Thursday, October 31, 2019
Analysis and Application Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Analysis and Application - Essay Example In addition, violent gangs take part in theft and robbery of properties of their neighbors (Klein, 2005). Primary questions to the research were inquiring whether youth gang violence is as a result of illegal drugs and small arms, the contribution of the media in the problem, political and social problems to the problem, and the possible measures taken to alleviate the problem. Violent youth gangs have been blamed by the media for the increasing incidences of violence and crime in Central America cities. They have been blamed for all sorts of crime tat take place in the society. In addition, both the media and the government officials have linked the violent groups to terrorist groups such as al Qaeda (Pope, Lovell and Bradl, 2001). Some of the concepts discussed include the definition of â€Å"youth gang†youth gang is defined according to the composition of the gang, members, leaders and the structure of the gang. All these factors must be outlined I order to look at the problem effectively. This research is valid because it discusses the political and social contexts in which these violent youth gangs emerged. Some of the measures proposed in dealing with the issue include arresting the violent youths, removing them out of the streets as well as reducing their number in the overcrowded Central American prisons. Prison overcrowding by the violent youth gangs can lead to challenging situations such as prison riots and a number of deaths (Dvorak, 1995). The voices fro the field’s study also understands the situation of young people. It is discussed that politicization of the gang matter has exaggerated a clear understanding of the crisis as well as the attempts in coming up with suitable solutions. The study recommends that so as to successfully tackle the issue of youth gangs, proper therapy programs must be put in place. There has to be sufficient investments in the avoidance and remedy
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Entrepreneurship - Portfolio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Entrepreneurship - Portfolio - Essay Example â€Å"The entrepreneur is the innovator who implements change within markets through the carrying out of new combinations. The carrying out of new combinations can take several forms; 1) the introduction of a new good or quality thereof, 2) the introduction of a new method of production, 3) the opening of a new market, 4) the conquest of a new source of supply of new materials or parts, 5) the carrying out of the new organization of any industry†(Kukoc and Regan, 2008, The modern resurgence in the interest of investigating entrepreneurial culture and its attendant socio-economic dimensions has shed new light on its many ill-explored facets. This portfolio will briefly focus on some of these aspects and make insightful comments on its varied, complex and seminal conceptual dynamism. However, its primary objective is to profile its foremost elements in a manner for easier understanding. The modern business organization requires entrepreneurs who are not only farsighted but also shrewd strategists. Thus the challenge faced by modern entrepreneurs is not based merely on ‘risk’ but also on a more complex, fluid and hostile environment Strategic challenges include such factors as risk involved in making decisions about the nature and dimension of threats posed by competitors and the probable response to such threats. Schumpeter’s concept of creative destruction plays here a significant role by enabling the daring entrepreneur to innovate. Thus continuous innovation is a preemptive strategy that forestalls rivals’ anticipated moves (Eggert, 1998, p.209). Next there are functional challenges such as problems associated with production, marketing, finance, quality management, technology, public relations and communications. Each functional area needs the entrepreneur’s attention. Strategic approach enables the entrepreneur to integrate
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Brazilian Immigration To United States History Essay
Brazilian Immigration To United States History Essay It is estimated that eleven to fifteen million fresh immigrants arrived in the U.S. between the year 1990 and 2000 and were integrated into to the U.S. workforce. This when compared with any time in history, is a high level of immigration, more than the previous Great Wave. In the previous ten years, people born outside the US comprised 41.4% of the growth in U.S. inhabitants. More than 50 percent of the growth in the countrys civilian workforce can be pointed to new overseas immigrants. New overseas immigrants are younger, less learned, more probable working in the private sector as wage and salary workers, and over-represented in many industrial sectors, than the indigenous labor force.10. According to Brazilian government numbers, there are more than 1.5 million Brazilians living out of the country. America is the main point of entry: about, 700,000 Brazilians lived in the U.S in 1997. The highest concentration was New York followed by Massachusetts and Florida respectively (Heloi sa 10). In the past there were many immigrants in Brazil, they came from all over the world. For instance, in the 1960s, there was a surge of immigrants to Brazil. However things have now changed and it is the Brazilians immigrating to Europe, the US and Asia. Statistics show that at least a million Brazilians have immigrated to other countries in the past decade; this is due to the economic problems Brazil is facing and people are in pursuit of a good life. Another reason for Brazilians immigration is the 1964 coup dà ©tat of, thousands of people opposed to the military regime at the time were forced into exile for fear of persecution. In 1979 the Brazilian government offered amnesty to the political exiles. Majority of these exiles came back to Brazil after the amnesty, but the figures of economic emigrants increased in the 1980s; especially true after the oil crisis and the military governments financial mismanagement in 1979.  By 1987 about 250,000 Brazilians were outside the country . Ever since, emigration has gone up at a rate of 20% annually. In early 1969 the Banco do Brasil opened a branch in New York City.  Later that year the Brazilian-American chamber of Commerce was started to support investment and trade between the US and Brazil (Davis p. 10). There have been no official statistics about Brazilian emigrants since 1991. What is known is that  there were 436,177 passports issued by the Federal Police in 1993(the figures have since then gone higher). There are no statistics to show how many Brazilians have emigrated but a majority of Brazilians in the US were born in Brazil. Evidence from Brazilian Geography and Statistics Institute (IBGE) shows that over a million Brazilians between the ages of 20 to 44 from the 1991 census were missing The statistical absence of this age bracket was explained logically by Brazilian emigration (Alejandro p. 14). Brazilians in the East Coast: The Unseen Minority that Everybody Sees Possibly, nearly half of the Brazilians living outside Brazil reside in the United States. The biggest Brazilian community is found on the East Coast. New York is estimated to have almost 70,000 to 160,000 Brazilian emigrants. A further 140,000 are thought to live in Boston, 70,000 in Florida), 30,000 in California, 40,000 in Houston, Texas, and another 15,000 in Washington, DC. According to the Center for Immigration Studies in New York, more than half of the Brazilians who moved to the US already have friends or a member of family in the U.S. with whom they live with after they land in U.S. Nearly a quarter of the immigrants do not plan on going back to Brazil. An American anthropologist by the name Maxine Margolis, took three years analyzing the Brazilian neighborhood in New York examining more than 30 Brazilian immigrants better known by the tag Brazucas. She circulated her work as the book Little Brazil (1994).  She established that majority of the Brazilians she examined were feeling shame to be immigrants with almost 80% answering that they were not immigrants, but only passing through.  Margolis found out that most of the Brazilians in the US are from middle-class households and that the Immigrants shield themselves from dissatisfaction by believing that theyre doing these jobs only for a year or two, that its a short-term situation. In spite of what people think, most Brazilian migrants arrive in US with money and links to live for a short while before getting employed, Gino Agostinelli, of the Center for Immigration Studies, has informed the Sao Paulo newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo. They dont seem to be desperate individuals, but persons with substantial amounts of money who want to explore a different way of living. Almost 60% of Brazilian citizens, who move to the US ordinarily find employment within three weeks on landing on US soil. Initially, majority of them search for employment in the same line of work in which they were employed in Brazil mainly because this is one of the straightforward ways of obtaining a green card, the lasting resident visa for foreigners living in the US. On the other hand, nearly 75% of Brazilians residing in the US are illegitimate immigrants.  (With such a number of illegal immigrants in the US, I can presume that the state unofficially needs the immigrants, legal or illegal. I have a few of my friends who are illegal Brazilian Immigrants, in the course of my research I talked with a few of them to get more insight on the issue of Brazil Immigrants in the US. I asked one of them if he would like to have any knowledge or information on the immigration service and he said it was of no importance to him, because they (the illegal immigrants) dont really have t o be troubled about the immigration service.  He further told me that there is always a way to escape the immigration rules.  Another one of the illegal immigrants that I interviewed told me that he was once caught and thrown out of US and he had just come back but this time he had changed his name and come through Mexico which borders the US or and even others even use some other way to get back which he did not disclose to me. A very high percent of illegal immigrants do some odd menial jobs and earn the minimum wage of between $1000 and $2000 a month. This means that a majority of the Brazilians in the US fall in that bracket. In fact only about 4% of Brazilians living in New York earn more than that; about $3000 a month. Most of the Brazilians do the same menial jobs they did while they were in Brazil. It is in fact very sad to note that even the immigrants that have had a descent college education still work as housekeepers, maids, nannies and cooks. This is especially very common for Brazilian women immigrants. As for men only about 4% even have an elementary education and therefore most of them work as laborers or as construction workers among other menial jobs (Research Division for the Office of New Bostonians). The Brazilian community in New York has a great number of men working as shoe shiners and women working as go-go dancers. Brazilians are in fact stereotyped in this two professions and therefore out of the immigrants consider such jobs shameful. Another thing that bothers the Brazilians immigrants is that they cannot make a mark in their adopted countries as most of them work for long hours. As a result most of them are grouped as Hispanics by the Americans. An interesting trend of Brazilian immigrants in Massachusetts is that a survey by Martes of 300 Brazilians in 1996 showed that there was an increase of families immigrated as opposed to single males in the past. About 48% of the immigrants were married and 52% came along with all their children to Massachusetts. Of all the participants of the survey twelve percent had college education, thirty one percent had a high school diploma, 12% had some college, and 16% had no college education. The reasons for migration were same as those of other immigrants tht is, continuous economic crisis as well as with violence in town areas in the early and mid-nineties to also propel the upper-middle class families to leave Brazil and open businesses. I had previously talked to an immigrant who told me that he moved to the US because of disappointment at work in Brazil. He said that he had a high skilled job but the business collapsed and his wages decreased to very low levels. Others said that they came to the US to make more money, save it and buy property in Brazil. Different Brazilians had different reasons but I thought that Kaka summarized it all I came here thinking that life was easy and I would make more money and hoping to go back to Brazil and never want to be employed. In other word they all came to chase the American dream and get back to their country and only to realize that that was just an illusion. There was a sharp contrast of the population of the Brazilians in the US from two census conducted. The most logical explanation was that neither the 2000 nor 1990 census mentioned Brazil as a country of choice and therefore most of them chose to identify themselves as Hispanics or white for fear of deportation after filling the Census forms. Another school of thought was that most of them lived in overcrowded houses and therefore lied about the sizes of their families in order to avoid prosecution. Lastly, Brazilians do not like to be classified as Hispanics unless they understand the classification process of race and ethnicity (Davis p.12). While the reasons for this census disparity may be arguable, the mystery is still there. What is the number of Brazilians living in America? Brazilians continue to flock US and most of them are undocumented. The fear of deportation is widespread among immigrant communities and therefore stops them from participating in survey research by the government or any other entity. There are many Brazilians in Massachusetts and the reason for them to go there is varied. Interviews