’ and Hyde uses ‘blasphemies,’ both of these connecting with religion as it is an extremely important part of Victorian people’s life. It poses the question – which is more powerful good or evil? Stevenson makes evil prevail in the end because Jekyll is banished by Mr Hyde, however this could be Stevenson telling us that evil is stronger or because humans are weak-willed. His opinion of this could be shaped like this because of his background; he was brought up as a Calvinists and this emphasised that our desires are naturally evil, so this would mentally affect you as a child. To conclude, it would be impossible for the modern reader to read this novel as an unsuspecting Victorian might have done because people see things like Jekyll’s double identity in everyday life, on the television and read it more in books so they are aware of what could happen, however in Victorian times they did not have television and so the only place where they would see this is in books. All of the devices that Stevenson has used to create horror and suspense have a strong impact upon the book because he wanted to keep the readers in suspense for as long as possible and he tried to make them discover for themselves the ending by leaving a series of clues. Overall, I think this was an interesting book, at times I found it quite difficult and got a bit confused, however I soon picked up again. I think that Stevenson was clever in the way that he used multiple perspectives to heighten the suspense of the story and thought that it was a good novel. Finally, the novel has had such a large impact on language that it has become a saying now. The phrase ‘Jekyll and Hyde’ describes someone with a split personality as being nice and nasty.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Doing Psychotherapy Essay
The book entitled â€Å"Doing Psychotherapy†written by Dr. Michael Franz Basch is renowned as a functional guide that could be used in implementing effective psychotherapy. As such, this book is considered as an insightful composition that is profound in such a manner that it clearly renders factual actions and activities as to how such psychiatric therapy works. Distinct from any other book with the same topic, Dr. Michael Basch’s opus about psychotherapy is not only a representation of his brilliant ideas and views with regard to the relationship between the therapist and its patient but also serves as an essential demonstration of the real occurrence in psychotherapy. Dr. Michael Franz Basch is a Professor of Psychotherapy at Rush Medical College and also serves as a Supervising Analyst at the Chicago Institute of Psychoanalysis (Basch, 1980). In addition to this, he also works as an attending Psychiatrist at Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center (Basch, 1980). Overview of the Mechanism and Tools The ccomprehensive interpersonal relationship and open communication between the therapist and the patient is one of the major mechanisms presented in the book as this is essential to bring about change. In here, the author gives an emphasis on the behavior of the therapist in which he said that psychoanalyst must not have personal bias and control their emotions against the actions of their client to be able to initiate change in psychotherapy and render positive results for their patients. Moreover, the book has also utilized various system based from reliable clinical protocol without the exclusion of the unavoidable mistakes which the therapist may commit. As such, the book has utilized a profound mechanism in providing the reader a therapeutic discussion through the method used in presenting factual experiences, which essentially occurs in the actual treatment of psycho cases with varying difficulty. Likewise, the author concentrates in discussing the treatment for the patients with light cases that normally receives little concern and are generally disregarded in most of the training guides, but requires essential attention as the personal relationships of these patients are normally unsatisfying, disturbed and habitually unhelpful. Critiques and Concepts Presented In the book, the author clearly states his concept that the quality of the relationship between the psychotherapist and the client is an essential factor in which it has a greater influence in achieving helpful outcomes on the client’s end. As such, this concept tells that a good relationship between the client or patient and the therapist is more inclined to achieve a positive outcome. In addition to this, the author said that in designing psychotherapy, the process of diagnosis must be done accordingly. Hence, the treatment process must be in line with the condition and diagnosis of the client. From a personal point of view, such concepts in psychotherapy may not be as effective as it is perceived by just relying on the stability of relationship between the two parties and the definition of the case. Hence, this should be well-supported with the accorded clinical protocols towards the treatment of psycho disorder. With this, it can be said that a more helpful and positive outcome for the patients as well as for the entire process of therapy is within reach. Conclusion In the end, the approach of Dr. Michael Franz Basch that have developed for the past decades of practicing and teaching in the field psychotherapy is indeed logical and dynamic in which he evidently states that management of the transference relationship is a positive stepping stone for the treatment process. As such, most of his teachings and concepts presented in the book are evidently modern in which his thoughts evades the stiffness that is often associated with the classical psychoanalytical position and seems to be an integration of various techniques from the different disciplines of therapy. Hence, Dr. Basch emphasizes in his concepts that building on the patient’s strengths is more essential and helpful towards effective psychotherapy, rather than concentrating on studying the illness or condition of the patient. Nonetheless, the book â€Å"Doing Psychotherapy†is indeed functional in serving as an ideal guide for the professionals engaged in clinical work. Reference Basch M. (1980). Doing Psychotherapy. Michigan. Basic Books
