Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on Racism and the Police Force - 1346 Words
Racism and the Police Force There were two cops. One said You niggers have to learn to respect police officers. The other one said, If you yell or make any noise, I will kill you. Then one held me and the other shoved the plunger up my behind. He pulled it out, shoved it in my mouth, broke my teeth and said, Thats your *censored*, nigger.(Abner Louima) The police officers that allegedly performed this act of racial violence on August 9, 1997 had no reason to brutally beat and sodomize Abner Louima. They beat him for the fact that he was an African-American. I will show how I researched a poem by Maya Angelou and how racism occurred in The Bluest Eye. First, we need to understand what racism is. Racism is a belief†¦show more content†¦Consider lines 1 through 4: You may write me down in history With your bitter, twisted lies, You may trod me in the very dirt But still, like dust, Ill rise. I agree with lines 1 through 4 because insults have no power. A person can become better and not stoop to your level because still Ill rise (L. 12) One can hate but it will not be heard or acknowledged. A description can be seen in lines 21 through 24: You may shoot me with your words, You may cut me with your eyes, You may kill me with your hatefulness, But still, like air, Ill rise. Maya Angelou described situations that occurred because of ones color. Angelou discussed the past pain of black slaves. I am the dream and the hope of the slave. (L. 40) I think Angelou stated this line to explain that the past occurred but the new generation is the hope to bury the past. Hoping to bring achievement and success of African-Americans. All society hears is the history of slavery and the pain that began with racism, rape and mistreatment of African-Americans. Lines 29 through 43 describe that with African-American history there is hope for success: Out of the huts of historys shame I rise Up from the past thats rooted in pain I rise Im a black ocean, leaping and wide, Welling and swelling I bear in the tide. Leaving behind nights of terror and fear I rise Into a daybreakShow MoreRelatedAmerican Racism : Sports, Police Force, And Media1855 Words  | 8 PagesAmerican Racism in Sports, Police Force, and Media Racism in America has changed over the years since the Civil Rights Movement has taken place. It has improved overall, but not as much as we think. We do have segregation laws and even a black president, but the minds of a few American’s still believe they are superior to other ethnicities. Discrimination has taken on new forms and roles that did not exist when the Civil Rights Movement took place, or even ten years ago. 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