conducted in Lowell show that most of them get there as a result of family ties, friends. These contacts with others in Brazil make them choose Massachusetts as a city to settle. Some interviewees offered an explanation that they get a place to stay before they move on to other places but end up settling there. Also, some Brazilians live in Massachusetts because they believe that the state provides ample public services, such as health insurance and public schools to immigrants. Racial and Ethnic Identity of Brazilian Immigrants Salgado (2) observed that Significant as it is to comprehend how U.S racial and ethnic pecking order, family members, and principles have an effect on migrants, rearrangement of racial and ethnic uniqueness in the United States must be connected with the racial and cultural occurrences immigrants came across in their countries of birth. Based on my study and discussions with a good number of Brazilian immigrants in Massachusetts, their perception tends to change depending on the life they are exposed to. The replacement of nationality over race is constantly present in Brazilian immigrants narratives of self description. This preference to define oneself nationally rather than ethnically is entrenched in major beliefs. First, the majority of immigrants, mainly those who dont have a full racial or ethnic awareness, are more likely to confuse these three terms. Second, race interactions in Brazil have habitually been ignored specifically because racial matter were presumably determined by a genial joining during colonization and afterwards highlighted by the following belief of racial democracy. Concluding thoughts A future evaluation of the Brazilian Immigrant Community Forecasting what will occur to the Brazilian Immigrant Community in the days to come is a complex and extremely doubtful process. Nevertheless, there are basically two critical issues that will form this immigrant population progress for generations to come. Firstly, Brazilian immigrants, like majority of other immigrant units, come to US with willpower to be successful. With that appear fresh new thoughts that can lead to an industrial drive. Specifically, many Brazilians migrate when they are young, with the clear mission of working, regularly with a fairly high level of education. Occasionally the migrant can converse in English. In addition, Furthermore, currently, Brazilians often feel relatively calm and relaxed in the region, observing that they frequently are seen in better terms by Americans compared to other immigrant groups (Maxine p. 5). Secondly, the Brazilian immigrant community may underrate the obstacles that they may encounter in the years to come. Immigration rank, usually thought to be the primary obstacle that Brazilian immigrants encounter, is only one of many stumbling blocks that Brazilians will have to meet. In fact, even US Census data shows that Brazilians in Boston MA, have not only a depleted percentage of the inhabitants with a middleclass standard of living when put side to side with the native and foreign born residents, but they also have a slightly higher percentage of the inhabitants lacking a high school diploma.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Country vs. Culture Essay example -- Culture
America is a land based on freedom. This freedom is for every individual no matter their race or culture. Our society has surpassed many judgments and concerns that these demographic differences had created in the past. These differences had previously led to a great amount of cultural diversity through the act of discrimination among our nation. America, as a country, has now opened opportunities for individuals to work and interact in environments which were previously unsuited. USA Today surveyed a minority group in 2005 and found that over one third of corporate culture embraces diversity (El Nasser). They have opened doors to expand numbers that are now reaching around 41% of minorities working at all levels of companies and 37% of minorities at senior management (El Nasser). America has allowed cultural views of religion and other lifestyle beliefs and values to be an individual’s choice. They have also given a vast amount of freedom to different ethnic and religious groups throughout the past decades. A number of individuals along with various groups have taken advantage of these freedoms in unacceptable and illegal ways and given a lesser punishments for their actions. There have been cultural cases surrounding the acts of rapes and murders, for example, where a defendant was given 5 years of probation for murder and another individual was given 120 days in prison for murder (Phillips). These sentences can be compared to the 10 or more years charged for a ‘normal’ murder case or the average 11.8 years in prison for an individual convicted of rape ("Title 18 Crimes and Criminal Procedure"). The freedom this country is based on should not be shaken by the cultures coming in, but this country should stand beside ... ...the English Courts." Modern Law Review. 66.4 (2003): 510-531. Web. 28 Mar. 2012. . Reddy, Sita. "Temporarily Insane: Pathologising Cultural Difference in American Criminal Courts." Sociology of Health and Illness. 24.5 (2002): 667-687. Web. 1 Apr. 2012. . United States. Justia US Law. Title 18 Crimes and Criminal Procedure. Justia, 2010. Web. . Valladares, Rene. Culture Clash: Cultural Issues in Criminal Defense. District of Nevada: Juris Publishing Inc., 2007. 424-466. eBook. Willing, Richard. "Courts Asked To Consider Culture." USA Today 25 May 2004, n. pag. Web. 2 Apr. 2012.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Compair and Contrast: Zombies vs. Teenagers
Danger: Zombies and Teenagers are Ahead Mindless and blood lusting bodies fill our streets. Dragging themselves around without purpose or progressive thoughts. One would think that they should close the doors and lock the windows. However its not just decaying zombies that I speak of, its our teens. The biggest difference is the plain fact that teenagers are alive and zombies are undead. While both teenagers and zombies are completely different looking on the outside, on the inside they are very similar. Both are dangerous when they roam in groups. They have no choice of who they are, but I would like to show you how to understand both of them by comparing them to each other. Even how to destroy them. Danger is something teenagers are always getting themselves into, and when zombies are around everything else is in danger as well. Danger can be described as being put in harms way or threatening harm to others. A teenager is dangerous to themselves and other teenagers. They are reckless and don't think before they act. Being reckless is a serious issue for teenagers because they think they are invincible. Believing nothing bad will happen to them. However because of this thought process, teenagers are the ones who get harmed, or in trouble more often then any other age group. The reason for this is because the people who watch out for them aren't around at the times when teens are making the important decisions, that hold weather they get good or bad consequences. As a child an adult is all ways there to hold their hand and watch their back. As an older adult after the college years, ones life has calmed down and the realization of mortality sinks in therefore they are more careful about what they do with there bodies and minds. Young adults and teens are new to a world full of wonders, they do much experimenting, to learn the cause and effect of the actions and decisions they make. For example a teenager is about to drive a car with many other teens in the vehicle. One teen turns the radio up and everyone is dancing in there seats, screaming and laughing. The driver is being put in a dangerous situation. With all the distractions, he could do serious damage to the car and everyone in it. Its true that sometimes the driver is fine and nothing bad happens but the situation is still dangerous because of the possibility of a harmful ending. Putting other people in danger is something that zombies do as well. Obviously zombies are dangerous to other people. They attack with no warning. They spread diseases, and don’t even have the thought process to care about who they are hurting. However what is not as obvious is that they are a danger to themselves. A zombie will walk right into danger without realizing they might die. The reason they don't realize this is because their is only one thing on their mind and that is BRAINS! A zombie will walk straight toward a crazy redneck with a shot gun and wont even flinch at a warning shot. A zombie with continue trying to eat a dog even after someone has chopped an arm or leg off of it. When a zombie wants something they will do anything to get it, and this puts themselves in a whole lot of danger. Similar to a zombie a teenager is dangerous to themselves and others, luckily this behavior of recklessness will change and they will mature as they get older. A zombie on the other hand will never be cured and most likely they will not live very long if they keep their recklessness up. Ever wonder why teens and zombies are never by themselves? Its because they want to protect themselves. Teens like to move in packs and the bigger the pack the better. They go to the movies in a group of three and they meet another group in line for popcorn and they have grown in size. Teens show up at the mall because they know that someone they know will be their. If a teen is somewhere public alone they could be mistaken as a loser, and that would be traumatic for their reputation. Therefore they always have at least four to five buddies with them. Just like teens zombies need to be with other zombies, however its not for the company. Zombies like to go in packs everywhere because if they outnumber people, then they are more likely to be successful at their initiative attack. They are considered much more dangerous when in groups larger then three. If one were to spot a zombie alone they would feel superior and have no problem taking them down. Therefore zombies travel in groups no less then one hundred-sixty-six other brain eating peers. Weather someone is a teenager or a zombie they really don’t have a choice on becoming what they are. Teenagers become teenagers through the lifecycle. Everyone wishes they could skip the hormonal, emotional, and awkward stage in their life, but they cant. Its part of being human. The reason teens are different then other age groups is the crazy thing that happen to their bodies. Which I wont go into because this is not a, â€Å"What is Happening To My Body†pamphlet. Everyone goes through being a teenager, but not everyone will be a zombie. However once someone is bitten they have no choice to becoming a zombie. Its a disease that travels through a violent contact. The only thing one can do to stop it is to not be bit, by fighting back. If you want to know how to destroy a zombie or even a teenager it is all very similar. Go for the brain. A teenagers mind is what keeps them going in life if you make them feel terrible, then they will be miserable. If one were to embarrass them or destroy their reputation then they will never be able to live it down and until their dying day they will have never forgotten about the day their life was destroyed. Harsh? However so is bashing a zombies scull. It is their mind that would need to take damage to be destroyed. This is also the same way zombies are killed. Destroy the brain. Even though zombies don't use their brains, their body is still dependent on it to be undead. the brain must be smashed or shot or in some way mutilated to make sure the zombie doesn't come back. Disconnecting the body from the head is not enough. The body will still wander around and the head will still try to bite. The mechanics of this biological phenomenon are not completely understood by scientist yet. However the important thing is that if you kill the brain then you kill the zombie. The mind is a powerful organ for zombies and teens, and if you can take it out then you will succeed in destroying teenagers and zombies. While teenagers and zombies are on different levels of status, they are surprisingly similar to each other in many ways. Being dangerous and stupid are things that are not very positive to their attributes. However they can outnumber any other group. What they must go through is difficult on both of them as well. A teenager goes through body changes and is very sensitive and can be taken down easily through hurtful words. A zombie goes through a disease where they body decays and every one is trying to kill them. It seems like they are on the same boat. I wouldn't want to meet either one in a dark alley.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The Hunger Games vs. Gladiatorial Games