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Efficiency vs. Effectiveness: Defining the Difference
Almost every organization, be it a corporation, non-profit or government strives to be more effective and more efficient. Organizations often make important strategic and operational decisions based on how different alternatives will increase or decrease efficiency or effectiveness. But many organizations and managers struggle to understand the difference between efficiency and effectiveness and often get â€Å"wrapped around the axle†debating semantics rather than actually evaluating the alternatives at hand.These concepts are often used interchangeably and with little consistency, and in some cases improvements to efficiency or effectiveness can appear to be interdependent. For example, an organization that is seeking to invest in its call center would likely face alternatives that would deliver both increased efficiency and effectiveness improvements.Implementing an automated call distribution system can reduce resolution time and allow lower staffing levels in the call ce nter, delivering against the efficiency criteria. Alternatively, providing call center operators better insight into customer profiles can promote cross selling and allow agents to identify and satisfy unmet customer needs. This alternative addresses the effectiveness criteria. Projects typically favor one criteria or the other, but they are not always mutually exclusive.Investments can occasionally deliver on both the efficiency and effectiveness criteria, these (rare) projects allow an organization to do more with less. An example of this type of project is a transaction system that provides better customer analytics and increases productivity. However, in those cases where a project is touted as impacting both criteria it is important to ask critical questions to ensure outcomes are not being confused.For example, if an organization invests in automated sales reporting solution expecting an increase in efficiency and effectiveness, the solution may simply replace a manual process with an automated one, improving only efficiency. If the solution does not provide additional data or insight it is not likely to drive revenue growth, or effectiveness. More consistent application of these definitions should help align expectations around outcomes of your most important decisions. For more information contact:Ted Schneider Principal, SwitchPoint LLC [email protected] Brian Leslie Principal, SwitchPoint LLC [email protected] Increases Efficiency Improves Effectiveness Definition Allows organizations to do the same amount of work with fewer resourcesAllows organizations to generate higher revenues, independent of resources requiredExamplesï‚ § Automation of manual processes ï‚ § Organizational restructuring / outsourcing ï‚ § Expansion of online presence ï‚ § Increased insight into customer behavior / preferences
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
My Ambition in Life Essay
Everybody has an aim in life. Aim or ambition is the inner desire of man. We should be very clear about our aim in life. We may face difficulties in reaching our desired target, but we should not loose focus. For me, to deliver mankind through treatment of poor sick people is my ambition A doctor lives a noble life.He is always at the service of suffering people.A sick man looks at him with the only hope of getting cured.The smiling face of a doctor makes the patient cheerful. A good doctor is respected everywhere. If I become a doctor I will be kind to the poor and the needy people. I will not charge any fee from them.Helping the helpless will be my duty and practice. I have studied biology and I will seat for the competitive tests for admission to a good and reputed medical college.I shall try to be a good and sincere student and then a qualified doctor. I will do whatever it takes to be a good doctor and and will be sincere to it. After becoming a successful doctor, I have plans of setting up a clinic in a village. I never had any desire to narrow and to beco e specialist, a physician, a gynecologist I want to be normal practitioner here, in my own base is the end of my imagination and, though not a specialist in any peculiar area. Although knowing the fact, the income from here would be pretty less, but making money will not be my main aim. Also interpretation all these consequential services, I shall also acquire the capital of subsistence. I vow that I would be loyal to my duty and will give full respect to my job. Days are not far off, I am trying hard to realize my ambition and I wish this dream of mine would be fulfilled.