The Huger Games The Hunger Games is a game, that occurs annually and it is set up by the ruling Capitol to show the other 12 districts of Panem that the Capitol owns them and that they are in-charge and it also serves as a merciless reminder to the price of rebellion against the Capitol. The hunger games consist of twenty-four teenagers, a male and a female from each twelve districts and they range in ages of twelve to eighteen. They are put in an arena, that differs every year and they have to battle each other in a gruesome combat until there is one sole survivor that will be declared as victors.The film surrounds the sixteen year old protagonist, Katniss Everdeen. The story goes on as she volunteered to be a tribute on behalf of her little sister. Once in the game her and Peeta Mellark played a role of star crossed lovers to woe and get sponsors for the games. And at the end they were held victors of the 74th Hunger games. The Roman Gladiators The Roman Gladiator games is held mul tiple times throughout a year at festivals, funerals etc†¦ in 80 AD, Titus the emperor at that time opened the Coliseum with a hundred days of games and one of those days 3000 gladiators fought and on the other 9000 animals were killed.The games in fact served a number of purposes in roman society, including the education of roman values and virtues and even as a means of social control. Since Rome was a highly militaristic society, its citizens valued the art of killing in a way we would simply would find hard to understand. These public executions were a gruesome reminder to non-combatants, fellow citizens or subjects, that vengeance would be exacted if they betrayed their country, rebelled or were convicted of serious crimes.So in some sense the games helped preserve order within the city. Influence of Roman gladiators to the film/novel the Hunger games The chief manner in which ancient Roman leaders won the favour of the public was by doling out â€Å"bread and circusesâ⠂¬ (Latin â€Å"panem et circenses†) a phrase coined by the satirist Juvenal, to describe a practice that began in the late years of the Roman republic and that eventually symbolized the decline of Roman civic virtue. Even the country of Panem's name has its roots from the thematically significant Latin phrase.The â€Å"bread and circuses†consisted of huge handouts of grain to the public and the staging of massive, costly games that could last for weeks and slaughter thousands of animals (human gladiators were more rarely killed than is popularly imagined). In other words, give the people nourishment and entertainment and they'll overlook a little harmless oppression. As with the tributes in The Hunger Games, the Roman gladiators who fought in the arena generally had no choice as to whether or not they fought, since they were often slaves or prisoners of war (though there were volunteers who would fight for fame and fortune).Also, just as the gamemakers in The Hunge r Games introduce animals into the â€Å"arena†through teleportation technology, so in ancient Rome animals were brought into the arena through trap doors or raised up on platforms from the basement below the arena floor. Similarly, Katniss and Peeta's efforts to win over the crowd in order to stay alive are a reminder of the crowd's power in ancient Rome to signal life or death for a gladiator. Spartacus and the Hunger games Spartacus was born a Thracian, who trained in the roman army.During a war, he ran away and later captured by the Romans, as a punishment he was forced to be a slave and He was sold, in 73 B. C. , into the service of Lentulus Batiates, a man who taught at a ludus for gladiators in Capua, 20 miles from Mt. Vesuvius, in Campania. Then Spartacus sparked a rebellion by escaping from the school where he was being trained in Capua. Spartacus and the 70ish men who escaped with him began raiding the lavish country estates of the Roman elite and the slaves belong ing to these estates joined in, creating an army of thousands of slaves.In Hunger games, Katniss and Peeta sparked a rebellion when they defied the Capitol of its rules, buy threatining to eat the poisonous berries that would result with no victors for the games. The story of Spartacus rebellion relates a lot to Katniss’s rebellion, this is because when Katniss and Peeta defied the Capitol they made one district after another join the rebellion and through-out the rebellion they managed to defeat the oppressing Capitol. Tributes are Modern Day Gladiators Gladiators were prisoners of war.The reason that The Hunger Games was created and is still taking place is to remind the people of Panem of the rebellion and just how much control, the capitol has over all the districts. The Hunger Games is basically a war. If the children are reaped they have to go into the arena. They are prisoners of war because once they are reaped or volunteered they cannot go back. They are trapped in t he clutches of the capitol. Or slaves bought for the purpose of gladiatorial combat. The tributes aren’t exactly bought for The Hunger Games, but they are reaped just so they can fight in the games.They’re slaves because they are in control of the Capitol and have to do whatever they are told once in the control of the Capitol. Professional gladiators were free men who volunteered to participate in the games. Katniss volunteered to go into the games when her sister got reaped. If they’re not reaped the children from districts 1 and 2 usually volunteer to become tributes. Whilst they’re not free from the Capitol they are free in their choice. The entertainment took the form of combat, and people called gladiators fought each other to the death.In the Capitol the main entertainment is The Hunger Games. The tributes fight each other to the death until there is one left. The tributes are the gladiators who fought to the death In the Ancient Gladiatorial Games people would fight each other to the death for the entertainment of the public or for money. Before they fought to the death, they would parade themselves around, as if they were celebrities. After that the fighting began. Many of the people came from criminal backgrounds and were forced to fight under order from the emperor.The comparison between Katniss and the olden day Gladiators first comes in play when people volunteer’s themselves. People in the Districts of Panem can put their names more then once into the reaping bowel and in return get some rations. Gladiators who had financial trouble could receive money for just signing up. Katniss, like some of the gladiators volunteered themselves up. Katniss was forced to fight against other citizens of the nations in the attempt to become famous, exactly like the gladiators would. But Katniss isn’t the only gladiator in the Games. Career Tributes (from districts 1 and ) are also a prime example. Like some Romans they h ad been trained in an Academy for most of their lives in hope that they would win and get the fame they believe they believe they rightly deserve. The gladiators had to entertain the audience to get them to like them so they could get a higher respect value to get more supporters (like a rugby team getting for fans). This also happened in the hunger games as Katniss has to get the people of the capitol to like her so she can get sponsors to give her things to help her survive in the fight to death in the arena.In conclusion, the similarities and differences between Panem and the Ancient Roman Gladiatorial Games are quite plentiful. The connections that Suzanne Collins wrote in her book show interesting results when they are compared to the Gladiator Games. Throughout The Hunger Games, there are countless similarities and differences when you compare Panem and the games, such as Roman names, the purpose of the games and the outcome from these games.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Native American Mythology Essays
Native American Mythology Essays Native American Mythology Essay Native American Mythology Essay In order to preserve their history, traditions, and culture, Native Americans passed their myths by word of mouth (the oral tradition). Native Americans who were particularly good storytellers emphasized that the myths being orated should be shared with future generations. Some common themes in Native American myths would have explanations on how the world was made, where people came from, and the physical and social development of those people. The social evolution of the Navajo people is an important subject in the Navajo creation story, Dine bahane. The first beings, according to the Dine bahane, were essentially illustrated as insects; these beings were called the Air Spirit people. The Air Spirit people have not yet fully established themselves as an organized and central civilization due to the fact that they are always committing adultery with one another and usually fighting afterwards. Because they were incapable of adhering to the rules society mandates, the Air Spirit people were exiled from each society they traveled to. Only in the last, final society they encountered did they learn to cooperate with one another by ultimately following the statutes that forbid adultery. This lesson represents the social evolution of the Air Spirit people because they realized that by following the rules society mandates, peaceful social order could be maintained. Also, in Dine bahane, the argument between First Man and First Woman about who gets credit for the meal concerns gender roles. As a result, First Woman states that women could get along without men, and so they separate. The separation of men and women, which is divided by the river, clearly illustrates one infamous saying that ALL women can attest to: â€Å"Men. You can’t live with them, and you can’t live without them. †The same saying can apply to men as well; whether you like it or not, one gender just cannot live without the other. The women in Dine bahane did not fare well and were on the verge of starvation without the men to hunt the food for them. On the other hand, the men were unable to have children unless the women were present. The absence of one gender could lead to another gender’s downfall, as shown as a result of the argument between First Man and First Woman. However, they reconciled their differences by establishing the gender roles within their society: men hunt, women cook. Both responsibilities were significant in order for both genders to get along and survive; thus, the Navajo people are assured of their societal growth as long as social order is maintained. To sum up everything, n order for the Air Spirit people to peacefully co-exist, they needed to abide by the rules that their society mandated and not go off on their own tangents. The argument between First man and First Woman clearly illustrates that both genders need to accept their traditional roles in order to further enhance their societal growth. In conclusion, the recurring theme of social evolution in Dine bahane is important because although a myth, it elaborates on how the Navajo people maintained and improved their social de velopment.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Early Religion in Ancient Mesopotamia
Early Religion in Ancient Mesopotamia We can only speculate about early religion. When the ancient cave painters drew animals on the walls of their caves, this may have been part of a belief in the magic of animism. By painting the animal, the animal would appear; by painting it speared, success in the hunt might be guaranteed. Neanderthals buried their dead with objects, presumably so they could be used in the afterlife. By the time mankind was banding together in cities or city-states, structures for the gods- like temples- dominated the landscape. Four Creator Gods Ancient Mesopotamians attributed the forces of nature to the workings of divine forces. Since there are many forces of nature, so there were many gods and goddesses, including four creator gods. These four creator gods, unlike the Judaeo-Christian concept of God, were NOT there from the beginning. The forces of Taimat and Abzu, who had emerged from a primordial chaos of water, created them. This isnt unique to Mesopotamia; the ancient Greek creation story also tells of primordial beings who emerged from Chaos. The highest of the four creator gods was the sky-god An, the over-arching bowl of heaven.Next came Enlil who could either produce raging storms or act to help man.Nin-khursag was the earth goddess.The fourth god was Enki, the water god and patron of wisdom. These four Mesopotamian gods did not act alone, but consulted with an assembly of 50, which is called the Annunaki. Innumerable spirits and demons shared the world with the Annunaki.​ How the Gods Helped Mankind The gods bound people together in their social groups and were believed to have provided what they needed to survive. The Sumerians developed stories and festivals to explain and harness help for their physical environment. Once a year came the new year and with it, the Sumerians thought the gods decided what would happen to mankind for the coming year. Priests Otherwise, the gods and goddesses were more concerned with their own feasting, drinking, fighting, and arguing. But they could be prevailed upon to help on occasion if ceremonies were performed to their liking. The priests were responsible for the sacrifices and rituals that were essential for the help of the gods. In addition, property belonged to the gods, so priests administered it. This made the priests valuable and important figures in their communities. And so, the priestly class developed.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Adele Laurie Blue Essay Example for Free
Adele Laurie Blue Essay ? Adele Laurie Blue Adkins was born on May 5, 1988 in North London, England. She was the only child of Penny Adkins who was just 18 at the time of her birth, and a Welsh father, Mark, who left the family when Adele was only 4 years old. Mark, who never married Penny, stayed in contact with his daughter up until her teen years, when appeared problems with alcohol. That is the reason why Adele grew close to her mom, who said her young daughter â€Å"to explore, and not to stick with one thing†. Adele developed a passion for musicin her early years. Because of it her mother took Adele in the BRIT School for Performing Arts & Technology, where Amy Winehouse studied. While at school, Adele made a three-track demo for a class project, which was posted on her MySpace page. When executives at XL Recordings heard the tracks, they contacted the singer and, just four months after Adele had graduated school, signed a contract. Adele’s debut album, 19, hit record stores because of two singles â€Å"Hometown Glory†and â€Å"Chasing Pavements†which became very popular. She won Grammy and the Critics’ Choice prize at the BRIT Awards. Her album 21, selling 352,000 copies by its first week. Her two singles, â€Å"Rolling in the Deep†and â€Å"Someone Like You†, became top and 19 and 21 became a top albums in the same week. Adele also broke the solo female artist record for staying at No. 1 for 11 weeks. At that year Adele won six Grammies. In this year Adele won her seventh Grammy for her hit single â€Å"Set Fire to the Rain†, an Academy Award and a Golden Globe Award for the song â€Å"Skyfall†. Also Adele has a child. The baby’s father is Adele’s boyfriend, Simon Konecki. She said that she wants to have three sons by the time she’s 30. Adele Laurie Blue. (2016, Sep 29).
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Smart Electronic Devices It Can Save You Money Essay
Smart Electronic Devices It Can Save You Money - Essay Example With all the strengthened campaigns against global warming, all industries seem to be keen on going with the hype. But is it just hype? No it isn’t. It’s as real as can be and the campaign for green electronics is just but timely. It is known that consumer electronics are far from friendly to the environment  they consume lots of energy thereby contributing to global warming. Aside from that, they also leach out toxins when they are discarded in landfills. What exactly goes into the category green electronics and why is it so â€Å"in†right now? In this year’s Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, Greenpeace International toxics campaigner Casey Harrell said that green electronics are those "free from toxic chemicals and excels in energy efficiency and durability†(â€Å"New Electronic Gadgets†). What is so good about green electronics aside from being environment-friendly is that it will be economical. We are talking in the future tense for this one because the search for a truly green product is still on. What we have now are more or less attempts to greener electronics and since the technology is not yet perfect and cost much to manufacture, they are still generally expensive. In the long run though, greener electronics will save us money especially once it becomes the standard. Let us look at some examples. A thermostat regulates temperature according to what is desired. Old manual thermostats can be replaced with electronic ones to conserve energy, thereby cutting your electric bills and saving you lots of money. This way, being comfortable in your home will not cost you much. How so? These electronic thermostats are programmable. Thus you can have it preset to automatically adjust temperature depending on your needs, like when you’re sleeping at night and during morning when everyone gets up. Some models can even be controlled remotely (Corder). Water is easily wasted in running taps especially when used by children. To
Friday, October 18, 2019
Software Usability SLP Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Software Usability SLP - Research Paper Example The homepage provides a brief description about the content of the main sections making it more user friendly to the customers. Each section is further divided in to subsections and different categories for convenience. Related links are also provided with the content of each section. A link is provided in the home page to the blog which was started in July 2009 and has several usability articles. Unlike a typical personal or commercial website, this blog is written by authors with sound professional background adding more value to the authenticity and accuracy of the article. Comments for the blog articles were also written or moderated carefully by the experts and beneficiaries in the field. Commercial advertisements such as Google ads are not run in the website following the usual practice of official websites. However site promotional announcements and RSS feeds are displayed right top corner of the homepage and other sections. The design, fonts and the colors used in the site are user friendly and comfortable. The site provides a range of specific and undiluted information on usability. However categorization seems to be lacked in this site. Most of the articles are written randomly without relating to existing articles. Although the search option is provided in the website, it is still confusing to find the needed information. If information in the main sections categorized under relevant topics and lessons (instead of random articles) are provided this will be more convenient for the target audience. Most of the articles provided in the site are short in length. Although they provide information on major topics directly, the users who visit an official government website expect more informative content than briefed information. Although the accuracy and the authenticity high number of articles as well as the length in the site is not adequate for a government official
Philosophy of Special Education Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Philosophy of Special Education - Research Paper Example people who are enabled differently, to cope with the rest of the society, it becomes imperative and key that such students would be taught in schools. To begin with, school would be necessary to enhance the civic aspect and cognitive abilities of the special needs students. The things they would learn in school would sharpen their cognitive abilities and acuity towards the same goal and objective. Secondly, the school setting and environment would improve the emotional acuity and sharpness. The fact that a student gets to share the same environment with others means that different emotions such as extreme happiness and sadness get to occur in such a place. If for instance, in one day such a student gets extremely overjoyed and the minute he or she is annoyed, after some time, the student would find the right level of emotional balance. Subsequently, a school would enable such a student with special needs and special abilities to develop vocational skills and talents which would enable him or her to earn a livelihood (Spring, 2013, p. 19). Given the fact that the intelligence disposition and quotient of the special needs students or people may not allow them to pursue professional courses such as medicine, they would instead pursue vocational courses. At the long end, they would use their vocational skills and trainings to earn livelihoods and lead descent independent lives. Equally important is that schools help the special needs people or students to develop and grow their social lives. It is only through interacting with other people that one gets to develop and practice interpersonal skills such as talking, communicating, relating, apologizing, and showing gratitude amongst other social abilities. A school would also a special need student to develop moral responsibility and care so that he or she would be a co mplete person in the human society, able to relate and co-exist with others. These learner with special skills and abilities may in the ordinary sense
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Financial Analysis for International Company Essay
Financial Analysis for International Company - Essay Example RECOMMENDATION FOR MANAGING FINANCIAL RISKS: 11 6.2. RECOMMENDATION FOR MANAGING OPERATIONAL RISKS 11 6.3. RECOMMENDATION FOR MANAGING MARKET PLACE RISKS 12 6.4. RECOMMENDATION FOR MANAGING MACRO-ECONOMIC RISKS 12 7. References 13 1. INTRODUCTION: Dixons Retail Plc is the largest electrical and computing retailer in Europe. The company offers wide range of products and services and it operates in 26 countries. The company sells the following products: Consumer electronics, Personal computers, Domestic appliances, Photographic equipment and Communication products. Principal products like Brown goods, white goods, computing products and mobile phones are sold by the company. The company is a multi-channel retailer that sells products over the internet, in stores and by phone and it also provides product support services to the customers. B2B sales and services are also carried out by the company. ( LLC , 2011) 1.1ABOUT DIXONS RETAIL PLC: The company offers wide range of produ cts and services and it operates in 26 countries. In 13 countries, the company has approx. 1,200 stores. The company has over 38,000 employees and it holds number 1 position in the UK & Ireland, Greece, Nordics and the Czech Republic. (Dixons Retail Plc, 2011) The company operates four divisions which are as follows: 1. UK & Ireland 2. Nordics 3. Other International 4. E-commerce Important information related to these four divisions is given below in the table: (Dixons Retail Plc, 2011) UK & Ireland Nordics Other International E-commerce SALES ?3.8bn ?2.3bn ?1.2bn ?0.8bn EBIT ?71.3m ?105.6m (?21.6m) ?0.9m MARKET POSITION Number 1 Number 1 Number 1 in Greece, Number 2 in Italy and Czech Leading internet operator across Europe SHARE OF GROUP 47% 28% 15% 10% NO. OF EMPLOYEES 23,091 7,343 6,191 1,398 NO. OF STORES 642 285 308 - 1.2 TURNOVER: In 2006, Dixons Retail’s turnover was ?7,403,400,000 then in 2007 it was ?7,929,700,000 i.e. an increase of 7.108%. In 2008, the turnover wa s ?8,545,900,000 then in 2009 it was ?8,364,600,000 i.e., a decrease of 2.122%. In 2010, the company’s turnover was ?8,532,500,000 i.e. an increase of 2.007%. (WorkSMART, nd) 2. FINANCIAL POSITION: In 2007, Dixons Retail’s profit was ?114,100,000 then in 2008 it faced a loss of ?192,800,000. In 2009, the company again faced a loss of ?140,400,000 but then in 2010 Dixons Retail achieved a profit of ?112,700,000. In 2011, the company faces a loss of ?224,100,000. (WorkSMART, nd) In 2007, Dixons Retail’s revenue was ?7929.70m then in 2008 it was ?8488.00m i.e. an increase of 7.041%. In 2009, the revenue was ?8317.80m then in 2010 it was ?8532.50m i.e. an increase of 2.581%. In 2011, the company’s revenue is ?8341.80m i.e. a decrease of 2.235%. (London Stock Exchange PLC, 2011) Other important Dixons Retail’s financial indicators are given below in the table: DIXONS RETAIL FINANCIAL INDICATORS (Telegraph Media Group Limited, 2011) MAY 2011 MAY 2010 MAY 2009 MAY 2008 MAY 2007 P/E RATIO -2.18 17.42 -4.04 -4.81 89.45 ROCE -14.86 6.56 -14.74 2.4 OPERATING MARGIN -2.93 0.7 -2.67 -3.05 0.42 RETURN ON ASSETS -5.61 2.48 -4.96 -5.68 1.08 EV/BIT -4.17 9.09 -11.73 -7.70 19.43 GEARING RATIO 44.93 37.49 53.73 31.79 23.54 P/BV RATIO 0.8 1.41 1.31 1.48 2.31 P/CASHFLOW RATIO 2.89 14.16 -46.19 6.13 12.57 QUICK RATIO 0.34 0.34 0.32 0.38 0.5 TURNOVER PER SHARE 2.261 2.441 2.825 3.504 3.186 PEG (HISTORICAL GROWTH) 0.06 -0.46 0.12 0.73 -165.66 EPS GROWTH 7.00% 50.00% -90.00%
Online Bookstore E-marketing Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Online Bookstore E-marketing - Term Paper Example Online bookstores have altered the way in which readers and writers interact and are expected to have a huge impact on the book retail business in the future. Starting a website to sell books will benefit Book Bunker in numerous ways, not least by increasing their stock space. Physical bookstores are limited in space, which is not a problem for online bookstores. Online bookstores are perfect for popular titles as well as rare ones, thus being a perfect avenue for Book Bunker as these rare titles receives the same space in relation to popular titles on the bookstore’s website. Ordering rare titles online will take the same time for delivery, as it would be for popular titles. Online bookstores are also convenient for customers in rural areas; they do not require physical access and are open for 24 hours including winter. Finally, an online bookstore will allow customers to post reviews about titles, which will aid Book Bunker since this feedback will affect the ratings of the title online, especially for rare titles, and will make for a unique interactive shopping experience that will attract other customers to the site. Online Bookstore Website Design One thing that needs to be considered when designing a website for a book store is that Book Bunker should ease up for their clients to buy titles and make the experience unique and interactive (Gay et al, 2010). The website should provide the client with extra information on top of the author and title. A system such as this has search as its lifeblood, and thus, it should include all information that a person browsing for a book would be searching for, including name, types of available copies, information on editions and whether it constitutes of a bigger pack (Gay et al, 2010). Simply, the website must capture and maximize the physical bookstore experience as much as possible. The website should also provide an opportunity for customers to add information on the titles that Book Bunker does not have, s uch as literary events, reading marathons, envision lists, book clubs, book marks, discussion boards, ratings, tagging, and detailed reviews. The website should also be designed in such a way that it works as a link between customers and suppliers with the store acting as an intermediary (Gay et al, 2010). Therefore, it becomes irrelevant whether the book is in stock. Book Bunker should factor in flags and notifications in their website coupled to appropriate icons, as well as allow effective forms to input and wish lists. Book Bunker also needs to network its website with other similar bookstores in order to possess a comprehensive catalogue, which caters to all book readers in multiple formats. This will also allow a review system that provides valuable and honest advice for purchase (Gay et al, 2010). The website should also possess the look inside section where the customer is allowed to have a peek into the book before buying it. Redemption facilities such as gift vouchers shou ld also be included in the website, as well as making it easier to order, pre-order, back-order, and return books (Gay et al, 2010). In addition, the website needs to be colorful and attractive on top of the text and white background, even with the necessity of optimization and fast loading. There should be a visual color-coded separation between the books to make it appealing to search for books. The site should also allow for a trail-back to the previous link levels clicked to get to the book itself in case the client decides that the clicked book is not the correct one (Gay et al, 2010). The â€Å"list page†should be in grid-style, which would enable Book Bunker to list more books with reduced vertical scroll. This would also allow the bookstore to increase the