Clinical reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Clinical reflection - Essay Example From the experience with the Chinese patient, I learnt how to communicate with a non-English speaker patient by use of sign language. I also learnt how to keenly monitor how he swallowed the fluid foods and put great care to turn the patient after every two hours. I also learnt more in listening to the lungs sounds very keenly. My friendliness to the patients never failed me. It made the patient feel at home and feel comfortable on my arms. I think I did great job by ensuring that the patient was comfortable all the times. I also did much by ensuring that the patient never dirtied himself with his excretes since he was unable to handle himself. Throughout the nursing period I ensured close contact with the patient. Today as I attended to the Chinese patient I felt I was very effective and caring to my patient. I went extra mile since the patient was dependent. I felt the pain as the patient swallowed the meals in great trouble. It was sad to see the patient being turned on bed every time. I felt the pain though proved much confident and never indicated any sign of
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
ART History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
ART History - Essay Example â€Å"The Dadaists’ pessimism and disgust surfaced in their disdain for convention and tradition. These artists made a concerted and sustained attempt to undermine cherished notions and assumptions about art†(Kleiner 928). Therefore, the movement came to question former artistic standards by denying any existing connection between reason and logic on one hand and artistic expression on the other hand. Marcel Duchamp was one of the most important representatives of the Dada movement and was also known as a hero of anti-art, because he challenged traditional artistic conventions. One of the facts that earned him this characteristic was his exhibit the ready-made sculptures in 1913. These were casual objects abandoned by their and stumbled upon by the artist on the streets or somewhere else; Duchamp altered or combined them with other objects in order to created the so called ready-mades. This way, the objects lose their utilitarian function and gain an artistic one. One of the most famous ready-mades, which triggered the public’s strong reactions of admiration or disagreement, was the Fountain, which is illustrated in the first image below. It is a porcelain urinal, which Marcel Duchamp altered by adding the signature (â€Å"R. Mutt†) and the year of 1917, carelessly written on the left side of the urinal. The signature has its roots in the mundane as well, since â€Å"R. Mutt†is not a famous, important name but rather pseudonym which derived from the name of a plumbing company, Mott. Perhaps the name of the readymade is the one that makes the piece so interesting; fountain suggests somewhat the idea of a beautiful architectural monument, while Marcel Duchamp’s fountain is a tribute derived from a simple object that serves basic human physiological needs. Nothing extraordinary, yet somewhat challenging for the human perception. However, I would like to emphasize the fact that Duchamp did not choose to exhibit the Founta in aesthetical purposes, since it would have been a contradiction to the Dada philosophy. Still, even if it does not have an aesthetical role, the Fountain has profound resonances as an important work of art; meaning of this artwork is that it he challenges the viewer to see a simple, ordinary object from a different angle and this way, to gain new a perspective and find a new use for it. Therefore, the Dada movement did not try to create the extraordinary, but merely to put the ordinary into a whole different light and it is hard to imagine a more aggressive avant-garde approach to art (Seigel). Another artist who has also created art that challenges the traditional standards and understandings of traditional artistic thought is Bruce Nauman, an American contemporary artist who is considered to be a performance and conceptual artist. In the mid 1960s he abandoned painting and decided to focus his creative activity towards object making or modern sculpture. This way, by experimentin g with different materials, that were not normally associated with an artistic function, such as latex, different kinds of wires, fiberglass, latex, concrete and even wax, he managed to make a very distinctive statement in the art world. At the same time, I believe that it is admirable that he tried to incorporate in his art modern visual aids such as neon lights, video and sounds, trying to create innovative and somewhat shocking, attention grabbing artworks, which would be able to
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