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Reading response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 25
Reading response - Essay Example Likewise, Hitler understood propaganda as the best medicine to have the masses embrace a particular ideology. Instead of having intellectual propaganda that could only be understood by the intellectually gifted, Hitler believed that the masses are gullible and any effective propaganda had to be in its simplest possible form. However, such propaganda had to have a few, but strong slogans that evoked emotions among the public to elicit the required reactions. Considering the public has limited understanding and would not digest too many materials, Hitler maintained in using a few scale but emotions-evoking points as the best tool for propaganda but with great effectiveness in swaying the public. There have been some cases of propaganda in the United States most of which are related to its foreign ideologies and warfare. For example, a general propaganda was used to justify attacking and dethroning Saddam Hussein from power on the pretext that he had weapons of mass destruction which posed a high risk not only to American citizens, but also to the whole world. Spreading the propaganda created fear attracted support for the U.S and her allies to attack Iraq though nothing of the weapons as claimed was found. Similar propaganda are spread about the possibility of terrorist attacks within American territory to ensure everyone is vigilant in guaranteeing home
Online Bookstore E-marketing Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Online Bookstore E-marketing - Term Paper Example Online bookstores have altered the way in which readers and writers interact and are expected to have a huge impact on the book retail business in the future. Starting a website to sell books will benefit Book Bunker in numerous ways, not least by increasing their stock space. Physical bookstores are limited in space, which is not a problem for online bookstores. Online bookstores are perfect for popular titles as well as rare ones, thus being a perfect avenue for Book Bunker as these rare titles receives the same space in relation to popular titles on the bookstore’s website. Ordering rare titles online will take the same time for delivery, as it would be for popular titles. Online bookstores are also convenient for customers in rural areas; they do not require physical access and are open for 24 hours including winter. Finally, an online bookstore will allow customers to post reviews about titles, which will aid Book Bunker since this feedback will affect the ratings of the title online, especially for rare titles, and will make for a unique interactive shopping experience that will attract other customers to the site. Online Bookstore Website Design One thing that needs to be considered when designing a website for a book store is that Book Bunker should ease up for their clients to buy titles and make the experience unique and interactive (Gay et al, 2010). The website should provide the client with extra information on top of the author and title. A system such as this has search as its lifeblood, and thus, it should include all information that a person browsing for a book would be searching for, including name, types of available copies, information on editions and whether it constitutes of a bigger pack (Gay et al, 2010). Simply, the website must capture and maximize the physical bookstore experience as much as possible. The website should also provide an opportunity for customers to add information on the titles that Book Bunker does not have, s uch as literary events, reading marathons, envision lists, book clubs, book marks, discussion boards, ratings, tagging, and detailed reviews. The website should also be designed in such a way that it works as a link between customers and suppliers with the store acting as an intermediary (Gay et al, 2010). Therefore, it becomes irrelevant whether the book is in stock. Book Bunker should factor in flags and notifications in their website coupled to appropriate icons, as well as allow effective forms to input and wish lists. Book Bunker also needs to network its website with other similar bookstores in order to possess a comprehensive catalogue, which caters to all book readers in multiple formats. This will also allow a review system that provides valuable and honest advice for purchase (Gay et al, 2010). The website should also possess the look inside section where the customer is allowed to have a peek into the book before buying it. Redemption facilities such as gift vouchers shou ld also be included in the website, as well as making it easier to order, pre-order, back-order, and return books (Gay et al, 2010). In addition, the website needs to be colorful and attractive on top of the text and white background, even with the necessity of optimization and fast loading. There should be a visual color-coded separation between the books to make it appealing to search for books. The site should also allow for a trail-back to the previous link levels clicked to get to the book itself in case the client decides that the clicked book is not the correct one (Gay et al, 2010). The â€Å"list page†should be in grid-style, which would enable Book Bunker to list more books with reduced vertical scroll. This would also allow the bookstore to increase the
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Emergency Operations Plan Essay Example for Free
Emergency Operations Plan Essay Brownsville Texas is located in approximately 30 miles from the Gulf of Mexico and it is vulnerable to a major hurricane like Hurricane Katrina that devastated much of Louisiana in 2005. During Hurricane Katrina many of the things when wrong because emergency leaders were because, emergency managers were not prepared for the after mass of the hurricane. It is important for a city to have a structured Emergency Operations Plan in place in the event of a major hurricane. This will help make emergency operations run smooth and emergency managers make important decisions. Hurricanes are measured in Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale. This gives the hurricane a rating of 1 to 5 based on its sustained wind speed (NOAA, 2013). The rating is also based on the amount of damage a hurricane can create once it makes land fall. For example â€Å"any storm that reaches a sustained wind speed of 74-95 miles per hour (mph) is considered a category 1 hurricane†(NOAA, 2013). Any hurricane that reaches a sustained wind speed of 111-129 mph is category 3 hurricane and it falls in a major hurricane category. Category 3 hurricanes and higher are considered the most dangerous and have the potential to create the most damage (NOAA, 2013). 1.Purpose of the plan The purpose of this plan is to establish an Emergency Operation Plan (EOP) that will provide guild lines and procedures for emergency managers in the event of a major hurricane in the South Texas area. The Emergency Operations Plan will show the vulnerabilities of the City of Brownsville, major concerns that city managers have, contact information for local hospitals, Fire Department, Police Station and it will also help emergency managers coordinate operations with local, State and Federal Agencies. It will also indicate the location of the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and the Unified Command Center. The EOC leader or manager will have complete command and control of all emergency operation, before, during and after the hurricane has made landfall in the city of Brownsville. The EOC will be the primary base of operations throughout the disaster. This means that all emergency operations will be coordinated through the EOC and all emergency managers and team leaders will report to the EOC, as soon as they arrive on scene and before any operations start. The EOP will establish a chain of command that will be followed by all agencies and private organizations involved in emergency operations. This will include all local, State and Federal agencies assisting or participating in the EOP. The EOP will also indicate the locations of the primary and secondary EOC. The secondary location for the EOC will be used in the event that they primary location of the EOC is damaged during the hurricane and can no longer be safely used to conduct emergency operations. The EOP will also indicate who will participate in the emergency operations and what role they will have throughout emergency operations, before, during and after the hurricane. This will help emergency managers better utilize the resources that will be available to them. This will also help emergency managers plan and execute emergency operations in a safe and protective manner. The goal of the emergency plan is to provide as much information as possible to the community before the hurricane makes land fall. During and after the hurricane mission is to save as many lives as possible. This will be done through conducting emergency operations, providing medical care to the injured and by establishing temporary shelters to people that have had to evacuate their homes. 2.Situation Brownsville, Texas is located in South Texas and is a city that is approximately 30 miles from the Gulf of Mexico. The cities or communities along the Gulf of Mexico coast line are vulnerable to a potential hurricane during hurricane season. Hurricane season normally starts on June 1st and ends on November 30th (Brownsville Herald, 2014). This is the time when tropical storms form out in the Gulf of Mexico. But not all storms that form are considered hurricanes. When a storm becomes a hurricane, they are considered very dangerous storms because they have the potential cause a lot of damage. This EOP is designed to be put into action in the event of a category 3 hurricane or higher threatens the city of Brownsville. A category 3 hurricane can bring rains that can last for a long period of time. This can cause floods in certain parts of the city, the high winds are also a major concern because â€Å"framed homes may incur major damage or removal of roof decking and gable ends (NOAA, 2013). These high winds can also break trees that can cause roads to be blocked for long periods of time. A category 3 or higher hurricane can also affect the electricity and running water in the city. This means that people in many communities throughout the city can be left without running water or electricity for days. 3.Assumptions Assuming a category 4 hurricane in enroute to the Gulf of Mexico coast and it will directly affect the city of Brownsville, emergency managers have a plan in place to start warning the community of the threat the 4 hurricane poses. This is done by using the media and providing up to date information on the status of the hurricane. At least five days before the hurricane makes land fall emergency managers need to start providing the community with up to date information on the hurricane. This will include strength of the hurricane and the potential damage it will create. Emergency managers should make plans to conduct emergency operations for at least 24 to 48 hours after the hurricane makes land fall. This will include the first responder’s response time and evacuation operations if they are needed. Evacuating people from the local hospitals is a priority. At least five days before the hurricane makes landfall hospitals should need to contact and make arrangements for the hosp itals to be evacuated (DSHS.TX, 2013). 4.Concept of Operations The concept of emergency operations plan is to create a unified response to the threat of a category 4 hurricane. The will be done by creating establishing a chain of command that all agencies and private organizations can follow. The EOP will keep the community informed of any changes or any important information that they will need before, during and after the hurricane. The EOP will also establish a Unified Command Center where different agencies can work together with one common goal. The goal is to save and protect as many people as possible from the threat of hurricane. This can be done by providing early warning of the hurricane and establishing a chain of command. This is will also help emergency managers effectively us all the resources that they have at their disposal. The EOP will also establish a list of agencies and organizations that will be involved in the emergency planning and any operations during the disaster. 5.Organization and Assignment of Responsibilities The Brownsville Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security will be the lead agency in charge of all emergency operations (OEMHS). OEMHS is responsible for planning and efforts to mitigate the effects of, prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergencies and disasters whether natural or man-made (COB, 2011). The local, State and Federal agencies and private organizations that will be involved in the EOP will be: A.Brownsville Police Department B.Cameron County Sherriff’s Office C.Brownsville Public Works Department D.Texas Department of Public Safety E.Brownsville Fire Department F.United States Border Patrol G.United States Coast Guard H.Texas Army National Guard I.American Red Cross J.Local Hospitals K.Private Businesses These agencies are considered first responders and will play a very important role in the EOP. Each of these agencies will have specific mission and will provide assistance to the community as it is needed. The assistance can be anything from helping people evacuate from their home to assisting in the city evacuation route. Each agency will have a representative at the Unified Command Center. This means that all operations and assignments will be given to the first responders from the Unified Command Center. A.Brownsville Police Department The Brownsville Police Department will maintain a command post at the Brownsville Police Department. Their representative will coordinate any and all operations through the Unified Command Center. The Brownsville Police Department will also assist in closing street or roads that are considered dangerous or that might possibly flood. They will also maintain public order and ensure that the public stays away from areas that are considered dangerous. They will also enforce any curfews that are order by emergency managers. B.Cameron County Sherriff’s Office The Cameron County Sherriff’s Office will assist the Brownsville Police Department in enforcing road closers and any curfews that are set in place. They will also maintain a command post at the Sheriff’s Office. They will also maintain a command center at the Sherriff’s Office. This will help coordinate emergency operations and asses the needs of their officers. They will also assist in the evacuation of any people that are need of assistance. The Sherriff’s Office will also help identify disabled and elderly people that might need to be evacuated before or after the hurricane has made landfall. C.Brownsville Public Works Department Brownsville Public Works Department will in charge of placing closer sign around the city streets that have been identified as flood areas. They will also place signs on the highway that will identify the emergency evacuation routes. The Public Works Department will also be in charge of evaluating the damage to the roads and street in Brownsville after the hurricane has passed (COB, 2001). This will help emergency managers identify the streets that can be used during emergency operations and will also identify the streets that need to be fixed during recovery operations. They are also in charge of clearing the city’s drainage system. Clearing the drainage pipes is very important task, because it will help clear the water from some of the flooded areas. This will also help speed up the recovery operations around the city. They will also maintain an agency representative at the Unified Command Center to help coordinate any emergency operations within their agency. D.Texas Depart ment of Public Safety The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) will in charge of all evacuation routes (TXDOT, 2014). They will coordinate with city managers and establish an evacuation route 72 to 60 hours before the hurricane makes landfall (TXDPS, 2013). DPS will also coordinate with the city’s public works and coordinate the road closers along the highway. This will limit the access to the evacuation route to only controlled entry points. This will help DPS maintain control of the traffic coming in and out of the evacuation route. DPS will also coordinate with other law enforcement agencies in the area and will assign specific duties in regards to the evacuation routes. DPS will set of refueling station for vehicles that need gas along the evacuation route. DPS will also have a representative at the Unified Command Center. They will also set up a command center at their main office, this will help them coordinate and support their operations. E.Brownsville Fire Department The Brownsville Fire Department (BFD) will play a very important role in any and all emergency operations. The BFD is highly training and equipped to handle any emergency. They have boats and breaching equipment that could be used to get people out of flooded areas. The BFD will also help establish a triage center that will help evaluate any injuries and help prioritize any medical emergencies. The will maintain personal in the Unified Command Center and will help coordinate with emergency operations from their main office. They will also assist as a liaison between the local hospitals in the immediate area. This will help evacuate the injured and facilitate operations in the triage center. F.United States Border Patrol The United States Border Patrol will maintain a show of force during all emergency operations in the Brownsville area. They will assist DPS with any and all evacuation operations and they will help enforce road closers throughout the city. This will establish a base of operations at their local Border Patrol Station and will respond to any emergency that might arise. The Border Patrol will also maintain a law enforcement presence in the city and the surrounding areas. The Border Patrol has the capability to respond to any emergency and can sustain law enforcement and emergency operations before, during and after the hurricane makes landfall. G.United States Coast Guard The United States Coast Guard will assist in the evacuation of people in the immediate and mandatory areas. They will also help supply small boats that the emergency responders can get into flooded areas. The Coast Guard will also maintain a representative at the Unified Command Center. H.Texas Army National Guard In the event that the Texas Army National Guard is needed, the Brownsville Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security will make a formal request to the Governor’s Office. The Texas Army National Guard will be notified of their activation at least 72 hours before the hurricane makes landfall (TXDPS, 2013). The Texas Army National Guard will assist agencies evacuate people if needed. They will not assist in any enforcement operations as per State law. After the hurricane makes landfall they will assist in rescue operations and they will set up food and water distribution sites. Any medical personal will report to the triage center, they will then help treat and evaluate the injured. The Texas Army National Guard will coordinate with the Fire and Police Departments and will assist them in any rescue operations that they are needed in. The Texas Army National Guard can provide assistance with personal, equipment and air support. I.American Red Cross The American Red Cross and provide assistance in many different ways during a major emergency. In the event of a hurricane or any major disaster American Red Cross will be in charge of establishing shelters around the city of Brownsville. They will also register and keep track of the number of people at a shelter at any given time. They will also be in charge of distributing food, cloth and personal items to the people that need them. They will assist emergency managers set up food distribution locations throughout the city for emergency responders. They will provide assistance to people that been separated from their family members. This will help reunite families that have been separated during rescue or evacuation operations. J.Local Hospitals Brownsville has two main hospitals that will need to be kept informed of the statue of the hurricane. In the event of a category 4 hurricane the hospitals will shut down and will only take in emergency patients. This would be patients that need immediate medical attention or that have life threating injuries that need to be attended too. The two hospitals in the city of Brownsville are: †¢Valley Regional Medical Center is located at 100A E. Alton Gloor Bvd, Brownsville, Texas. †¢Valley Baptist Medical Center Brownsville is located at 1040 West Jefferson Brownsville, Texas K.Private Businesses In the event of a major disaster the Brownsville Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security will make arrangements with local businesses to coordinate supplies and equipment that might be needed during a hurricane. The business will provide food, water and any equipment that might be needed by first responders, for example pumps, generators and shovels. The OEMHS’s finance department will keep track of all the equipment and supplies that are received are ordered and received by private businesses. This will help keep track of what is being used and what supplies are needed. Any special equipment that needs to be ordered or requested will be done by the OEMHS’s finance department. This will help keep track of the money that is being spent. 6.Administration and logistics The Brownsville Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security will coordinate all emergency operations in the City of Brownsville. The Unified Command Center will have a team of representatives of each agency that are involved in emergency operations as well as representatives from the State and Federal government. The will get continuous updates of the situation and will make decisions on any issues. They will also provide logistical support to all emergency operations as it is needed. This means that they as they receive information or requests for any equipment or support the OEMHS will address this situation and take action. 7.Plan development and maintenance The OEMHS is responsible for developing the EOP in coordination with the agencies that will be involved in the plan. This means that the OEMHS will meet with the different agencies that will participate in the plan and address any issues they might have with the EOP. It is the responsibility of the OEMHS to keep the EOC updated. Every year there are changes to roads, hazards and other things that might affect emergency operations. It is the responsibility of the OEMHS to maintain the plan and to ensure that it is up to date. It is the responsibility of the OEMHS to coordinate training with the agencies involved. The OEMHS should also coordinate ensure that the city managers that will in charge of the EOP be certified and maintain their certification through FEMA. 8.Authorities The authorities that will be in charge of all emergency operations will be the Brownsville Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security. The OEMHS is responsible to address any and all jurisdictional issues that an agency might have. This EOC is designed to be used during a major hurricane but it is flexible and can be used for any other kind of disaster. Communications Communications is a very important part of the EOP. In the event of a major hurricane or any other kind of disaster, communications will play a very big part in emergency operations. During emergency operation all agencies involved will use TXLAW 1, as the primary radio frequency. This will ensure that all agency managers and team leader are able to communicate with the EOP. All agency dispatchers and agency managers will monitor TXLAW 1 throughout emergency operations. This will continue until all emergency operations have stopped or the agency in no longer participating in any emergency operations. If an agency does not have radios with the TXLAW1 frequency, the OEMHS will provide radios to the agency command post and team leaders during emergency operations. Radios will be provided to private organizations like the Red Cross that will set up staging areas, establish shelters and coordinate distributions site. Team leaders and managers will remain in contact with the Unified Command Center all times. In conclusion the EOP will establish guideline that emergency managers can follow. This will help them set up a structured chain of command and establish emergency operations in the event of a major disaster or hurricane. This plan is flexible and can be changed or modified as it is required for any disaster. It is very important the OEMHS provides continu es training and maintain the EOP up to date. This will ensure that emergency operations are conducted in a safe and productive manner. References Reagan, M., (2014, April 10) Early hurricane outlook predicts light season. The Brownsville Herald. Retrieved from
Monday, October 14, 2019
Ancient Greek Theatre | Lysistrata
Ancient Greek Theatre | Lysistrata Ancient Greek theatre has been a fascination to millions of people across the centuries. Theatre is one of the most important innovations of the Greek civilization. Ancient Greek theatre which began as a religious ceremony eventually became as expressed by Cohen a mixture of myth, legend, philosophy, social commentary, poetry, dance, music, public participation, and visual splendor (as cited in Phillips, 2000). The well known playwrights Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes and others have contributed largely in the teachings of nobleness, morality, courage, and patriotism throughout time. Many of the stories written Oedipus, Medea, Antigone etc. have endured the passage of time. Moreover, audiences contribution was crucial in ancient Greek theatre because poets success and recognition as good representatives of the Greek culture and civilization largely depended on the audiences negative/positive feedback. From the Antiquity, the role of Greek theatre has not altered. It wa s and still is used to be entertaining, frivolous, and instructional. Greek theaters were located in outdoor spaces which were known as amphitheaters. The amphitheater was purposely chosen by the Greeks to hold these venues not only because they preferred being outdoors but also because they used the construction methods available in their time period to create the most useful and efficient space possible to be used in producing the type of entertainment that was popular in their culture as stated by John Holloway (2010). Greek theatre consisted of four major components: the Orchestra which was the circular dancing floor where the chorus would sing, dance, and act together with the actors, Theatron which was the viewing place, Skene which was the tent or the decorated building behind the stage, and Parados which was the passageways used by the chorus, actors, and audience as entrances and exits to the amphitheater (as shown in figure 1). Figure 1 Greek Theatre Note. This figure is retreived from search? Nevertheless, ancient Greek theatre cannot be demonstrated without shedding the light on Athens. Athens was a Greek city-state identified for its political, military, and cultural power. Athens was considered the center of Greek culture and theatre. Greek theatre originally initiated with Athens festivals. Athens had four festivals for worshipping the god of fertility and wine Dionysus who was the son of the god Zeus and the mortal Semele. The Athenians celebrated their annual fertility four tribal festivals known as Festival of the Wine Jugs and Old Dionysia in March with a whole week of public wine drinking and phallus, penis worshipping religious orgy (Cohen,n.d.;Phillips, 2000). The religious rites for these festivals eventually took the shape of poetry that later developed to become plays. Greek plays and drama started as an entertaining event that developed to become a powerful medium of communicating ideas. Theatre played an important role in the ancient Greek civilization because it was reflecting the flaws and values of the Greek culture. It mainly focused on solving the human conflicts and problems of the day but with a supernatural element (god or goddess). The theatre that focused on exposing societys flaws benefited the audience who would learn from them. It should be noted here that the body language used in the Greek theatre played an important role in delivering the message to the spectators. As said by Heins-Uwe Haus (1995), We feel obliged to visualize the events of the play, if we want to grasp something of the spirit and the roots of the dramatic heritage of Sophocles. It was this fusion of the artistic and the political, the formal and the philosophical, that made this experience unique. Therefore, the people in Greece were on intimate relations with th e body where they used body language as a major part of the Greek drama. After scrutinizing the Greek drama, it becomes obvious that gods in Greek society were viewed in human terms. For instance, gods can have emotions of sadness, happiness, and emotions of love; they can hold grudges, and can fight with each other. The gods in Greek plays were, like humans, uncertain of their destiny. Additionally, humanity was strongly concerned in ancient Greek drama where humans were elevated from animals. Human harmony depended on the interaction between human and divine forces where peace would be endangered if disharmony existed (Tripod members, 2004). Figure 2. Theatre Masks Note. Retrieved from Greek plays consisted of two major types: tragedy and comedy. The two masks, in figure 2, symbolize both the comedy and tragedy aspects of the Greek Theatre. These two masks that represent duality were worn in ancient Greece during the golden age, around 500 300 BC. With respect to tragedy, it was expressed by Aristotle as: an imitation of an important and complete action, which has a specific length, written in an embellished language, with its separate parts set in order and not randomly, in active and not narrative form, tending through pity and fear to the catharsis of passions. The word tragedy was derived from the words Tragos meaning goat and ode meaning song. The reason behind this vague origin had to do with two possibilities: the first which was related to the choruses who were dressed in lion-skins of goats, and the second which was linked to the prize for best song that was a goat. Ancient Greek tragedy mainly depended on stories of myth or history but with varied interpretations of events. It mainly focused on psychological and ethical attributes of characters instead of physical and sociological ones. Tragedy was dominated by the works and innovations of three well-known playwrights: Aeschylus (525-456 B.C.) who was known for his tragic trilogy the Oresteia which enlarge the possibilities for dramatics through the com munication between two characters in his plays. Aeschylus made use of a third character; however, Sophocles (496-406 B.C.) was the one who actually began it. The latter was known for his trilogy Oedipus Rex where his plays decreased the job of the chorus in Greek drama in order to enhance the interaction between characters and the progress of the character itself. The third tragedian was Euripides (480-406 B.C.) who indicated the ultimate form of drama and employed a more naturalistic and human aspects in his plays. An example of tragedy can be the famous speech of Macbeth (Tripod members, 2004): Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, Creeps in this petty pace from day to day, To the last syllable of recorded time; And all our yesterdays have lighted fools The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle! Lifes but a walking shadow; a poor player, That struts and frets his hour upon the stage, And then is heard no more: It is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing. With respect to comedy, the word comedy was derived from Comoi which was the name of a god meaning amusement and entertainment. It was usually based on a happy idea that used exaggerated, ridiculous, and sensual pleasures; for instance, a peace with a power or sex strike to stop war. Comedy plays commented and criticized contemporary society, politics, literature and Peloponnesian War. Two playwrights were famous in this domain: Aristophanes (448-380 B.C.) and Menander (342-292 B.C.). Comedy was not as popular as tragedy at first. However, the popularity of Comedy was accompanied with the diminishing of the popularity of tragedy which highly represented the role of theatre. Therefore, tragedy was at its peak in Greek society when the society was at its height whereas comedy (a means for decreasing frustrations) was at its peak during the decline of Greek government. A good example of comedy can be a funny tale about a strong woman Lysistrata who led a female union to stop the war in Greece. This play, written by Aristophanes, can be a good demonstration of the role of women in ancient Greek time. Women, in this play, were revealed as deceiving, mischievous, strong, smart, cunning, and as being leaders. Lysistratas cunning was shown through her great plan of refusing sex by the wives to their husbands. She knew that by refusing sex, peace would be gained since men would not be able to resist this situation. Moreover, what revealed the cleverness of women was when they took over the Akropolis. Lysistrata was able to give a speech on how to run the government and was capable of changing the situations that she didnt like; she was a true clever leader. For instance, Lysistrata mentioned: If we sat around at home all made up, and walked past them wearing only our see-through underwear and with our pubes plucked in a neat triangle, and our husbands got hard and hankered to ball us, but we didnt go near them and kept away, theyd sue for peace, and pretty quick, you can count on that! (as cited in Gruber-Miller, 1987). Also, Lysistrata said: The older women are assigned that part: while were working out our agreement down here, theyll occupy the Akropolis, pretending to be up there for a sacrifice (as cited in Gruber-Miller, 1987). The Warriors in Lysistrata said (Tripod members, 2004): First Speaker: For through mans heart there runs in flood A natural and noble taste for blood Second Speaker: To form a ring and fight Third Speaker: To cut off heads at sight All in Unison: It is our right! Youth Come, listen now to the good old days when children, strange to tell, were seen not heard, led a simple life, in short were brought up well. Although women were not permitted to engage in ancient Greek plays or even to be with the audience, women made their own festivals in order to gather and discuss their issues with each other. Women played an important role in the Greek society; it was like what people nowadays in our society say behind a great man there is a woman. It was the same case where behind every hero there was a woman. Greek theatre spread its cultural influences to Egypt, the Middle East, Rome, and then the whole world. This indicates how much the Greek theatre has influenced our modern theater. Without ancient theater, the form of entertainment nowadays may not have existed. As indicated by Rebekah Martin (2006):Without the influences of Dionysus festivals and Greek drama, Shakespeare would have no foundation, and Andrew Lloyd Webber would be out of a job. Therefore, the roots of drama have affected everything from radio drama to modern cinema.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Essay examples --
Canada’s Geospatial Data Infrastructure Case Study Introduction Geo-Connection is a national program led by natural resource Canada. It is design to use spatial data across the country and to develop the Canadian Geo-Spatial data Infrastructure (CGDI). It is online resource for spatial data which provides sharing, access and use of spatial information required to any organization. It helps to decision makers, economic, environmental, academic purposes in all the private and government sectors. Infrastructure is consists of technologies polices and standards. It allowed to share geo-Spatial information and visualization of data at all levels and on the internet. Spatial Data Infrastructure A spatial data infrastructure (SDI) is a data infrastructure implementing a framework of geographic data, metadata, users and tools that are interactively connected in order to use spatial data in an efficient and flexible way. Another definition is the technology, policies, standards, human resources, and related activities necessary to acquire, process, distribute, use, maintain, and preserve spatial data. [1] Three Phases of Geo-Connections. Phase I: In 1999 to 2004 Geo Connections established. Geo base is developed. All the data provided on the internet by the help of GEOTANGO and the all free data provided by Google. Phase II: In the period of 2005-2009 the geo connections is implemented and used to monitor the disease infection and threats to lives of people successfully. Multi-Agency Situational Awareness System (MASAS) used to monitor floods. Phase III: Objectives †¢ Increase awareness †¢ Provision of integration †¢ Implementation of national polices Challenges †¢ New Technologies and approaches †¢ Provision of Access to all informa... spatial data. †¢ Table Joining Service (TJS) It works as front-end of WMS and provides real time mapping of spatial data. It describe tabular information linked with spatial data. †¢ Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) It provide cartographic access instead of direct access to data. Client can access data by requesting its theme. Tile mapping becomes very popular now a days. Geo Portal The Geo-Connections Discovery Portal is a metadata catalogue that allows GIS users, producers and data providers to discover, calculate, access, visualize and publish Canadian geospatial and geoscience data products and Web services. [3] References 1. 2. 3.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
An Analysis of Emily Dickinsons Poem, Because I Could Not Stop for Dea
In the poem â€Å"Because I could not stop for Death†by Emily Dickinson refers to death as a gentlemen who unexpectedly visits Dickinson to take her on a journey â€Å"towards eternity†(I. 24). It is very ironic that she considers death as a gentleman, but as we all know it is the total opposite. On the second stanza they both start the slow and peaceful journey. â€Å"We slowly drove, he knew no haste†(I. 5). We can see the tranquility of the scene in which they are. Dickinson here understands the seriousness of the situation in which she is, and she forgets about everything. â€Å"And I put away my labor and my leisure too, For his civility†She describes her struggle in life with the word â€Å"labor†, the word â€Å"leisure†as her freedom (I.6) and deaths kindness as â€Å"civility†(I.8)Stanza number three narrates her story from her childhood as â€Å"children strove†(I.9) followed by â€Å"the fields of Grazing grain†(I.11) and ending with â€Å"the setting sun†(I.12) This stanza talks and explains about how we all go through our life stages. The fourth stanza demonstrates how uncertain she is about her life. O...
Friday, October 11, 2019
Sexual Motivation Paper
Although some people might not realize it, culture has a large impact on the motivation for sex and the different cultures have different values for this motivation. In America things like television, music, and clothing have progressed so much in the sexual category. Sex is thrown out there more than is used to be and is made to think its not a big deal. In some foreign countries such as India, sex is not flaunted and is defiantly not promoted publicly. Motivation for them is private and not advertised. In some European countries the culture consists of nudity as a normal thing and part of their culture.This might be motivation in America, but not in these European cultures because they see it daily. Religion and home life also have effects on sexual motivation for any country. Whether a strict society or one that promotes sexual acts, all culture has effect on sexual motivation. The cultural motivation for sex in America has changed over the past thirty years. Sex was not as much a publicly advertised thing. Television shows and especially movies in present day have gone from kissing scenes to full nudity sex scenes.These shows make it look like sex isn't a big deal so it motivates people to do it more often. An example movie would be The 40-Year Old Virgin. This movie is all about a guy trying to have sex and throughout the whole movie it has many scenes with nudity. To an american, especially a teen, would be a big motivation because nudity is not something our culture represents publicly. Music also has gone to singing about sex in detail which is also a motivation. The song â€Å"I Just Had Sex†says it all. The artist sings about sex and that would motivate people for sex.The reason for that is because music has not always been about things like sex so now when they hear new sexual songs its a motivation. Another example of American's sexual motivation would be fashion advertising. The way companies model a clothing brand or even a new perfume lin e are all mostly nude models or women and men in sexual ways. The Gucci Guilty perfume ad is a woman and a man looking like they are about to have sex. Advertisement even twenty years ago was not this sexual so this is why in American culture today has a great effect on sexual motivation.Times have changed in America and the culture is starting to have more and more effect on sexual motivation. Peer influence has a great motivation for you especially if all your peers are sexually active. In other countries the sexual motivation is different than the culture effects in America. For a country like India, their sexual motivation sometimes comes from ads you see on the street, but their country is more strict on pubic sex. The motivation does not come from women in reveling clothing because as a law the Indian women are not allowed to wear such clothes.Although sex is not as promoted in India like in America, young people still see more sexual sources than their parents. It is research ed that the majority of the young Indian people in present day have learned about sex by magazines, television, and billboards. The Indian government wants to take action and introduce sex education as part of a school curriculum because the young people are learning about the sex in a way that doesn't teach them the risks and consequences. Their culture tries to keep the public sexual motivation down and the knowledge up.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Project Planning, Execution, and Closure Essay
Premise As the project manager in charge of IRTC’s new endeavor of upgrading their legacy billing system one of the most crucial tasks in which I have to accomplish in this function is to build a team of worthy professionals. As we know the people we work with can either be a value to a program or at time a detriment; therefore as a project manager, it is extremely important to hire the right talent at the right price. We have to keep in mind while talent is important, it’s even more important to hire personnel that will coalesce effectively in all manners pertaining to the crucial work. Without synergy from the team, the project manager is taking unnecessary risk that may impede reaching benchmarks thus ultimately risking the ability to meet requirements. Along with many other tasks, the project manager has to hire competent individuals and align these individuals to roles that are best suited for the project. The IRTC billing system project has budgetary limitations, the budget for the project must be managed so that the best value is created for the lowest cost. The contract allows 2.5 full time employees but requires three positions to be filled for the role as the end user, business analyst and team leader, thus the common sense approach would be to create two dual hated positions that can perform at least two or more roles. I recognizing that the IRTC billing system project will be best suited for two multi-talented FTEs, therefore, I am strongly considering Chris and Terry for the End used, business analyst and team leader positions. Terry would be a great fit for the team leader and business analyst position, while Chris would be a perfect fit for the software tester and end user position. What does a business analyst do? The roles of the business analyst will vary from company to company. In theory the ideal Business analyst should be versatile in numerous functions related to business; the business analyst does not have to be a master in these functions, a general knowledge will suffice, enough knowledge to see trends and recognize superfluous factors that may have adverse effects on those function. A business analyst should have knowledge in finance, engineering, computer hardware architecture, operations, finance, engineering and technology. Business analysts typically serve as the liaisons which will bridge the individual departments within an organization together throughout the various phases within the developmental process. The following are core skills and functions of business analyst, as dictated by an article from Villanova University: Business analyst will works all the departments within a business to isolate prospects for enhancements in business operations and processes. Business anal ysts are usually included in the modification and strategy/design of IT systems or business systems. The analyst interacts with the business stakeholders and subject matter experts in order to understand their problems and needs. The business analyst and the project manager are usually close based on the fact that the business analyst will have to familiar with documents pertaining to the project and usually analyzes business needs and requirements being created by the project manager. Business analyst are usually involved in all aspect of the new project, a big part of their role is to solve business problems, come with business solutions technical issues that warrant such measures. A big part of a business analyst role is to documents technical design and functionality of the new system. Business analyst seldom works together with developers and system architects to ensure that proper integration of the system being worked on. A business analyst might aid in tests for the system being developed and part of his tasks in this function may be to produce user manuals and documentation for the system. In retrospect to the various tasks of the business analyst Terry would fit perfect within that roles. Terry has business analyst experience already and Terry attitude toward the work is positive. What does a team leader do? The team leader’s role and functions are directly related to the team members; hence various employees are hired by the project manager because of their knowledge and expertise. The team leader’s is hired to effectively coordinate those team mates. Nonetheless, the team leader should be familiar with organization processes and have a good report with various stakeholders. The team leader should be the liaison between the team and act as a moderator between the individual team members and the project manager. He or she should have constant interaction with the team as to gather pertinent information so as to improve processes. The team leader is usually in charge or may act as the schedule keeper and record keeper during the various stages development. The team leader must build and maintain a good relationship with the sponsor, as he or she will have constant interaction the both the sponsor and stakeholders. Lastly, the team leader may play a part in the selection of n ew team members. The team leader is a role for a project, the person in that role may have other functions within the organization, and therefore that person must learn to manage his various roles accordingly to be effective. states that part of the role the team leader is to develop strategy, communicate the vision, serve the team, remain calm, and make decisions. Terry would be exemplary in the team lead position. I have worked in program where the business analyst and team position are one of the same, being fulfilled by one person. What is an end user? The best way to describe an end user is to think of that type of person which will ultimately be using the system or software being developed. In the realm of information technology, the concept of the end user is somewhat different; the usage for the term may be nominal to any industry but have a totally different function in IT. In information technology or the production of information technology systems, end users are hired for the sake of testing the system as a measure to provide feedback in various areas. People who do not have a good working knowledge of the software are used for the purpose of human factoring, functionality, feasibility, ease and purpose. Developers will use information from the end used in the various phases of the system being develop to improve in areas where end users functionality and ease of operation is warranted. Chris would be the perfect person to act in the role as the end user. Chris would be a valued member to the project not only does he fit perfect for the end user role but he has programming talents as well as good useful knowledge in software testing. Why I choose Terry and Chris Upon reading the background of the five candidates, it became clear which candidate would fit within my ideal team. First off, I disqualified Pat as candidate, although his well-qualified and would have made a great team lead/business analyst, Pat’s attitude toward the project makes me full uneasy and question is diligences to fulfilling his task based on that he does not see the benefit of moving to the Web-based version. I disqualified Jan for team lead position and business analyst position just because Terry is just a better and I could not hire her any other position because her salary requirements is higher than Terry’s. Also, Pat is overly qualified for the end user position. I did not consider Robin for either position albeit she may be a value in another needed role, possibly as a programmer. Terry and Chris will only take 48 hours from the 100 hours allowed for full time employees. Jan might be a good candidate to hire as trainer considering I we purchase the training package from the vendor. Jan’s background with vendor’s competitor will make her an avid trainer; also it would be good to have her counsel. She may be the key person to helping IRTC create a product that has advantages over current software available. References: Project Management Institute. (2013). Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) 5th Edition. Newton Square: Project Management Institute. Kerzner, H. (2013). Mistakes Made by Inexperienced Project Managers. In H. Kerzner, Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling and Controlling, 11th Edition (p. 213). John Wiley & Sons. Travis, E. (n.d.). Roles of a team leader in a business. Retrieved from What does a business analyst do?. (n.d.). Retrieved from
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